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Everything posted by Darkburst

  1. My take... Flag Burning I think people who burn the US flag to make a political statement are idiots. It may attract attention, but no one is going to have sympathy for your cause if you violate such an important American symbol. That being said, I don't think it should be made illegal even though I personally find it offensive. Does anyone know how many US flags are burned in protest in this country every year? I can't even remember the last time it was reported on the news. Gay Marriage I don't really see how this some how taints the institution of marriage. Right now it obviously isn't taken too seriously by heterosexuals if you check the current divorce rate. School Prayer, Intelligent Design I actually have no problem if a community wants to have some sort of moment of silence for those who are religious to pray in school every day. What I don't want is the school forcing a particular religion down peoples throats. As for intelligent design, well it has no place in a science class. Schools should leave that type of discussion for philosophy classes. My public high school also had an interesting 'bible as literature' class which was an elective.
  2. Originally posted by rgf There are rules and societal norms that are in place to ensure the survival of the species and men marrying men isn't helping. Since you love animals and sex so much... why do many animals other than humans engage in homosexual behavior? If god designed them, why would he let them have homo desires if being a homo is wrong?
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