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I am excite.

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Dylan! Nice looking. Lollar pickups, the bridge looks highly adjustable. Overall I'd say nice JM!





















































also, Woodward and Sons.

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um, mastery but cheapo vibrato? without tremlock that guitar is useless live if a string breaks

Reminds me I still need to setup my tremlock.

Pine body? What are the characteristics of Pine? I think my Hofner (from the 60s is pine :idk:)


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Noice. Partscaster? If so, where do the neck and body hail from?



Yep, it's a partsmaster. The neck is an allparts "Fat" C with vintage tint, a 9.5" radius, and vintage-style frets. The body was simply stated to be "Custom built from pine". I have no idea how pine sounds, so we'll see. The only concern I have with the guitar is the Allparts trem. . .I don't care about the trem lock (I play with 11's or 12's and an extremely light touch, so neither string breakage nor tuning stability has never been an issue with me), but I do hope that it does have a smooth, solid action to it and holds the vibrato arm nicely. I had an MIJ Jazzy that was great except for the fact that the vibrato arm would sink into the trem plate, lose its hold in the socket, or simply fall out - as long as those problems aren't inherent to the AP unit, I'm cool with it.

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