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The wiring in this thing is silly. Exactly the same except the caps in this one is 47n and 100n... The tone switch is basically mud and technically more mud (in reality it is the same darkness in both settings).




I am probably gonna wire it up to something more useable. I am ok with the tone switch concept, but I'd like the thing to be tuned within the guitar frequency band at least. Not sure if I need the master volume knob either, it could make a master tone knob that is switched out... Mute switch is ok.


I can't stop jamming with "Heard it on the X"!!



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Did you seek it out, or was it stumbled upon?

whichever, congrats.



Well I've been "looking" for one to replace the one I used to own for the past 10 years. The one they had at Sam Ash was below typical price, in way better condition than most I see(including my old one), and they offered to ship it to Portland for free and avoid NY sales tax. OK! Deal!

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