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Another amazing idea from the brain of a genius... aka... subs.


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I was at a bar last night celebrating my younger brother's 21st birthday. In the bar is one of those new jukeboxes that allows you to search the internet for basically any song available.


I love these jukeboxes because of their amazing feature to pay more to cut in line. I don't like your music? I just pay more money and play my music ahead of yours, which works out great for everyone in the bar because I have the best taste in music in the world. Right?


ANYWAY... I don't even know how the jukebox economy works. I'm assuming that royalties are paid to the artist. So when I pay $.50 to play David Bowie's 'Space Oddity" $.25 goes to the jukebox owner and $.25 goes to Mr. Bowie or whoever owns the rights to that song. Fair assumption? I think so. Maybe its wrong.


If I was the jukebox company owner I would think to myself... "Self, how can we make more money?" And then the answer would become clear. We allow small-time bands to PAY US to have their music available on our jukeboxes. So The Ruin, Saturn Unleashed, and Dinosaur Feathers are all able to pay $30 per year to have their album available on these jukeboxes. And for $50 per year, not only will the songs be available, but they'll also play during the downtimes when no one is paying for music. :eek:


Then Ryan can go to the bar, put on his band's music and guage the reaction from patrons.


So anyway, what do you think?


tl;dr... {censored} you read it.

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i love those jukeboxes too. theres a poolhall we go to sometimes and i end up spending like $20 making everyone listen to the misfits and wutang clan. this is a mostly redneck place.



I read poophall or some reason.

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