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Epic locked thread is epic

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{censored} Zvex. {censored} makes me ashamed to have a wahprobe on my board.



Except that a wah probe is {censored}ing awesome, and there is no way that Zvex backasswards behavior is going to make you take off your board, because at the end of the day, it's the sound that people actually care about.

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I think Zvex's business would survive whether or not forum members decide to buy his products.



True as that is, I still think that builders should treat the general populace here with a certain level of civility. I mean, it's a great resource for both consumers and builders.

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True as that is, I still think that builders should treat the general populace here with a certain level of civility. I mean, it's a great resource for both consumers and builders.



Builders are still people, they shouldn't hide their personalities just to please potential customers. Maybe if his business needed it he'd be nicer but that would just be a fake facade.


You guys are also forgetting there was a price discrepancy issue that Zvex was trying to fix in that thread which led to the {censored} hitting the fan. Spreading misinformation like that is libel just like what Agreed was accusing Zvex of. If it were my product that misinformation was being spread about I would come in and try to correct it as well.

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True as that is, I still think that builders should treat the general populace here with a certain level of civility. I mean, it's a great resource for both consumers and builders.



Right. A boycott by a few people won't do much, but Zach should realize that he heads a pretty well known effects It's relatively simple to find this thread on google, which Zach had no foresight in doing.

When researching a pedal, I look for harmony central reviews. Perhaps someone is wanting to find that, Google-ing "z vex fuzz factory harmony central" lands this thread, not a good decision.

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Builders are still people, they shouldn't hide their personalities just to please potential customers. Maybe if his business needed it he'd be nicer but that would just be a fake facade.

You guys are also forgetting there was a price discrepancy issue that Zvex was trying to fix in that thread which led to the {censored} hitting the fan. Spreading misinformation like that is
just like what Agreed was accusing Zvex of. If it were my product that misinformation was being spread about I would come in and try to correct it as well.



Ok, I guess I just have a very different way of dealing with minor situations then Vex does...

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what the fudge happened?? i read the thread. But i don't understand....?!

must have not read close enough. :lol:

Basically Bobby D made a trivial price error and Zach brought the {censored}storm, only to be cyber raped by Newark Wilder and Agreed with sparks of humor from Naterel.

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Builders are still people, they shouldn't hide their personalities just to please potential customers. Maybe if his business needed it he'd be nicer but that would just be a fake facade.

You guys are also forgetting there was a price discrepancy issue that Zvex was trying to fix in that thread which led to the {censored} hitting the fan. Spreading misinformation like that is
just like what Agreed was accusing Zvex of. If it were my product that misinformation was being spread about I would come in and try to correct it as well.



But how he corrected him was unnecessary.

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{censored} man. that was epic.


vex knows what he's talking about and has facts to back it up so why doesn't he stop arguing semantics and let his pedals back up the price. we all know it's {censored}ing expensive to run a small business. don't spread {censored}ing libel on other companies to succeed. it only reduces your sales and makes you look like a {censored}. you'd think someone who has calculated his cost of operation down to the hour would realize that.

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Why would they Google that? I'm looking for a new skateboard right now, am I going to Google "Sector 9 jackass CEO"? I don't think so. Customers are more interested in customer service when it comes to buying products, if they are treated well in that regard they couldn't give two {censored}s about what the owner does in his spare time on some internet forum.

He has a strong personality, are we going to throw everyone with a strong personality into Harmony Central jail?

When I look at a pedal or something, I always look for a review on HC. :idk:

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{censored} man. that was epic.

vex knows what he's talking about and has facts to back it up so why doesn't he stop arguing semantics and let his pedals back up the price. we all know it's {censored}ing expensive to run a small business. don't spread {censored}ing libel on other companies to succeed. it only reduces your sales and makes you look like a {censored}. you'd think someone who has calculated his cost of operation down to the hour would realize that.



Smart enough to do math, not smart enough to be an a**hole.

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That's because it's all Vex knows how to make....


ive had the vexter FF 3 times so far, and havent been able to use one reliably live ever.

Bobby D's demo of the AB-Synth has me wanting a RoboPimp-graphic'd AB-Synth asap... thus putting my Pitchfactor fund off for a couple weeks.

IMO, the FF is a great trippy balls-out fuzztone, but the AB accompllishes that, along with a great, smooth, traditional fuzztone. I would like to hear one in a very live setting, as my experience w/fuzzes is the fact that they help you disappear in the mix, unless you've got a boost. I was always afraid of using the FF live for that reason alone. Sure i may have dialed up a great tone on my own, but i know that once i step on that thing @ a gig, it would either be unusable due to feedback, or i would lose 50% of my presence (i.e. the signal would drop OUT of the mix, not lose high-end presence).

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