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Anybody here like Women?

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.....the band, I mean. I've been a big fan of theirs. Their two albums are constantly in rotation in my car. I never had the opportunity to see them live, since they went on hiatus and then the guitarist died in his sleep in February. Anybody here ever catch them at a gig? I bet it was unreal.



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yeah I've seen them a few times quite a while ago, really sad about the guitarist. Crazy {censored}. They were good live, but the one show I went to was a festival we played in and they had "volunteer" sound guys.... long story {censored} anyone running the PA didn't know what the {censored} they were doing and the mix was absolute garbage.


Great Band Tho

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I know that a lot of their sound was from studio tricks and manipulating the sound, but the videos I've seen of them live, their tone is pretty close to what's on the record. They have a couple really rad videos on pitchfork performing in this dark warehouse. Can't see their amps, just whatever guitars they're playing. Anyone know anything about them gearwise?

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yup it is, I can't remember what they were using last time I saw them, I think they were playing fender amps but I could be wrong (probably am I was hammered) I also heard they broke up? Unless the death of their guitarist has reunited them, I haven't heard much from them lately.

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Yeah, when I heard of the guitarist dying, I looked them up again, but nothing has been mentioned after them cancelling their tour and going on "hiatus." I really wish they would get back together, but it probably wouldn't be the same.

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They were excellent live, a lot better than most of their peers. I saw them once and they were using the things you would probably expect - Jazzmasters, Mustangs, etc. I believe they also used the Malekko Chicklet but that didn't exist when I saw them so they must have been using something else at that stage.


captions87 - Investigate the work of Chad VanGaalen if you haven't already. I prefer Women but he produced their two records and his music has a similar sound.



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