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what's your definition of great tone?


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I personally don't think there is a specific formula for great tone because there are a million tones out there that I love. To me the player is about 80% of it and from there it's that person having the right amp for their style. I have played thru amps that sound ok at best with me playing them and others sound amazing thru them. A Bogner Uberschall is a good example of that me ok, Bob Savage awesome! Go figure.

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Originally posted by Sordid1

I personally don't think there is a specific formula for great tone because there are a million tones out there that I love. To me the player is about 80% of it and from there it's that person having the right amp for their style. I have played thru amps that sound ok at best with me playing them and others sound amazing thru them. A Bogner Uberschall is a good example of that me ok, Bob Savage awesome! Go figure.



I agree with this. tone is in the moment. It's whats required for a certain song your playing/writing. Tone is very personal.I like as well many different tones. right now I'm into the very Heavy Metal tone so my gear reflects that.


I don't think any gear sucks, I think it all has a purpose somewhere for someone needing it to sound the way it does. What works for some may not work for others.



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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

You obviously have no idea how to dial one in.



i have never personally tried to dial one in, but the guys that i've heard play them that claim the same thing about having the 'best metal tone' have always sounded like they were playing rhythmic static.


i generally don't want a scorching metal tone, so maybe that's why i don't care for the tone

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Originally posted by Dmantis

I agree with this. tone is in the moment. It's whats required for a certain song your playing/writing. Tone is very personal.I like as well many different tones. right now I'm into the very Heavy Metal tone so my gear reflects that.

I don't think any gear sucks, I think it all has a purpose somewhere for someone needing it to sound the way it does. What works for some may not work for others.




Dan, very true it even goes from day to day depending on how i'm playing if I love or really like my amp that day. Usually when I get the whole band going though my tone is an after thought because i'm caught up in the rock which is a good thing.

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Originally posted by homemade

maybe it's just the way that they've been set, but i've never really cared for the 5150 tone, usually sounds nothing like a guitar and obnoxiously harsh.



This is EXACTLY how I feel about Trivium's tone. But I can't say all 5150s are like that. I've heard many sound fantastic. However, Trivium's tone, at times, doesn't even sound like a guitar. It's almost synth like.

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Originally posted by homemade

intriguing--- examples?



well for one, nothing very high gain and compressed....


Its mostly how I would describe Mesa F-series, Mark Series, Dr Z Maz and VHT's when dialed in properly without too much gain. I guess its just the sound I like.... but thats all highly subjective:)

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Originally posted by Random Hero

James Hetfield always has great tone, IMO.

You got his Recto settings up at your site bro? I haven't been over in a while, and i'm lazy.


As far as I know James has NEVER played a Recto. He used Mark II's up until he got the Diezel a few years back. I have never heard anything he played that sounded like one either but I could be wrong.

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Originally posted by Alchemist

well for one, nothing very high gain and compressed....

Its mostly how I would describe Mesa F-series, Mark Series, Dr Z Maz and VHT's when dialed in properly without too much gain. I guess its just the sound I like.... but thats all highly subjective:)



can you think of any recordings that have a similar tone to what you are describing?

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Originally posted by Sordid1
I personally don't think there is a specific formula for great tone because there are a million tones out there that I love. To me the player is about 80% of it and from there it's that person having the right amp for their style.



Originally posted by ratter
There's no such thing as bad tone, only wrong tone for the context.





i'm finding myself airing towards the side of total clarity. i want every chord to sound like a series of bells ringing out. i'm going to basically go through everything i own, soon, to pick out the weak links in this and get rid of them.


i figure, if i go this route, as far as guitar/amp are concerned, i can simply throw in a pedal if i want saturation, or add some subtle chorus if i want to thicken it up, etc. i can add whatever i like in order to make the sound fit the context.

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