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Hard-chopping tremolo?


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Which tremolos will chop hard?

I'm not looking for subtlety, I need something that gets weird. I haz options?

Maybe it's not even a tremelo that I need? Looking for retarded helicopters. What does that?

Help, I'm not smart!

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You want a tremolo that does a good square wave. I see you're selling a Trelicopter (I sold mine, too, two of them actually). It does a weak square wave. What I've had that does a good square wave is the Seymour Duncan Shape Shifter. The SS also does a lot of other useful trem sounds. The Ronsound Trem-o-matic does the same thing that the Hummingbird and Vox Repeater does, but those are all one trick ponies. I just got a Hardwire Tremolo-Rotary pedal a couple days ago, that the square wave on it is good.
And have you heard the helicopter setting on the Trinity reverb?

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Basically anything with a square wave option. Hummingbird is a good option however some models have a gap between the fast and slow rate modes. Mine did, and I kept alternateing between mode 1 al the way up and mode 2 all the way down. The sweet spot I wanted was in the gap.

I like my Dr. Scientist Tremolessence a whole bunch because it can do everything the hummingbird did, but better, and with far more options and only one rate knob for the whole range which I prefer. No gaps. You can have cool surfy/swampy trem, or a retarded helicopter.

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