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iPhone: Oh Shizzle


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What about an app that worked like those magic 8 ball things, but you shake the phone while asking a question and it comes back with a robo putdown?

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The future of cell phones is just a bunch of bickering. Yeah, VZW has the US on lock, but ATT rapes them globally. Google has a distinct internet connectivity advantage and T-Mobile sucks in the cheapskates. It's all a scam and we're all pawns. They're corporations. . . concerned with money, not customer satisfaction. Why is the standard phone camera resolution 2 or 3mp here when it's 5 or 8 or even 10 overseas? Cause we're all hooked. It's the same as a drug dealer. You can't start someone off with good stuff if you want to make money. Give them garbage until they're willing to pay more for something slightly better.

I'm not happy with my AT&T coverage or device, but it's 300 {censored}ing dollars to replace my phone if it bricks. We're all pawns.

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Itouch's don't have a mic, so how can it be a phone?

Also, they need to have a google voice app. Maybe on jailbroken apps?



iPhone headphones have a mic on 'em. Also, I have google voice on my phone and it's not that cool other than to be able to call people from fake phone numbers. Which still isn't that cool.

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