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So I bought a Traynor YBA-1A Bass Master Mark ll today.




As many of you know I have been asking / looking around for a second amp to complement my Hiwatt for the SAL live-ness. I have been using my friend Ryan's YBA-1A a lot lately and our other friend keeps his YBA1 at his place as well. I love love love how the 1A sounds with my EGC and I figured why not get my own...


Anyway I gotta get a cabinet for it do I was thinking a vertically oriented 2x12 or a single 15" from either Emperor or Avatar... Now to decide on speakers...


What would you fill a 2x12 with if you had this particular amp?

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I run my YBA-1 through a 70s Kustom vertical 2x12. I've used Weber Michigans (no affiliation) for years: https://taweber.powweb.com/weber/ . Ceramic magnet, paper dome, Michigan 12" (see their "high power" series). 100 watts per speaker, loud as hell, $110 a pop. I think they are based on an older EV design. Good with pedals. Weber makes a great speaker and I've had great service from them. Do it.


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I love V30s

I also really like EV 12Ls if you want a really "clean" sound.

or how about
beast, and it's 8 ohms


I have to go with Robo's suggestion on this one. I have a Fender 12F (Fender branded EVM 12L) in my Princeton II, and it's a fantastic clean speaker. Efficient as all get-out too, so if you're looking to maximize the clean output level potential (and running it next to a Hiwatt, I'd want to - YMMV), it's an excellent choice.


The only downside is the weight. Suck it up buttercup - if this old man can deal with it, a strapping young buck such as yourself should have no problems with it. :D


Put casters on the cabinet anyway, or use a dolly. No sense in making it any harder than it has to be. ;)

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I run my YBA-1 through a 70s Kustom vertical 2x12. I've used Weber Michigans (no affiliation) for years:
. Ceramic magnet, paper dome, Michigan 12" (see their "high power" series). 100 watts per speaker, loud as hell, $110 a pop. I think they are based on an older EV design. Good with pedals. Weber makes a great speaker and I've had great service from them. Do it.



I {censored}ing love the look of the tuck and roll kustoms... I am currently pairing a vintage Kasino (budget Kustom offshoot) with great results.

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My buddy Casey runs his through a Marshall 4x12 which sounds "ok".



really you can run at a mismatch but I wouldn't judge the tone of any cab if it's not the proper impedance for the amp output. It really changes the way the amp sounds to my ears.

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So I bought a Traynor YBA-1A Bass Master Mark ll today.


As many of you know I have been asking / looking around for a second amp to complement my Hiwatt for the SAL live-ness. I have been using my friend Ryan's YBA-1A a lot lately and our other friend keeps his YBA1 at his place as well. I love love love how the 1A sounds with my EGC and I figured why not get my own...

Anyway I gotta get a cabinet for it do I was thinking a vertically oriented 2x12 or a single 15" from either Emperor or Avatar... Now to decide on speakers...

What would you fill a 2x12 with if you had this particular amp?


Nice amp! I'm on the lookout for one when I get my tax return back. Have you considered Whitebox for a cabinet? I've heard nothing but great things about them.

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