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Of All The Upcoming CGI Clusterf*ck Movies...

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Prometheus and Snow White and The Huntsman look to be the best.


Of course I am slighting the Avengers because Captain America looked horrible and I expect more of the same and the Dark Knight movie did an awful lot of stuff in real life, which is why they always look so good.


I generally loathe these types of movies but these show potential.






Both starring Charlize Theron. Whoda thunk it?

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Charlize :love:

I think Ridley Scott and Chris Nolan are on the same page when it comes to visual effects- "if you can do it live, do it live". I was looking for info on Prometheus yesterday and it seems that's the way he's going with it. Really excited about that one, just hoping they don't PG13 it.

Snow White? yeah, notsomuch.

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Definitely interested in Prometheus.

Prequel to Aliens?





Couple of trailers out on the interwebs, plus viral video of Guy Pearce as Peter Weyland speaking at TED in teh futurez. Ridley Scott is running a tight ship as concerns plot spoilers an ting, trailer shows a whole lot of space {censored}, running, 'splosions etc but not much of what to expect other than "People go to space. It does not go well".

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you know it's really strange to me that we have come this far with special effects yet there aren't many space sci-fi films taking advantage of it.


I'm really excited about Prometheus. I remember being very young and all of my older cousins being obsessed with Alien. I even have an alien figure that I got when I was around 6 which made me not sleep alone in my room for around a year.

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Prometheus trailer had my interest until the last half minute.

And then what happened?

Which trailer was it? The new one with the Earth sequences or the older one?

Personally, I don't see what's not to like- minimal plot spoilerage, some cool visual effects followed by lots of people looking generally upset about some bad stuff happening without really telling you what the bad stuff is. Formulaic horror/suspense/sci-fi trailer structure :idk:

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Neither of those look good. Snow White is intriguing due to
the chick from Adventure Land
being in it, other than that. Not so much.

Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that to convince anyone that you're so cool you've never even heard of Twilight. ;)

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more importantly


Why are they making another ninja turtle movie at all? :idk:

...and why are you talking about stupid kids' movies in this mature, adult thread about movies with spaceships and fairytales?


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