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OT:Fender, Japan or Mexico?


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I prefer the older style frets. Can't stand the medium-jumbo/jumbo frets.

Mexican made guitars are like Korean made guitars: they've both really narrowed the gap with Japan. The very best Korean and Mexican guitars might be close to the bog standard Japanese guitars but the very best Japanese guitars are at a level way in excess of the Mexican and Korean guitars.



Yeah, these were more or less my thoughts too


Thanks everyone for helping btw

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every mexican classic player guitar i've played has been heavier than every japanese fender i've ever picked up. they feel more dense and less resonant for some reason. this is just my experience.



My Japanese Jaguar weights a ton..


And has a great action too!

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CIJ is where it's at... and yes, there is an immediate difference in feel between the Japanese necks and the Mexican necks. The frets, the lacquer, the playability are all (IMO) better.


Honestly I like Japanese made Fenders more than I do American made Fenders, I have not honestly played a bad example of a Japanese made Fender... The MIM models really have stepped up their game in the last 5 years though, my friend just got a 72 Thinline RI and it really is an amazing guitar.


It's up to you really... if you're ordering offline I'd say try to find a 90's MIJ, but if you find a great MIM then snatch it up.

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I've never been a fan of the Fender MIM "standard" teles or strats, but all the old school reissues are great. I don't think Japanese Fenders are any better (certainly not across the board better), and I own a MIJ Tele.


A lot of older MIJ guitars are made with basswood bodies; some MIMs are poplar. Not saying these woods don't get the job done just as well as ash and alder, it's just that [in our gear nerd minds] Fenders are supposed to be ash or alder.


That said, on the newer stuff, the vintage-style MIMs seem like fine guitars to me.

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Honestly I like Japanese made Fenders more than I do American made Fenders, I have not honestly played a bad example of a Japanese made Fender...



eh, I admit that in my experience you're right about the MIJ and CIJ necks (at least on the teles, strats and jags that I have owned). They do feel nice!


But I would take my AVRI guitars any day over my MIJ Tele (that I still play and likes sometimes). It might just be an electronics issue, but my American '62 RI Tele and Jazzmaster just sound better than the '90s CIJ and MIJs that I've owned.


Maybe I'm listening with my eyes because the internet always says that MIJs are better than MIAs.

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i have a CIJ 72 custom tele reissue

i had a CIJ 68 re strat which was stolen

got an MIA Am. Std. strat

and now i have the exact same mode of CIJ Strat again


the tele i bought new, the others used, but not heavily.

compared to the MIA Am std the CIJ 68re plays like a dream and am std is horrible, i can't stand it, the reason why i bought the cij again


i'm a CIJ lover when it comes to fender and i guess if it should be another fender i would again go this route.


MIM for me was always the cheapish fender stuff and as lefty you dont get the much to try. but good to hear that they gone up with their quality

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CIJ is where it's at... and yes, there is an immediate difference in feel between the Japanese necks and the Mexican necks. The frets, the lacquer, the playability are all (IMO) better.

Honestly I like Japanese made Fenders more than I do American made Fenders, I have not honestly played a bad example of a Japanese made Fender... The MIM models really have stepped up their game in the last 5 years though, my friend just got a 72 Thinline RI and it really is an amazing guitar.

It's up to you really... if you're ordering offline I'd say try to find a 90's MIJ, but if you find a great MIM then snatch it up.


Actually, I came across a Jaguar special from the late 90's MIJ, for 720$ but i wasn't too sure of that, i think i really want another telecaster and not something different.

I checked also on ishibashi for some 90's tele but probably i wasn't lucky enough


Oh and to wjbratcher, i'm pretty sure all the new japan models are ash or alder...at least those i've checked :)

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My order of Fender preference goes





and I believe Jap Fenders to be higher quality than Mexi Fenders, better QC too. The Japanese take A LOT of pride in their work, they are perfectionists and this fact is known world wide, that is why a lot of people prefer Jap Fenders over Mexi Fenders or even US Fenders, which are made by mexicans anyways but to a higher standard and with better QC than MIM.


All three are still great guitars,just some are better in some areas than others. None are perfect IMO.

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