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What has happened to the US ??


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The sad part of this country are pussys like some of you who think burning the flag is a sign of freedom. {censored} You. I'm glad this {censored} doesn't happen where i'm from, and if it did whoever did it would'nt burn another.

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Originally posted by redrol

You are a {censored}ing idiot. You can dress your bigotry and hate up all you want but in the end America is its citizens, not the bible, your religion, or similar ridiculus {censored}.

Spoken like a true intellect..:freak:

I suppose without any guiding principles we would be fine? You sir have some learning to do.:wave:

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Originally posted by nrarocks

You can't ban flag burning because it's free speech. Gays should be able to get married; what's it to you? Are gay couples ravaging your neighborhood? As for not being able to say God in school, I don't know what that's all about, could be part of the separation of church and state law.

Check the definition of "marriage" in the dictionary.

Unlike the rest of Amercia who seem really cool with redifining words and long-standing trdiation to suit whatever the hell they want it to be, I'd like "marriage" to be between a man and woman. It's tradition, it's our understanding of a healthy and propogating relationship. It's the best way for families and children. No, it doesn't always work out, but it's not the system, it's people that {censored} it up. A man and woman offer a child both aspects of the species. It's invaluable, if done correctly, to the well being and developement of the child.

This is a case I would like to see as "separate but equal". I want my image of being "married" to be exaclty as it is now. I don't want the dentist office to ask me if I am married? "yes". To a man or woman? "ummm...woman".

You can fool your own mind that it is absolutely harmless and meanlingless designation, but it just shows you don't have the ability to think things through a far enough.

Let's give them a union, let's give them ebenfits, if it applies. Butlet's call it something else besides "marriage". That's not too difficult of a concept.

I heard on the radio today you can't dface money, but you can burn a flag. Odd. However, I do believe that men and women fought and died for this flag, to give you the right to be a jackass. So if that's what you want, fine. Just keep in mind just becuase youhave the right to be a jackass doesn't mean you don't have to pay for it. You should be prepared for wehatever consequences occur. Like an ass-beating from those people who think you shouldn't burn the flag.

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Originally posted by rgf

Spoken like a true intellect..

Just for the sake of argument, and assuming for said argument that the OP is in fact an idiot as redrol claims, what would be the point of getting intellectual with an idiot?

You know what they say - never argue with an idiot, they'll just drag you down to there level and then beat you with experience. ;)

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Originally posted by GRIZ

The sad part of this country are pussys like some of you who think burning the flag is a sign of freedom. {censored} You. I'm glad this {censored} doesn't happen where i'm from, and if it did whoever did it would'nt burn another.

I'm glad cow humping doesnt happen where i'm from.

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Freedom is convenient when the people exercising it are doing so according to your will, it is decidedly incovenient when the freedoms run counter to your principles.

Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????

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Originally posted by favata5

I apologise to all here Ive offended! Really my heart is sad,this country is lost and getting more lost as the days go on,We used to be proud people that loved God and country,but its gone now,you people have become sheep and have gotten yellow spines and want things brought to you without the swaet and sacrifice..no.no way I can believe this!! cmon,theres gotta be someone out there that would love to change the ways things are and would refuse yo adapt? anyone??

shall we bring back slavery, finish exterminating the native americans, repeal women's right to vote, and all that other good stuff too? you know, go back to the good old days...

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What would you do, hit them, cut them, Kill them?

Originally posted by GRIZ

The sad part of this country are pussys like some of you who think burning the flag is a sign of freedom. {censored} You. I'm glad this {censored} doesn't happen where i'm from, and if it did whoever did it would'nt burn another.

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I think I read this morning that CNN conducted a poll that 70% of Americans want the burning of the USA flag to be illegal.

If true, Americans overwhelmingly feel the way you do about flag burning.

I too feel that burning the flag is not only uncool but should be a punishable offense.

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Originally posted by gafyagaton

I'm glad cow humping doesnt happen where i'm from.

If it's OK to have sex with another man why isn't it OK with a cow? If you both enjoy it then it should be fine? Right? No one is being hurt by it?

If the cow comes to you and eats out of your hand and it loves you then it should be fine?

Hey - If it feels good do it!


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Originally posted by rgf

If it's OK to have sex with another man why isn't it OK with a cow? If you both enjoy it then it should be fine? Right? No one is being hurt by it?

If the cow comes to you and eats out of your hand and it loves you then it should be fine?

Hey - If it feels good do it!


Its ok to have sex with another man because he is a consenting adult, not a cow. :rolleyes::idea:

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Sure, it is OK as long as the cow is good looking. You don't want to be caught with the ugliest cow in the herd, it is embarassing.;)

Originally posted by rgf

If it's OK to have sex with another man why isn't it OK with a cow? If you both enjoy it then it should be fine? Right? No one is being hurt by it?

If the cow comes to you and eats out of your hand and it loves you then it should be fine?

Hey - If it feels good do it!


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Originally posted by rgf

If it's OK to have sex with another man why isn't it OK with a cow? If you both enjoy it then it should be fine? Right? No one is being hurt by it?

If the cow comes to you and eats out of your hand and it loves you then it should be fine?

Hey - If it feels good do it!


Since a cow cannot give consent, that's not even a slightly apt analogy.

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Originally posted by telephant

Its ok to have sex with another man because he is a consenting adult, not a cow.

Consenting - Hence the reference to the cow coming to you and eating out of your hand.....ie - not running away.

I find it interesting that someone who posted earlier about being bisexual (not you - someone else) is so quick to codemn those who like to hump cows.

Why is humping a cow any worse or better than humping a man? If you hump a woman at least you can procreate (although not everyone should exercise this option).

It's the logic....just follow it through and you will see it doesn't make sense for men to be with other men.

My motto is a very popular one 'Love the sinner, Hate the sin'....I still love everyone, I just don't agree that homosexual behavior is fine for mankind.

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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????

I'm 100% for keeping God OUT of the schools. God is the reason for just about every war and why most people on the Earth hate eachother. People are just {censored}ing stupid though, that's the reason.

And I'm all for gay marriage, it keeps the population down since gays can't get eachother pregnant.

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Originally posted by favata5

Well I guess I gotta explain,First off I love this country more than I love myself,I served in the Military proudly back in the 80s to me the flag means alot and it needs to be respected! You may burn the flag only when its ragged and not permitted to fly,not because you feel its your right to do so.

Secondy,I dont hate homosexuals,I dont believe in what they do.but I cant hate them for what they are! I just dont think our children should have thier ways jammed down their throats that its ok and normal to have a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy!! thats not normal!

Thirdly,theres lots of folks like me in this world,we love our country and will fight to protect it,and if people are afraid to step up and be willing to sacrifice then they have to leave this great country!Thats all there is to it

and lastly I know its so tiring to talk about Patriotic stuff,lol you know back when we were hit by the scumbag terrorists 5 years back lots of people were flying that flag so high and proud! What happened?? hardly ever see a flag now except at my house and the post office>> hmmm makes me wonder! this is all im saying about this subject so take it away and think what you want,just remember if you think you have the right to burn the flag then I have a right to say whay I feel!!


My friend, you have stepped into the land of "mega left-wing jack-ass, God hating, Death Metal loving, angry, immature, narcissistic, sadistic, disrespectful, foolish lost donkeys"......you will have better luck as a Jew asking Hitler for mercy or selling ice cubes to Eskimoes etc....you will find no love here...or not much anyways...let me put my helmet on cause here comes a load of donkey dung from the crowd that I just described in the quotation marks...:wave:

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