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To everyone who flipped out on my about Zwtyo


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Stealing from me is stealing, regardless of the amount. I'm sorry I'm not a baller like you who can just let it go. If I get {censored}ed royally in the recession and need to take out a loan, I'll make sure to you hit you up bro.



dude what the {censored} are you talking about. im saying that i didnt say you should just let it go, i meant you should take the necessary steps tom get it back, but making threads about it and basically acting like a child will never get you $25.


i take it back, someone just said they will pay you $25 to shut up. i think thats your best be so far BRO.

it would be in your best interest not to alienate people on this board, because you will get no back up.


i AGREE, you should get your $25 back.

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Same can be said about other's sarcasm, yet you nail Echodeluxe about his "sarcasm"?

You can't have it both ways.




Echo wasn't being sarcastic though. He was just being the forum police.


I don't know if Tegan and Sara fans know about sarcasm.

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stuart, if you gave him the money, you have the right to the pedal or the money back. losing a family member is horrible and i cannot imagine how it would make me feel. that said, zach has posted several times since it happened, and to us, seemed to be doing okay. if he wants to be a participating member of this forum he needs to be held accountable. im all for giving him ample time to evaluate what happened, but his returning to the boards, posting regularly, and even entering the battle of the boards, in my opinion, constitutes as being "back" enough to be held accountable for things.

now obviously i dont know all the facts behind either case, but i still believe its zach's responsibility to own up. for the record, i have
liked him



Thanks for this but to set the record straight it was his brother I bought the pedal from but the money was send to Zach's paypal, that's why I have gone to him with this. At first I was letting it chill untill the right time, I didn't want to be that guy that was after his money when someone just lost a family member. I was thinking about letting it go because in the end, its only money and I could earn more but after a few people talking to me aboout it (and yourself) I have decided to contact him again. We'll see what happens. My only concern is that I am fair to the situation and to this board... I love this place and its a great place to some and get away from the daily stress and I would hate to be known as "that dick that didn't care about a forum member and just wanted his cash".

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Uhm. I might be wrong but I seem to remember Zwtyo posting under his brothers alias after the accident on The Gear Page selling Skreddy stuff. Not to stir {censored}.

..Stir, stir, stir.

Edit: Also, I'd like to add that $25 is just the same as $25,000 in certain respects. End of the day Zwtyo owes money, if he hadn't returned since the tragedy then It'd be a little more acceptable, but he has been posting as normal and even entered the BOTB. Bull{censored}, he needs to pay up. Sorry.

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Uhm. I might be wrong but I seem to remember Zwtyo posting under his brothers alias after the accident on The Gear Page selling Skreddy stuff. Not to stir {censored}.

..Stir, stir, stir.

Edit: Also, I'd like to add that $25 is just the same as $25,000 in certain respects. End of the day Zwtyo owes money, if he hadn't returned since the tragedy then It'd be a little more acceptable, but he has been posting as normal and even entered the BOTB. Bull{censored}, he needs to pay up. Sorry.



I hope that's not true!

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Fairly sure it is, easymoney, correct? I remember seeing it and thinking about bringing it up on here but I thought I'd leave it while the wounds were still raw.



Yeah that's the guy I bought it from. Thanks for speaking up, I hope I can get this worked out. I sent Zwtyo a PM so we'll see if he responds.

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Fairly sure it is, easymoney, correct? I remember seeing it and thinking about bringing it up on here but I thought I'd leave it while the wounds were still raw.



I know that he posted under the name easymoney over on TGP. I've not seen him post under that alias here. He may very well have, but I've not seen it. Just sayin....


EDIT: Just looked up the user profile for easymoney on TGP -- member since 9/29/08.

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I know that he posted under the name
y over on TGP. I've not seen him post under that alias here. He may very well have, but I've not seen it. Just sayin....



easymoney was his brothers username (at least at this forum)

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Well, I feel bad for Zwtyo, but I think that it's only fair Virex and Stubacca get their money back or whatever they paid for. If that makes me an asshole then so be it. Life does go on.


Oh yes, another thing I may as well say seeing I'm probably going to be a backlash over this, I know that mewithoutlouie meant well with the raffle, but posting how many tickets each participant bought is just wrong in my eyes. Whether someone bought one or a hundred tickets shouldn't matter, it's the fact that they gave the money is what counts.

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$800 from a raffle.
$230 from a Skreddy.
$25 from a power plate.

= $1055 taken from HCFX.
Easymoney, indeed. LMAO.

The fact is that if he's using his brother's account here, its the same as having two monikers, which is grounds for the ban-hammer. See rule # 5G in the HC Terms of Use.

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