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NPD of Dr Scientist win


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I have wanted a Cosmichorus since I saw Bobby D's demo a while back. So I finally broke down and sent and email to the good Dr about ordering one. Ryan is super awesome to deal with - let me pick my finish, answered all my questions, gave me tips on time travel, etc etc.


Needless to say this thing sound effing awesome. Nearly endless tweakability from super fast to flange-ish tones (which kick ass). So yeah, I am definitely overwhelmed and would appreciate any settings or tips for the Cosmichorus. Also I should probably get some buttrawk lessons from Bobby D now that I can haz some chorus :cop:


And here it is in all of it's snazzy awesomeness.



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ive ony had mine a few days but im definitely digging it. its going to be on my board for a long long time. its a sweet finish on yours too. enjoy......


Thanks :thu:


You got that awesome red zombie finish right?

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