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What has happened to the US ??


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Originally posted by tommythelurker

I guess I should correct myself. Your logic is non-existant.

You sound like you're speaking from experience... I personally have no idea what a cow sounds like in ecstasy vs. anything else or what it would do (or not do) if it didn't like what someone was doing to it. As far as I know, they just stand around going moo without much awareness of what's going on around them. Maybe you have a better raport with cows....

I have no rapport with cows, but I have castrated them and branded them etc....

Rather than just saying my logic is 'non-existant' could you please expand on that and perhaps provide a valid argument?? Or are we just going to call each other names and post witty zingers??

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Originally posted by kush06

Me, I like it there. It's alot friendlier and cozier than the land of "mega right-wing ignorant white trash, Love MY God or Die, minority fearing, hate-mongering, sexist, gay-bashing, think my way or you're wrong, intolerant to any way of life except that of the WASP, election stealing, starting a war under false pretenses, environment raping, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly knob polishing, extremely angry, immature, foolish lost elephants"


DO I detect whining?

So what teepee do you live under, that you can condemn "enviromental raping".

WHo are you to judge the war? It's far too early for you to think you can know what has happened and what will happen. "Election stealing"...hah, that's a good one. Hard to be a President if you can't even convince your own homestate you'r fit for the job. Rush and Bill?...they are actors, entertainers....what are you so mad about that for? Wish more people were as passionate in their search for answers and truth...well, O'Reilly anyway" Rush is a big fat dumb.....head. No skin off my nose about it though.

You sound a bit intolerant your own self.

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Originally posted by rgf

I have no rapport with cows, but I have castrated them and branded them etc....

Rather than just saying my logic is 'non-existant' could you please expand on that and perhaps provide a valid argument?? Or are we just going to call each other names and post witty zingers??

is it ok to castrate and brand a person, or barbecue up a hunk of human prime rib? or, would you agree that cows and people are not to be held to the same standards? you can't have it both ways.

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Originally posted by favata5

Well I guess I gotta explain,First off I love this country more than I love myself,I served in the Military proudly back in the 80s to me the flag means alot and it needs to be respected! You may burn the flag only when its ragged and not permitted to fly,not because you feel its your right to do so.

Secondy,I dont hate homosexuals,I dont believe in what they do.but I cant hate them for what they are! I just dont think our children should have thier ways jammed down their throats that its ok and normal to have a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy!! thats not normal!

Thirdly,theres lots of folks like me in this world,we love our country and will fight to protect it,and if people are afraid to step up and be willing to sacrifice then they have to leave this great country!Thats all there is to it

and lastly I know its so tiring to talk about Patriotic stuff,lol you know back when we were hit by the scumbag terrorists 5 years back lots of people were flying that flag so high and proud! What happened?? hardly ever see a flag now except at my house and the post office>> hmmm makes me wonder! this is all im saying about this subject so take it away and think what you want,just remember if you think you have the right to burn the flag then I have a right to say whay I feel!!


Again, the flag stands for freedom of speech and expression. If you're against that, then you do not stand for the same values the flag represents. You are not a true patriot.

As for the gay thing, who in the world is pushing a gay lifestyle on you? They simply want the same rights as everyone else. Why would you deny them that?

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Originally posted by rgf

I have no rapport with cows, but I have castrated them and branded them etc....

Rather than just saying my logic is 'non-existant' could you please expand on that and perhaps provide a valid argument?? Or are we just going to call each other names and post witty zingers??

No, I can't. I can't because you only alluded that there was some logic there, but I didn't see anything resembling logic. There's some cow discussion going on, but there was no basis formed or any connection made between that and why gay marriage should or shouldn't be allowed.

BTW, feeling pain and thinking are two different things. I'm sure the cow is feeling the pain, but I seriously doubt he's thinking, "damn that hurts, I wish he would stop".

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Originally posted by rgf

I have no rapport with cows, but I have castrated them and branded them etc....

Rather than just saying my logic is 'non-existant' could you please expand on that and perhaps provide a valid argument?? Or are we just going to call each other names and post witty zingers??

When you tear a cow's junk off, it's responding to pain. A cow's cavernous vagina is not gonna be hurt by human penises, but then again, is the sex painful for a woman getting raped? It's morally wrong on a different level than merely hurting someone.

Since you maintain that you have some kind of logic to your arguments, can you PLEASE tell me how having sex with a cow is comparable to having sex with a man? I don't see the connection.

