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OT: Al-Zarqawi Dead


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Someone will quickly step up and take his place. And we'll have to keep killing each one as they pop up.


You know, I love the USA and all, but it seems everytime we declare "war" on an idea, we always lose. The "war on drugs" the "war on poverty" the "war on terror"... just look at our track record! It never ends! You can't simply demolish an ideal on the supply side, you have to cut off the demand side.

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Originally posted by BOOGIE666

Oh did I mention that I am happy because satan is ass {censored}ing him so hard that he wishes that he was in a new york state pound me in the ass prison?


There's no such thing as Satan, just as there's no such thing as the tooth fairy and there's no such thing as Santa Claus.

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

Because the Arabs want to kill Isreal? And the friend of an enemey is an enemy?

But then you throw oil in the mix and itgets kind of messy.



that's an Arabs perspective, not ours. There is no reason we cannot be allies with both Jews and Arabs, if it weren't for rampant anti-semitism across the globe. That is the crux of what is happening in this world right now, anti-semitism and people's willingness to tolerate it. It is appalling to me. Here we have the president of Iran calling the Hollocaust a lie and calling for the extermination of the nation of Israel and for "wiping Jews from the face of the Earth", and noone seems to really care. How quickly we forget what those people have been through. There will be no peace on this planet until the world sends the message that anti-semitism will not be tolerated.

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Originally posted by macmax

to answer to Skid, this is what imeant:

it is not neither bad or good to be friends eiher with the Jewish people or the Palestinian or anyone in that region,

we just took a side and we will have to defend ourselves,

the thing is that if they could not end their war, one that has been going on forever, why do you think we can pull it off and end it for them?

we can't


alone, we can't. With the wordl standing with us, Muslims included, we can end it. Until and unless those "peace loving Muslims" join this fight against human garbage killing in the name of Islam, then I am afraid you are right. But we cannot abandon the effort to do so. The time has long past to stop this nonsense. I do appreciate your answer. I don't agree with it. There comes a time to fight and that time is now.

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Originally posted by SkidMarx


It is appalling to me. Here we have the president of Iran calling the Hollocaust a lie and calling for the extermination of the nation of Israel and for "wiping Jews from the face of the Earth", and noone seems to really care. How quickly we forget what those people have been through. There will be no peace on this planet until the world sends the message that anti-semitism will not be tolerated.


actually, the rest of the world has been pretty outraged by Iran's recent talk about the Holocaust, etc. Especially Europe. What exactly do you want everyone to do, Skid? Invade Iran because we don't like what their teetering, fundamentalist regime is *saying*? Get real.

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Originally posted by shredhead666

You kiddin' me? Skid's from Massachussetts. Mass = the colon of liberal elitist know-it-alls. He's constantly surrounded by morons... so I think we can all cut him a bit of slack if he comes off a bit harsh in his tone towards anything Left-wing. LOL!


LOL! Eloquently stated.;)

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

alone, we can't. With the wordl standing with us, Muslims included, we can end it. Until and unless those "peace loving Muslims" join this fight against human garbage killing in the name of Islam, then I am afraid you are right.


you're right. this terrorism thing has more to do with being Muslim than most Muslims would like to admit. Muslims across the globe have by and large completely absolved themselves and their religion of any moral responsibility to try and stop what is going on.

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Originally posted by shredhead666

There's no such thing as Satan, just as there's no such thing as the tooth fairy and there's no such thing as Santa Claus.


Hey! easy there chief!...the TOOTH FAIRY left a dollar bill under my pillow a coupla years ago....while I was :bor: of course :thu:

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Originally posted by the russ

actually, the rest of the world has been pretty outraged by Iran's recent talk about the Holocaust, etc. Especially Europe. What exactly do you want everyone to do, Skid? Invade Iran because we don't like that their teetering, fundamentalist regime is *saying*? Get real.


don't put words in my mouth. You get real. The world has done nothing about Iran. The man marchs through the street alongside those who chant "death to the Jews". He repeatedly calls for the extermination of all Jews and has made it clear that he would nuke Israel off the planet if he had the chance. He should not be given an ounce of respect as a human being let alone the president of a nation. He is an artifact of ancient history that has no place in the 21st century. If the world had any balls we'd all unite and isolate that pathetic nation until it implodes under the weight of it's rampant anti-semitism. Alas, Jew bashing/hating is all the rage at the moment. The world stands by and does nothing.

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Originally posted by the russ

you're right. this terrorism thing has more to do with being Muslim than most Muslims would like to admit. Muslims across the globe have by and large completely absolved themselves and their religion of any moral responsibility to try and stop what is going on.


yup. There comes a time for people to clean up their own backyard. Right now Muslims appear content to have their back yard full of human garbage. I wonder how long they'll stand by and allow this to continue before they join the fight to rid this planet of the single biggest threat since Adolph Hitler?

