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Lower cost bulk patch cable similar to George L's/Lava mini ELC?


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As the title states, anyone know of any more affordable options and where to purchase them? I'm looking for a thinner/smaller diameter cable with low capacitance. Tried a search but the only thing that came up was the high capacitance mogami w2319.

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I recommend getting cables made by AaronSS here on the forum.

Really high quality, resonable prices.



I would but I'd like to try DIY first. It's something I've always wanted to do, that and build a few simple pedals myself.

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Wilde is about as fairly priced as most direct vendors go on by-the-foot cable. The solderless connectors are too much from anyone. The GLS pancake jacks from OCSR or straight Rean jacks are about the best quality you will find for almost as cheap as jacks come.


Gepco X-Band for the win on good low-cap instrument cable that can be had cheap by-the-foot. I wouldn't use Mogami or Canare except after a very good buffer.

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I bought 40 pancakes at .39 cents each plus 4.85 shipping from these guys:



I have not received them yet but I buddy of mine has bought from them before.


They have wire for .10-.15 cents per foot but I don't know if it is the right stuff.


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I bought 40 pancakes at .39 cents each plus 4.85 shipping from these guys:



I thought I might grab a few of those to try in my next parts order. Not all pancakes are of the same quality, but I'm hoping those are good ones. Please report back on them if you get a chance.

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I thought I might grab a few of those to try in my next parts order. Not all pancakes are of the same quality, but I'm hoping those are good ones. Please report back on them if you get a chance.



Sure thing. I am looking for the thin pancakes. The GLS are .425" and George L's are .65 so the GLS are not actually a whole lot thinner when you double them up back to back. The ones I want are .26" thick.


I wish I would have ordered some straight plugs as well... They have a bunch of stuff that is so much cheaper than here. It can take some time to get here though. 2-6 weeks.

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Bill Lawrence



I didn't know Bill Lawrence made cables, where can I buy them? I checked his website but it's a pain to navigate and looks like it hasn't been updated since the early 2000's.


*edit - I see some here for $0.76/ft, is that the best price I'll get?


I'm going with the GLS pancake plugs.

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