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Way Huge Fat Sandwich


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Srry for all the dirt pedals threads, I'm back on a spending spree now that I'm about to sell my amp...


Decided to balance out my fuzz >


I'm REALLY liking the online demo's of the WH Fat Sandwich, but I just wanted to check if there's anything like it that DOESNT have a bazzillion of silly controls and internal trim pots. I won't use more than a handful of different settings, but I won't be able NOT to constantly tweak all those knobs anyway:facepalm:


Is the Fat Sandwich based on anything in particular btw? I guess it's sorta like a Rat, only em...A lot better. Less bass sag, not quite as compressed, way way way more gain/grit. Right?

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I have a slew of OD pedals,WAY HUGE green Rhino is my favorite,about $95.00 used.

I could use a gain pedal,the rat is said to be a Marchall in a box.

I will check u-tube demos.

If this has a sound u like get it and post a description and settings you like ok.

Power tube OD is the best harmonic sound ive ever played with,gain helps push things but if you cant cut your master volume up forget it,a webber mass attenuator is on my list thom.

Try everything and include power tube distorting ,you may find its not a pedal thats key to sound you need.

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Thanks for that.


Power tube distortion is not what I need btw. A rat can be described in a lot of different ways, and it's decent distortion pedal for the money, but I onwed a lot of different Marshall amps...And the Rat is not a Marshall in a box impo, not by a long stretch.

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I didn't like the Fat Sandwich. I liked the Pork Loin a lot, lovely pedal, always wished it had just a bit more gain, and was thinking the FS would be an extension of that, but it wasn't. Does have lots of gain as I recall, even at minimal setting. Just didn't react right to my guitars/amp, an AC15, so it could be that. But I dunno, Pork Loin highly rated, Fat Sand, not so much. Resale wasn't great either. Buy one used.

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My biggest gripe with Fat Sandwich is you have to run it through really clean amp. Personally if it were me I would go w/Green Rhino and see if it works for you. I think the Rhino got plenty of gain. I've thrown that pedal in front of a whole slew amps. Vox, Marshall, Fender sounds great threw everything.

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I'd really like to try out a fat sandwich first, I don't feel like blindly buying another pedal and flipping it a couple weeks later.

I'm digging the clips, but there's just so many people who aren't impressed with the fs.


The green rhino sounds nice in the demos I checked, but I'm not sure it's really what I'm after. It's a smooth medium gain overdrive, a little more civilised than what I'm looking for really...

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FWIW, the MXR Modified OD is really nice. A bit more grit/snarl than the Rhino. Similar pedals from what I've heard, but the MXR is great. Loves humbuckers, and really quite good with single coils too. The EQ controls are great, and the switch to add/subtract mids is very welcome. Works great with my AC15, and my solid state Mustang III. And it's under $100 new.

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FWIW, the MXR Modified OD is really nice. A bit more grit/snarl than the Rhino. Similar pedals from what I've heard, but the MXR is great. Loves humbuckers, and really quite good with single coils too. The EQ controls are great, and the switch to add/subtract mids is very welcome. Works great with my AC15, and my solid state Mustang III. And it's under $100 new.



I agree! The GR has little more of compression a little more smoother sounding. Both are awesome pedals. Arguably some best pedals in Dunlop line-up.

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My guitarists only dirt pedal is a Fat Sandwich and it's definitly one of the most rich and amp-charming distortion pedals out there. He is really not into pedals with a lot of controls but since most of them are set-and-forget style he keeps it. I can really recommend it.

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I have a Fat Sandwich and I really dig it. The thing about the internal controls is that they are basically set and forget. Once you have an understanding of what they do to the sound, then they are pretty easy to deal with. It is certainly FAT though, probably the fattest distortion sound I've ever heard. BUT, it's not tubby or saggy sounding (if that makes any sense), it's just big. If dialed in properly, it can go from super fat to quite tight, which makes it pretty versatile. It may be my favorite distortion pedal, and I've played through and own a bunch (though I will say I'm exclusively an amp distortion guy). It's so cool that a couple guys at my shop each picked one up immediately after trying mine. Highly recommended!

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I know guitar center had them for pretty cheap a while back. Unfortunately, your best bet might be to buy one and see what you think.


It does seem like the kind of pedal that would need to be used with a clean amp, but it might work with yours. If you are looking for something tight with gain, I really recommend checking the BAT Black Forest. I was looking at both a while back and picked the BAT. Couldn't be happier. I would still try a Fat Sandwich if the right deal came along though.

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