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Originally posted by blargh

When you tear a cow's junk off, it's responding to pain. A cow's cavernous vagina is not gonna be hurt by human penises, but then again, is the sex painful for a woman getting raped? It's morally wrong on a different level than merely hurting someone.

Since you maintain that you have some kind of logic to your arguments, can you PLEASE tell me how having sex with a cow is comparable to having sex with a man? I don't see the connection.

The only thing I can say is that it strays from our preconceived notion of "proper sexual relations"?

SOme people seem to be sayin"Hey DUDE! it doesn't hurt anything!"

But you don't know that. You don't know that for two guys, do you? And you can't say it FOR the cow, can ya?

I'm kinda thinking that unless you have to cow in the milking neck binder thing, if it felt ill at ease it'd prolly do...SOMETHING. Walk away? Moo abit?

Not that I would know. Seems a bit odd how many people know how the cows feel about all this.:confused:

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Originally posted by tommythelurker

BTW, feeling pain and thinking are two different things. I'm sure the cow is feeling the pain, but I seriously doubt he's thinking, "damn that hurts, I wish he would stop".

no, the cow isn't thinking that in the words you put it because the cow doesn't speak English. I'm sure in its own thoughts though, that's exactly what it's thinking.

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Originally posted by potaetoes

is it ok to castrate and brand a person, or barbecue up a hunk of human prime rib? or, would you agree that cows and people are not to be held to the same standards? you can't have it both ways.

OK....if there is a problem with the use of cows in the analogy let's use dog's? We don't eat them and barbeque them up....and I'm sure you would agree a dog has feelings?? I have personally experienced a dog trying to hump my leg....so now let's say a dog wants to copulate with a human.....now why is that 'unnatural and gross'? If it feels good, and both the dog and human are enjoying it??

It's the whole 'If it feels good do it' mentality that ruins societies. Everyone always says 'if two men love each other, they should be able to marry'.....I would say a dog could love a human and vice versa, so why not let humans marry dogs?? or is that past the limit?:freak:

With the 'if they love each other' mentality then that means that eventually grown men will be marrying boys under 18....I believe that it is possible for a grown man to love a 16 year old and vice versa?

So the next post will be that at age 16 people cannot make that decision (they are not mature or smart enough)....now you take that to a level where you are making intelligence a requirement (and my goodness, that's not fair) :eek:

The point is just because 'it feels good' doesn't mean you should do it. There are rules and societal norms that are in place to ensure the survival of the species and men marrying men isn't helping.

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OH MY:D I'm sure there is a little quote in my last post that could could come back to haunt me.....:freak:

I feel like Lloyd Christmas in Dumb and Dumber when he tells Mary 'I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy'

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Originally posted by rgf

OK....if there is a problem with the use of cows in the analogy let's use dog's? We don't eat them and barbeque them up....and I'm sure you would agree a dog has feelings?? I have personally experienced a dog trying to hump my leg....so now let's say a dog wants to copulate with a human.....now why is that 'unnatural and gross'? If it feels good, and both the dog and human are enjoying it??

First cows, now dogs? :eek:

Quite the wild one, aren't you? :D

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Originally posted by rgf

There are rules and societal norms that are in place to ensure the survival of the species and men marrying men isn't helping.

Since you love animals and sex so much... why do many animals other than humans engage in homosexual behavior? If god designed them, why would he let them have homo desires if being a homo is wrong?

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Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

Go to hell man. Don't attack me like you think you know me. You don't know {censored} about me. Don't call me a {censored}ing hypocrite just because I don't like people burning my flag. Unless you ever served anywhere other than behind a Taco Bell counter you can't even begin to understand how sacred we hold that flag. Since the birth of this nation that flag has represented sacrifice. On military bases we stop everything for reveille and retreat each day to pay respect to that flag. We salute it going up and salute it going down.

If any of you on the forum are for burning the flag then good for you. Don't attack me for loving the flag and this country and what it stands for.

Regardless, I love the flag, but his point was legitimate. It is 100% hypocritical to say you love the flag and what it stands for but think that flag burning should be a punishable offense. Sorry, but it's just true. I respect and thank you for serving in the armed forces, and let me reiterate that I love the flag as a symbol of my home. Don't let emotion blind you. There are flaws with the United States. The ones who truly love it are the ones willing to fix it, not the ones who turn a blind eye to the problems.

