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OT: Al-Zarqawi Dead


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Originally posted by shredhead666

Howabout this... The US had bigger fish to fry at the times we sent aid to Saddam and Bin Laden. The ywere useful idiots, but they outlived their usefulness and we forgot to take 'em back out. So they came back and bit us in the ass. Sort of like Il Duce in the Boondock Saints.

Yes, of course. But it's tough making a blanket statement that we "chose" Israel as "our" side. We obviously had some dealings that favored Arabs, motivations neither here nor there.

I think maybe if the Arab oil establishment would share the bounty of oil resources, provide better education and way of life for all Arab people, things would go much better.

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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

Ah yes, the "don't provoke them/wait until they put word into deed" approach.

Yeah. Cuz your doctrine of pre-emptive strike is working so well in Iraq.

You don't seem to know a whole alot about the nation of Iran, dude. This isn't a "simple" situation and Iran isn't a "simple" nation.

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It is great news that Zarqawi is no longer a living inhabitant of this earth.

To Shredhead666: If everything was perfect in this world there would be no FREEWILL! He wants you to love him willingly, not force you to love him. We can either love him back or be "Totally Metal" and call ourselves "(insert name here)666" along with posting George Carlin's rantings about how those of us that believe in Jesus Christ are mindless..:freak:


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Originally posted by shredhead666

Absolutely. And furthermore, George said it best...

When it comes to bull{censored}, big-time, major league bull{censored}, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bull{censored} story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull{censored} story. Holy {censored}!

But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is {censored}ed up.

Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the r
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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

Saddam, imprisoned. Zarqawi, dead. Not too shabby.

Ultimately, time will tell how "well" it worked.

uh-huh. It's funny how Bushes critics love to call him the worst president ever. It will be 30 years or more before we know what Bushes legacy will be. If in 30 years we see peace and stability in the Middle East you will see a much different picture painted of GW Bushes presidency. Sometims I think liberals would rather see us fail in Iraq than to see Bush remembered favorably. Their thirst for a return to power has blinded them to what is in this countries best interests.

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zarqawi and bin laden are the cia's worst nightmare. the same agents they trained are now using that training against them. it's called blowback.
i'm sure they have a chain of command set up.. so it will likely change nothing. just my opinion.:)

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Originally posted by the russ

if those are your measures of success in Iraq, then i'd have to say your perspective on that whole matter is pretty {censored}ing warped.

success will be measured 30-40-50 years from now. What tyou represent is modern America's impatience and penchant for immediate gratification. It will be many, many years before we see any fruit born as a result of this effort to rid the world of Islamic fundamentalist freaks. So don't be so quick to judge.

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Originally posted by 1big1

zarqawi and bin laden are the cia's worst nightmare. the same agents they trained are now using that training against them. it's called blowback.

i'm sure they have a chain of command set up.. so it will likely change nothing. just my opinion.

Us or them, human beings are human beings, and we all have a pack mentality. Take out the leaders and a detrimental effect will resonate throughout the followers. For how long, or how devastating that will be, we shall see.

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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

Us or them, human beings are human beings, and we all have a pack mentality. Take out the leaders and a detrimental effect will resonate throughout the followers. For how long, or how devastating that will be, we shall see.

take Eddie Van Halen out of Van Halen and what do you have?

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

Yes, of course. But it's tough making a blanket statement that we "chose" Israel as "our" side. We obviously had some dealings that favored Arabs, motivations neither here nor there.

I think maybe if the Arab oil establishment would share the bounty of oil resources, provide better education and way of life for all Arab people, things would go much better.

Well of course we've made some strategic decisions along the way that all our allies may not have been happy with. But that's how things work. Israel is still our ally, and as such I guess we have to try and support them as much as we can.

As for the Arab oil establishment, this matters very little to the USA seeing as how we get MOST (60+%) of our crude from our own oil fields in the USA. The small bit of oil that we IMPORT mostly comes from Canada and Mexico. Saudi Arabia brings up the rear with a fraction of ONLY THE IMPORTED OIL. So really this whole notion that we're completely reliant on the Middle East for ALL of our oil needs is complete and utter horse{censored}.

But you're right, it'd be nice if the Arabs would trade more with Israel - it'd certainly make things easier on everyone.

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Originally posted by PlayboyChris

Us or them, human beings are human beings, and we all have a pack mentality. Take out the leaders and a detrimental effect will resonate throughout the followers. For how long, or how devastating that will be, we shall see.

Yeah... There's alot of this..."Oh someone else will just replace him"... Couple things wrong with that argument

1) Zarqawi has been at it a long time. He was a seasoned pro. Not easily replaced. Sure they can find another dirtbag, but will that dirtbag have the experience?

2) Him getting bumped off serves as reminder that this a violent business. Those that chose to dabble in it will not live cushy lives and grow old. They will either get killed by their peers or by those they attack. Either way, it's not a glamourous, glorious existence and things like this highlight that.

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Originally posted by rgf

To Shredhead666: If everything was perfect in this world there would be no FREEWILL! He wants you to love him willingly, not force you to love him. We can either love him back or be "Totally Metal" and call ourselves "(insert name here)666" along with posting George Carlin's rantings about how those of us that believe in Jesus Christ are mindless..


Man, you just completely missed the point. And my handle is a complete joke, but I guess you haven't really been around here long enough.

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

success will be measured 30-40-50 years from now. What tyou represent is modern America's impatience and penchant for immediate gratification. It will be many, many years before we see any fruit born as a result of this effort to rid the world of Islamic fundamentalist freaks. So don't be so quick to judge.


It's very very true... Part of the reason I voted for Bush the second time around was that I wanted him to finish what he started. So that 30-40-50 years down the line, he can either be a hero or a crappy president. We simply cannot tell from this vantage point how this will turn out.

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Originally posted by guitar shmoe

holy cow! a rant of 'Biblical' proportions!
This person OBVIOUSLY does not understand the God of the Bible and His message of redemption....

First of all, define "His message of redemption". Religious people like to throw around these catch phrases they hear in church all the time with little to no understanding of what they're actually talking about. In plain english - exactly WHAT is the "message" you're speaking of?

Now, after you've answered that question, ask yourself... Why do you think George Carlin doesn't understand this message? He's a well-read, well-educated comedian (who has a somewhat warped view on things), but given his delivery and eloquent flow of his comedy style certainly he has a better grasp on reading comprehension than most. So you assume because he doesn't agree with whatever you define "His Message" to be, that must mean he didn't understand the message in the first place?


Edited by shredhead666
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Originally posted by macmax

Something else, doesn't the thought that they are not attacking Argentina, Brasil,The Dominican Republic, Chile makes you think that they attack us because we might been nosey and the world police and we attend to events that are not our own???

I think it's because not even the Arabs are crazy enough to mess with the Spics.

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