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Vox Delaylab in the house

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Arrived yesterday. Had an hour or so with it last night, Tele -> Delaylab -> Cornell amp.

Nice. love.gif

Incorporates most of what's best about the DL-4 and DD-20 I used to have.

Some of the delay types are a little cheesy- distortion delay? um... okay- and some of the preset sounds don't really show off the particular features of their particular mode very well, but overall it sounds good. Tape and analogue modes sound like they should- presets are maybe a little over-generous with the modulation and "character", but it's possible to dial that down for less obviously analogue-y/tape-y sounds.

Operation is nice and simple, although the multifunction knobs (think "tweak" and "tweez" on the DL-4) kept sending me back to the manual when I went to a new mode. TBH I can't see most players using *all* the modes this thing has, so once you've settled on what you want out of it you can safely forget what those knobs do in the modes you don't use.

Looper is fun- as with the DD-20 and DL-4 you can't set the looper to a preset, but unlike the DD-20 you can't switch from the looper (in "manual" mode) to delays in preset slots easily- same as with the DL-4 you need to turn the knob. You do however get to choose digital, analogue or "space" delay to go with your loops.

Still just getting started with this thing- haven't tried stereo functions or an expression pedal, but I'm impressed. First impressions bear out what I thought when I saw the spec sheet- IMO the "best sub-

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Quote Originally Posted by gambit View Post
is ther any way to turn off the tube echo's 'preamp' from affecting the dry signal?
I remembered you asking, so I had a tinker with it. With the "drive" parameter set to zero it sounded much like the bypassed sound. With delay, of course biggrin.gif

I'd still suggest trying it yourself to make sure it does that to your satisfaction. I was playing at "don't wake the baby, don't bother the wife in the next room" volume...
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^ is... er.... 28 seconds? It's certainly listed in the spec on the Vox website.

Looper is lots of fun- reverse is easier than on the DL-4, so I was mucking about with the trigger and the reverse chopping up loops like I was Fatboy Slim facepalm.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by triviani

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Vox doesn't bother to come up with a deceng demo of it, and it gives me the impression that nobody at Vox really understands all the featurea they put into it.


I've said it before and I'll say it here: Vox demos are always very off putting for me because they always have generic schedding that is usually totally inappropriate for what they're demoing. I like vox stuff because it's often got an interesting tonality that lends itself to more interesting playing that the boring stuff they put down time and again.
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Quote Originally Posted by triviani View Post
Vox doesn't bother to come up with a deceng demo of it, and it gives me the impression that nobody at Vox really understands all the featurea they put into it.
The most ironic thing about that, I realise now that I have the pedal, is that it includes ten "famous song" presets among the regular ones- it's a ready-made Proguitarshop demo right there. All they needed was someone who could play "Where The Streets Have No Name", "Walking On The Moon", "Welcome To The Jungle", "Lovers In Japan" etc... The ones I know how to play sound pretty close- "wrong" guitar and amp notwithstanding.

Pre-release hype for this pedal was a bit of a balls-up from Vox IMO (and not just my opinion either by the looks of it), which is a shame, because it's a cool pedal. Presumably Vox's marketing people are hoping the interwebs will do their job for them when people start getting hold of these.
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It's important to remember or know that most of the recent/current effects portion of Vox is really Korg under the digital effects processing hood. Much of the design and amp portions are from Vox including the pre-amp stuff. It isn't clear exactly where the two meet inside the device. I won't pretend to know but the two forces come up with some cool things. Half my studio is Korg gear. I am pro Korg though many times I tire of seeing the same processing thrown on top of the latest designs when they used to be a lot more creative. I also agree with the notion that none of the demos or people articulating them through playing or explaining understand or are accurate enough to explain it to the players. A lot of times it's a play it safe and shred fast and layer on the distortion etc...whammy effects etc. loop it and play a shred over top etc. for the shock value of gotta have it....see above post from english-bob

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Quote Originally Posted by HeartfeltDawn View Post
What have you had modified on the SMMH and why?
It's modded so that I can use an external latching switch to control the looper without having to keep the tap/record button constantly held down.

It makes the looper a lot more user friendly!
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