True patriots include Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Henry Drummond, Thomas Jefferson ("The highest form of patriotism is dissent."), Benjamin Franklin, among others.

Don't think that you can love the flag and not stand for what our founding fathers stood for. Burning the flag is symbolic speech. First amendment. THE most important civil liberty.

Don't think you can get emotional and avoid that fact.

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Originally posted by Darkburst

Since you love animals and sex so much...

I do love animals and I do love sex.....just not together....unless of course scrappy is sitting at the bottom of the bed when Mommy and Daddy are gettin' busy!

Your question about animals and their behavior is easy to answer......They are 'ANIMALS'. We are 'HUMANS'. Humans don't act on every whim they have. Humans understand that doing everything that comes into our minds is counter productive, therefore we exercise restraint. Animals have a harder time grasping this concept. :wave:

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Originally posted by rgf

OK....if there is a problem with the use of cows in the analogy let's use dog's? We don't eat them and barbeque them up....and I'm sure you would agree a dog has feelings?? I have personally experienced a dog trying to hump my leg....so now let's say a dog wants to copulate with a human.....now why is that 'unnatural and gross'? If it feels good, and both the dog and human are enjoying it??

It's the whole 'If it feels good do it' mentality that ruins societies. Everyone always says 'if two men love each other, they should be able to marry'.....I would say a dog could love a human and vice versa, so why not let humans marry dogs?? or is that past the limit?

With the 'if they love each other' mentality then that means that eventually grown men will be marrying boys under 18....I believe that it is possible for a grown man to love a 16 year old and vice versa?

So the next post will be that at age 16 people cannot make that decision (they are not mature or smart enough)....now you take that to a level where you are making intelligence a requirement (and my goodness, that's not fair)

The point is just because 'it feels good' doesn't mean you should do it. There are rules and societal norms that are in place to ensure the survival of the species and men marrying men isn't helping.

oh come on now... that's not even a half-assed try.

dogs are spayed and neutered without their consent, and in many places, they are also made into dinner. they're led around on leashes and choke chains, kept in kennels, and euthanized by the thousands every day. they are typically banned from so much as walking around in public unattended.

so, would you agree that dogs, like cows, are not to be held to the same standards as people?

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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????

If you don't like this country, why don't you leave?

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Originally posted by rgf

There are rules and societal norms that are in place to ensure the survival of the species and men marrying men isn't helping.

overpopulation to the point of exceeding the carrying capacity of our ecosystem (a.k.a. earth), as a direct result of heterosexual human reproduction, is rapidly ensuring our doom.

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Originally posted by guitarman3001

if you're against burning the flag in protest, you obviously don't stand for freedom of speech. You're a hypocrite. You claim to stand for what the flag represents but in reality you don't. Freedom of speech means even speech you may find offensive, not just the speech you agree with.

no, you wouldn't.

If you really believe that then get on a 747 to England and start talking about the bomb you've got hidden on the plane somewhere. Your "free speech" will come with a price.

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Originally posted by Loghead

If you don't like this country, why don't you leave?

I'm surprised it took 7 pages until someone said this. Telling someone to leave when they are unhappy where they live is usually the first knee-jerk reaction.

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Originally posted by rgf

OK....if there is a problem with the use of cows in the analogy let's use dog's?

Ugh, it's not your choice of animal that's the problem. There's no connection being established between homosexuality and beastiality. They're two different things and you haven't presented anything that connects the two.

It's the whole 'If it feels good do it' mentality that ruins societies.

Are you still trying to be logical? Because that's an opinion stated as if it were fact which doesn't not follow any sort of logic.

Everyone always says 'if two men love each other, they should be able to marry'

not everyone...

.....I would say a dog could love a human and vice versa, so why not let humans marry dogs?? or is that past the limit?

It's a different kind of "love". I've never heard of anyone wanting to marry a dog.

With the 'if they love each other' mentality then that means that eventually grown men will be marrying boys under 18....I believe that it is possible for a grown man to love a 16 year old and vice versa?

Not sure what point you're trying to make here but I believe in some states it's legal to marry at age 16 (I know thats the age of consent in some states, even lower in some).

The point is just because 'it feels good' doesn't mean you should do it. There are rules and societal norms that are in place to ensure the survival of the species and men marrying men isn't helping.

The "rules and social norms" are what society makes them and this is what is up for debate. You can't use the issue itself to argue the issue. how do you know gay marriage isn't helping the survival of the species? Did you create us?

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