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Eventide Space Reverb Picture


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Meh... My Strymon Blue Sky covers all my reverb needs... :idk:... I'm sure it sounds amazing and does a lot more, but the Strymon does quite a bit too, and covers all my shimmer and swell needs.


I may get a Mini-verberator in the future though, because the Hall mode just sounds freaking fantastic. :love:

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I dunno, I just sort of feel like this box is a copout from having to actually build an ambient rig, which in turn seems like kind of a copout from actually writing spacey music, which is totally possible with just some good reverb and composition. I'm talking about something like 'Andvari' of Takk by Sigur Ros. It sure is a lot easier to play one note and have it go chunga chunga chunga chunga whooooooooosh and just vamp around inside of a chord or two so your notes don't get to dissonant with the 30 seconds behind them of time based effects. I guess I'm just getting over 'ambient soundscaping,' and its seeming a bit played out. IMO Eventide missed the boat on this one, and is sort of riding in on the end of a fad. Maybe I'm just way off base here though.


EDIT: I just don't want everybody to start sounding like Zachman with Eventide patches like Crystals on everything.

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I'm gonna have some cash to spend at the end of this month, if this thing turns out to be Timefactor priced then I'm definitely having it. If it's Pitchfactor priced then I still might, but it'll have to be {censored}ing great. if it's more than a pitchfactor then I'm probably going to struggle to justify it.



Google shopping says there's very little in it. Pitchfactor

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Looks cool, but we're basically into rack unit territory at this point.



Yep, mine's going in my rack on a shelf anyway. It would be simpler for me if it was an actual rack unit, but there again I can't afford ANY of the Eventide rack units and this thing should be well within budget. It has all the midi functionality and connectivity that a rack unit would have anyway, and I already have a spare rack drawer and velcro.

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I dunno, I just sort of feel like this box is a copout from having to actually build an ambient rig, which in turn seems like kind of a copout from actually writing spacey music, which is totally possible with just some good reverb and composition. I'm talking about something like 'Andvari' of Takk by Sigur Ros. It sure is a lot easier to play one note and have it go chunga chunga chunga chunga whooooooooosh and just vamp around inside of a chord or two so your notes don't get to dissonant with the 30 seconds behind them of time based effects. I guess I'm just getting over 'ambient soundscaping,' and its seeming a bit played out. IMO Eventide missed the boat on this one, and is sort of riding in on the end of a fad. Maybe I'm just way off base here though.

EDIT: I just don't want everybody to start sounding like Zachman with Eventide patches like Crystals on everything.



I believe they made it in time for the fad. Just because you disagree or don't like it.. doesn't mean it's still "THE COOL" thing.

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