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So I Saw A Pedal I Wanted Today and It Costed EXACTLY The Same Amout As...


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not even like a tiz the season let you off with a warning

meanwhile I have prostitutes on the end of my street, stabbings in my neighborhood every other week that don't get solved, robberies daily that don't get solved, but I make one {censored}ing u turn and I'm the one who receives the long dick of the law.

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not even like a tiz the season let you off with a warning

meanwhile I have prostitutes on the end of my street, stabbings in my neighborhood every other week that don't get solved, robberies daily that don't get solved, but I make one {censored}ing u turn and I'm the one who receives the long dick of the law.



Holy crap, you live in Anchorage to?

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suppose it's better getting one from a real person than some stupid red light or speeding camera. You're pretty much guilty until proven innocent with the current legal system in place. They used to at least pretend it was the other way around.

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suppose it's better getting one from a real person than some stupid red light or speeding camera. You're pretty much guilty until proven innocent with the current legal system in place. They used to at least pretend it was the other way around.



true man, i hate that sh'it


it was a u turn at a controlled intersection (not illegal in some places, illegal in others) i am going to fight it.... hopfully he doesnt show up and i get cleared


looking at the ticket, there is a 7 on here that looks a lot like a 1, maybe?


and yes my neighbourhood is actually quite bad and the cops don't do {censored} but give me noise complaints and traffic tickets

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suppose it's better getting one from a real person than some stupid red light or speeding camera. You're pretty much guilty until proven innocent with the current legal system in place. They used to at least pretend it was the other way around.





You can go to court and contest any ticket you're written. People need to suck it up and not whine about tickets. I wonder how many people bother to contest them as much as they complain. Oh that's right, NONE, because they know the cop was right.

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not even like a tiz the season let you off with a warning

meanwhile I have prostitutes on the end of my street, stabbings in my neighborhood every other week that don't get solved, robberies daily that don't get solved, but I make one {censored}ing u turn and I'm the one who receives the long dick of the law.



The answer is for you to give up driving and to take up prostitution, armed crime, and petty theft.

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I've never gotten a ticket that I didn't deserve, but I've read lots of stories of cities installing red camera lights "for safety", then shortening the length of the yellow signal,
Speed traps for the new millennium?



I did very in-depth research on this issue while working on a corruption case several years ago. The conclusion (to me at least) is very clear; automated traffic ticketing devices are simply revenue generating devices for the municipalities that install them and the administrator / manufacturing companies that sell them. They hire public relations groups to distribute propaganda on the Internet and in the news media about the 'evils' of running red light and make certain that any auto accident involving a child or baby that is hurt or killed by a red light runner is sensationalized to epic proportions for obvious reasons. The younger, dumber, and more naive liberal crowd buy into it and will argue for hours on end about how we need more red light cameras UNTIL they get a red light camera ticket. Then they shut up (like they should have done in the first place) and realize the cameras are nothing more than revenue generating machines paid for by their money (tax dollars). I don't think the Mafia could do a better job extorting money from folks...

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