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if you were the pedal builder in this scenario, would you find this rude/insulting?

Lotus Feet

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let's just say that there's this relatively unknown pedal company (heck, a quick search on HCFX hardly yielded 30 posts! "relatively unknown" would be an understatement I guess) who builds some REALLY unique & original pedals (though not necessarily noise boxes/fuzzes. no cloning either!). i emailed them regarding modification of a pedal of theirs. they were very polite, and even went about asking me where i had heard of that pedal. seeing their friendliness, and the fact that they actually took the time to reply to a non-customer's email in a manner that made it seem that they really cared, made me feel really good. so i replied accordingly, and also praised their inventiveness. but i also suggested them to visit guitar effects forums (such as HCFX) stating that it might help them come up with ideas for even more unique pedals. i even hinted on an effects idea that me (& a few other folks I know) would like to have in a dedicated pedal form (rest assured that this "idea" wasn't even remotely about cloning anything).


so...would you find that kind of annoying? a non-customer who has little to no idea about pedal building, suggesting stuff to you?

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Suggestions are welcome, however there is some tendency for some of the ideas to not be good, or to be good but not sound like much as the person expects, or outside the builder's scope, or more for the sake of having something custom but probably not prepared for it to cost a lot more.

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I could see how some builders may be peeved by "suggestions" from people that don't really understand how effects work, and just throw out whatever comes to them. For example: How about an all analog delay looper pedal with arpeggio mode and flames instead of LEDs.

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I could see how some builders may be peeved by "suggestions" from people that don't really understand how effects work, and just throw out whatever comes to them. For example: How about an all analog delay looper pedal with arpeggio mode and flames instead of LEDs.



Ohhhh! Flames instead of LEDs!! I like that idea!

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i'm waiting for the innovations that use an accellerometer AND motion sensor directly connected to my guitar (like at the headstock) to do silly things like manipulate pitch/modulation/delay times etc. like what an expression pedal can do?


maybe guitar hero did give us something? lol

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Most small pedal builders that I come across got where they are because of filling a market gap, highlighted by pedal buyers. Eg. a wah that has multiple inductors in, an overdrive with a treble booster circuit in, a tubescreamer without the midhump, a tape-delay style echo with authentic fluttering, etc....


A lot of these builders post on forums asking for feedback on their designs/products, so I don't see why not. If you were pointedly being an ass about it, that would be different, but doesn't that count for anything? You did a good thing, man. :thu:

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I could see how some builders may be peeved by "suggestions" from people that don't really understand how effects work, and just throw out whatever comes to them. For example: How about an all analog delay looper pedal with arpeggio mode and flames instead of LEDs.



Yes, I agree with that.

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builders have way more important stuff to do than worry about such small potatoes. if its a well thought out suggestion, they'll probably appreciate it. If its not something realistic for them, they'll probably just ignore it and go on about their business rather than be actively annoyed. feedback is always good. pestering them for unrealistic stuff is another story alltogether, but it doesn't sound like that is the case here.

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I get a lot of e-mails with suggestions on what pedals or mods to make. One pedal I have coming out has a mod to it that was a suggestion someone e-mailed me about.

I like getting the feedback from people and it's a good way to see what works or not.

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