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How do you continue to make music in a world that no longer cares about it?


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btw: I think there still is an audience for live music. People like to get out...it's just that so many venues set up their iTunes playlists and leave it at that. The audiences aren't as used to the live music, anymore. So it's a serious challenge. That's why I'm into trying to create the gigs with other players. We've gotta think of something to survive...and that's one idea.

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this is interesting...

sometimes i do get so discouraged i want to say "{censored} it" and sell all my {censored}...its so hard to get shows sometimes, despite the "awesome scene" my local area has...people are just so cliqueish and fickle that it can be really hard to break into a scene, no matter how many people tell you how good you are and how well you should do.

i do it cos i love it and it drives me nuts if i don't. just part of my dna i guess, just like most musicians i think.

and i also i tend to believe in good things....as in, even if no one notices something, that doesn't mean its not good....and likewise, just because LOTS of people love something, that doesn't mean it is any good.

i know my band is good...we are good at what we do because we work our asses off to sound good & collectively, we make a sound that, i think, people like to listen to. i like the sense of accomplishment after finishing a new song & hearing us perform it perfectly for the first time.

does all that babble answer the question?

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btw: I think there still is an audience for live music. People like to get out...it's just that so many venues set up their iTunes playlists and leave it at that. The audiences aren't as used to the live music, anymore. So it's a serious challenge. That's why I'm into trying to create the gigs with other players. We've gotta think of something to survive...and that's one idea.



It's not like I can blame them really. There are a billion {censored}ty bands that play in our city and no one wants to have their ears blasted by another sloppy {censored}ing indie band with adorable haircuts while they're trying to talk to their friends, drink beer, and get laid.

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american pasts times will never die out. baseball and football have way too much of a following for that {censored} to ever die out.



Maybe if there were a mind shift into what is important in life and what's irrelevant, then a change in compensation for these things were to occur. Then perhaps, we could pay teachers more and celebs less? I also doubt it will happen but anythings possible? I don't like to see anyone doing anything for free but I don't think people like Lady Gaga or Bieber deserve to be billionaires. I biased however because I don't watch any sports and I'm watching less and less tv these days.

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you can't steal sports so damn easily. Or are are you referring to the going to shows vs going to Sports events?


The drum machine and synth put a lot of players out of work. We won't see that in sports for a while. But, as a sports fan myself, I can see them pricing themselves out of it. I hardly ever go to games anymore because they cost so much. I'm getting tired of paying for cable, too. And I love sports. People with less interest have already abandoned that scene. I could see it going downhill pretty quickly...

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theres been terrible/ unpopular bands that people have ignored forever. im not saying your band sucks but im not so sure things have changed that much. guys in the amp forum have 'i just got signed' threads every other day. maybe youre playing a style noone thinks is profitable right now.

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Major leagues (NBA, NFL, NHL) = Top 40 acts (stuff they play on MTV and VH1)

Minor leagues (NBA D-League, AHL/ECHL, AAA baseball, etc) = Popular but not Top 40 stuff (bands that play your local 500-1,000 person capacity venues)

Amateur/Rec leagues = Local bands that do the pub circuit


Maybe you just need to work harder and know the right people? :idk:

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I hope that sports is replaced with cyborg death battles.

That's really the only thing that's going to engage me in sports.


Bring out the gladiators!! :)


I don't think music is irrelevant but the idea of any art IS to do it for yourself first with hopes that others like it, isn't it? In that thought, you should do music for you. The reason it's so bad these days is because it's being done for the sole purpose of generating cash, not generating inspiration. Go back to the beginning, and people will care again.

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Maybe if there were a mind shift into what is important in life and what's irrelevant, then a change in compensation for these things were to occur. Then perhaps, we could pay teachers more and celebs less? I also doubt it will happen but anythings possible? I don't like to see anyone doing anything for free but I don't think people like Lady Gaga or Bieber deserve to be billionaires. I biased however because I don't watch any sports and I'm watching less and less tv these days.



yeah, the day when americans (humanity as a whole even) realize whats important and whats not will be the day i {censored} gold.

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The positive side to the modern music situation, from the perspective of someone who has no interest in making a living from music, is that right now there are more bands at each of our fingertips than ever before. All of a sudden with the internet in it's current state we have access to the smallest, most unknown bands from across the globe. There has never been a better time in history than right now for finding new amazing music.





Also though there is also the possibility of getting drowned out, I think the OP mentioned that, by a sea of other music.


Make music cause you love it and for you first.


It depends what you're writing and how "good" it is. No offense OP and I'm not saying this based on your music cause I haven't heard it, just making a point, that don't be surprised if not one likes it or buys it cause it sucks. I've known people that really like their own music but like it so much they can't see the imperfections/lack of quality to it - songs are rushed or are made from a lesser quality drive - to look cool over produce something genuine. That gets reflected in the music. I've seen people spend tons of money to record and master records that sucked....



"Everyone is in a band"? I'm not! I scour looking for people but its hard to find people that are creative, talented and interested in similar stuff/direction - its always easier to find the latter set but the former is usually lacking.

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Bring out the gladiators!!

I don't think music is irrelevant but the idea of any art IS to do it for yourself first with hopes that others like it, isn't it? In that thought, you should do music for you. The reason it's so bad these days is because it's being done for the sole purpose of generating cash, not generating inspiration. Go back to the beginning, and people will care again.

Well said...

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I wrote up a big thing but I boiled it down to this: Music is free. Everyone is in a {censored}ing band. Nobody buys albums. Nobody goes to shows. Intellectual property might have been antiquated by the internet. Even big names at the top of their game have a tough time breaking even.

The only reason left to make music is because you love it, which sure sounds noble, but when you spend all your energy, creativity, and money producing the thing you love, only to have to everyone pass right by your album because it's in a sea of brazillions of virtually free, independently-created works, and when you gig and anyone who isn't your friend that you coaxed into coming out acts like your band is a homeless dude someone let on stage, you have to wonder if Sometimes, Love Just Ain't Enough.



Nothing has changed, it's always only been a very lucky few who make a living out of it. ... People do still buy music and go to shows. Maybe there isn't an audience for your music right now OR maybe there's so much other similar stuff around that it doesn't stand out or maybe it just isn't that good. You have to have something special going on (or at least people need to think that) it's always been that way. It's also never been easy to make money from being in a band unless you are playing very popular music .... people 'at the top of their game' are making plenty of money.

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