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Sorta OT: Gettin' the Man Cave in order (pics)


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Quit a band a few months back and things got a little out of hand in the Man Cave. Finally got around to straightening stuff up. Not completely done, still gotta organize my cables and spare pedals and stuff. Also gotta do a system restore to that computer b/c it's running crazy slow. Then I'll reinstall all my DAW stuff so I can record some sweet (or not so sweet - but most likely drunken) demos.


But it's nice to have some order to the chaos. And yes, that is a Variax guitar. Laugh all you want, but what an amazing tool for home recording. But, no, I don't take it out of the house. That's a Line6 KB37 on the desk and under that milk carton is an POD XT Live. Kinda overkill, but I got the XTL first and then wanted a MIDI keyboard and figured "hey, maybe I'll sell the POD..." Yeah, right. For a while I was farting around w/ using both at the same time for 2 different amps, but I just got the free download from Line 6 that's the plugin (forget the name) that allows you to have two amps running at the same time.


But I digress:









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I can't wait for my brother to move out, turning his room into a mancave/office.



Yeah, it's cool to have your own space. Well, it's mostly mine. I'm married and have to share to some extent w/ the wife, but she's pretty supportive of me making the basement mine. The other side is unfinished and I have my workbench set up there and that's where I do all my pedal building/tweaking/breaking and a lot of cursing and swearing. That area is a total FUBAR mess and my next project. I'll post pics when I get to it.

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Low ceiling?

Jk... looks sweet

Yeah, good catch - definitely low ceiling. Makes me feel kinda like Godzilla. House was built in the '40s so that's what you get. Overall, the room is kinda small and narrow, but until I win the lottery and get a mansion, it'll do, :wave:

Much better than the apartment we were living in, that's for sure!

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If you don't mind, what's the rope for?



Ha ha, yeah, that's for hanging my backpacking gear to air out after a trip. I'm too lazy to take it down since it's not in the way. Also, it comes in handy every now and then for laundry.

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