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Originally posted by macmax

to answer to Skid, this is what imeant:

we just took a side and we will have to defend ourselves,


That's odd, since certain sectors keep reminding me we put Saddam and bin Laden into power. Can't have it both ways.


Hard to "choose" Israel when you're empowering Arab leaders.


I know I'm dense and someone will rationalize this for me.

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Originally posted by BOOGIE666


I suppose God is a fairy tale too? I hope see things differently before your time is up.


Absolutely. And furthermore, George said it best...




When it comes to bull{censored}, big-time, major league bull{censored}, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bull{censored} story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!


But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bull{censored} story. Holy {censored}!


But I want you to know something, this is sincere, I want you to know, when it comes to believing in God, I really tried. I really, really tried. I tried to believe that there is a God, who created each of us in His own image and likeness, loves us very much, and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize, something is {censored}ed up.


Something is wrong here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is not good work. If this is the best God can do, I am not impressed. Results like these do not belong on the r

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

don't put words in my mouth. You get real. The world has done nothing about Iran. The man marchs through the street alongside those who chant "death to the Jews". He repeatedly calls for the extermination of all Jews and has made it clear that he would nuke Israel off the planet if he had the chance. He should not be given an ounce of respect as a human being let alone the president of a nation. He is an artifact of ancient history that has no place in the 21st century. If the world had any balls we'd all unite and isolate that pathetic nation until it implodes under the weight of it's rampant anti-semitism. Alas, Jew bashing/hating is all the rage at the moment. The world stands by and does nothing.


International affairs don't really work like that man. You're not going to convince "the world" to cut off all trade and diplomatic relations with a nation because YOUR NATION and it's buddies in Western Europe don't like the words coming from a fundamentalist regime without even majority support. Ahmadinejad and his regime are a temporary blip on the history of Iran's ruling powers. The youth of Iran is very Westernized and sympathetic to our way of thinking. "Cutting off" Iran is a 100% sure way of completely alienating the future Iranian powers-that-be. In other words, isolating them would be a great way to ensure that they are a problem for many years to come. :thu:

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

That's odd, since certain sectors keep reminding me we put Saddam and bin Laden into power. Can't have it both ways.

Hard to "choose" Israel when you're empowering Arab leaders.

I know I'm dense and someone will rationalize this for me.


Howabout this... The US had bigger fish to fry at the times we sent aid to Saddam and Bin Laden. The ywere useful idiots, but they outlived their usefulness and we forgot to take 'em back out. So they came back and bit us in the ass. Sort of like Il Duce in the Boondock Saints.

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Originally posted by the russ

International affairs don't really work like that man. You're not going to convince "the world" to cut off all trade and diplomatic relations with a nation because YOUR NATION and it's buddies in Western Europe don't like the words coming from a fundamentalist regime without even majority support. Ahmadinejad and his regime are a temporary blip on the history of Iran's ruling powers. The youth of Iran is very Westernized and sympathetic to our way of thinking. "Cutting off" Iran is a 100% sure way of completely alienating the future Iranian powers-that-be. In other words, isolating them would be a great way to ensure that they are a problem for many years to come.

Ah yes, the "don't provoke them/wait until they put word into deed" approach.

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

alone, we can't. With the wordl standing with us, Muslims included, we can end it. Until and unless those "peace loving Muslims" join this fight against human garbage killing in the name of Islam, then I am afraid you are right. But we cannot abandon the effort to do so. The time has long past to stop this nonsense. I do appreciate your answer. I don't agree with it. There comes a time to fight and that time is now.


Ah...and here is the crux of the situation, IMVHO.



Do you think this would be like this if France and Germany had joined us when asked?


They stammered and yammered enough to screw up the original time-line...that was a big {censored} up initself. And so what if Iraq CLAIMED they didn't have WMD's? IS that why the UN was there for 12 years without any REAL answers or solutions?



Well, of course that can be debated, but what SHOULDN't is if France and Germany had joined, and showed us around, they would say"SEE! We TOLD you there wasn't any WMD's. The UN and Saddam were just dicking around with ya!", then this whole mess would have been much different. The US would still have a little egg on their face, just like France and Germany wanted, but at least there wouldn't be so much blood lying around. And it would have made a MAJOR statement that global terroism and oppression would not be tolerated, no matter WHO stuck WHO in power.


And the silence of the moderate Muslim is deafening, as they watch what they think are polar opposites, or at least crazy people, destroy each other.



Come on rest of the world! Let's find a way to deal with this, through REAL world negotiations the likes of which the UN refuses to do, or through military means if necessary. Quit being so PC and apathetic.,

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