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Have you ever been touched deeply by a beautiful song into tears?


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Has to hit you at the right time ... like after an acid trip... like aphex twin's "Lichen". Beauty hurts sometimes when you're a son of a bitch.

This song is sometimes hard to track down because it's not actually a "Jon & Vangelis" track.. but really just Vangelis featuring Jon an a track.

Don't watch the videos.... just listen to them.

First piece of music to ever make me cry. Woodwinds man,... woodwinds..

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house that built me - miranda lambert...just the first verse though. laugh it up i don't care.

foo fighters "best of you"...but not so much the song itself as the music video. The director of the video lost his wife a few months before they started shooting it, and the band let him do whatever he wanted with the video as a way of helping him grieve. when you look at it that way...it's pretty powerful.

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Haven't read this thread because it doesn't much interest me....but I don't think that music is (in its essence) about communication, or emotions. That sounds cold, but it is more the result of analysis of the way that we words work and what they mean - and how we trick ourselves into believing various things about music, especially if they have become truisms (cliches).


Of course, you can listen to music and be affected so that you would cry. Same with walking down the street and seeing something that reminds you of something poignant, etc....same with some silly movie that you realize afterwards, or the second time you see it, is really crap.


Music is music.

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It's funny, sometimes it could just be the music or the purity of an amazing vocal:


Don't laugh but by the time I hit 3:30... man.

Other times a song wont affect me until I know the context of it. For example, Tears in Heaven did not affect me until I found out it was about Eric Clapton's dead son. Likewise, Luba's "Everytime I See Your Picture I Cry"... when I found out it was about her dead father... changes everything.

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1) The Track that started all


2) The track that enforced the desire for making music even more


3) Modern Electonica is still alive


4) The best guitar solo I have ever heard . My favourite song as well.


5) An out of this world piece


6) Enigma once more


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Just had it happen. November 11 (remembrance day) has two minutes of silence at 11 AM to honour our war dead; I always go to my town's cenotaph to participate. It's a touchy area for me for lots of reasons but this year it was set up very beautifully and, by chance, profoundly.


first, of course, there were the pipes; a really lovely duet

then taps, played very well with nice and subtle articulation

then, it being eleven o'clock, the town clock started to chime


The bells and the trumpet were in different musical universes; different keys, different time, different sound altogether; one near, one far; one mechanical, one human; one recalling the battlefield, one recalling our little town; and so on


at that point I started to cry

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