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OT: So I just saw Jesus Camp


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Between megachurches, Christian Broadcasting, and whatever stay at home whinging bitches keep the Gays out of Wal*Mart, we are seeing an explosion of crybaby Christians who have no sense of perspective.

Helping the less fortunate one 300 foot flat panel display at a time. And then making sure those fag teletubbies and that Satan's Spawn Harry Potter never grace it with their unholy image.

I hope Gay marriage passes and all their heads explode.


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Meh, sensationalism at its best. Someone films a "documentary" about a bunch of Goobers without a clue , at a time when its fashionable to be anti Christian, ya gotta laugh.Theyre Dorks, using God as a patsy LOL!!!!.... Give me these managable moronic extremists over what Isalm's been Churning out ANY day...

Teebes, Im not sure what correllation youre trying to Draw between the Jesus camp Knuckleheads and The Large Evangelical get togethers that you posted. Im not a fan of any of that but surely you arent trying to say that theres a connection or are you?

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Originally posted by DeathMonkey

I hope Gay marriage passes and all their heads explode.

I dont know if their heads will explode but I hope gay marriage passes just so we dont have to listen to whiney fags bitch and moan when there are an infinite amount of infinitely more important things going on in the world:idea:

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Here's a trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=y_EKHK1C2IE

This {censored} is very disturbing, and increasingly common. The church I was raised in was quite like this, albeit less militant. Watching that video will give you a bit of insight into the mind of the Evangelical, and more importantly a look at what kind of impact this {censored} has on kids raised into it.

More fun at Jesus Camp: http://youtube.com/watch?v=uOIYsGVyg8M&mode=related&search=

This one will seal the deal if you aren't already convinced that this is the same mindset (when you boil it down) that drives Muslim extremists, the same mindset that submerged the western world into the Dark Ages, the same minset that brought about the Inquisition and the Crusades. Extremist dogmatic fanatics of all breeds need to {censored} off.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

Meh, sensationalism at its best. Someone films a "documentary" about a bunch of Goobers without a clue , at a time when its fashionable to be anti Christian, ya gotta laugh.Theyre Dorks, using God as a patsy LOL!!!!.... Give me these managable moronic extremists over what Isalm's been Churning out ANY day...

Teebes, Im not sure what correllation youre trying to Draw between the Jesus camp Knuckleheads and The Large Evangelical get togethers that you posted. Im not a fan of any of that but surely you arent trying to say that theres a connection or are you?



Pretty much sums it up for me.

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Originally posted by indespise

Here's a trailer:

This {censored} is very disturbing, and increasingly common. The church I was raised in was quite like this, albeit less militant. Watching that video will give you a bit of insight into the mind of the Evangelical, and more importantly a look at what kind of impact this {censored} has on kids raised into it.

More fun at Jesus Camp:

This one will seal the deal if you aren't already convinced that this is the same mindset (when you boil it down) that drives Muslim extremists, the same mindset that submerged the western world into the Dark Ages, the same minset that brought about the Inquisition and the Crusades. Extremist dogmatic fanatics of all breeds need to {censored} off.

As unsavory as these types of Christians are, Ill take Jesus Camps over Terrorist cells , thank you.... big differece, HUGE difference

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

As unsavory as these types of Christians are, Ill take Jesus Camps over Terrorist cells , thank you.... big differece, HUGE difference



Not when you boil it down to what drives them. The mindset that your way is the only way, infallible and unquestionable, and that all must accept your way or suffer is what drives both kinds of extremists. Look back theough history and you'll see that Christians have commited more than their share of brutality in the name of their God, in fact, the Muslims haven't nearly caught up yet (not that I want them to). Listen to what the fat bitch in the first video says: "There are two kinds of people in this world- people who love Jesus, and people who don't". Think about that one, particularly in context to the militant overtones used throughout ("PRAISE HIS RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT!!!", "WHO HERE WANTS TO DIE FOR JESUS CHRIST?" and "ARE YOU A PART OF IT, OR NOT?!! come to mind), it's the same driving force, the same mentality as Muslim extremists. To deny it would be to willingly turn a blind eye while the seed of religious facism grows under your own feet. If nothing else, think about what this is doing to those innocent kids, that will screw a young mind up very badly.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

Meh, sensationalism at its best. Someone films a "documentary" about a bunch of Goobers without a clue , at a time when its fashionable to be anti Christian, ya gotta laugh.Theyre Dorks, using God as a patsy LOL!!!!.... Give me these managable moronic extremists over what Isalm's been Churning out ANY day...

Teebes, Im not sure what correllation youre trying to Draw between the Jesus camp Knuckleheads and The Large Evangelical get togethers that you posted. Im not a fan of any of that but surely you arent trying to say that theres a connection or are you?



the thing is that in a time where it is even more fashionable to be anti muslims than to be anti-christian, it seems that there are fundamentalists and {censored}ed up stupid {censored}heads all around us, especially in the righteous america ({censored} yeah!)

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There are lots of screwed up people around. Here we just happen to have an example of some that claim to be christians. I suspect if you'd asked Manson's followers, some of them might have claimed to be christians too.

At the moment it's fashionable to bash us, particularly with the recent result in your elections. Just remember that America isn't the world and one totally unbiased film (;)) isn't representative of a very large group of people.

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I'm confused as to what's exactly happening. So, this is a movie about fundamentalist Christians. Whoopdee-do! There are always going to be those who distort 'faith' to meet their needs. Watching those videos really didn't do anything for me. Yes, I don't like the huge mega-churches and those who call out against Harry Potter (and yet Christians have a tendancy of loving anything that is Lord of the Rings--didn't they use magic in there as well? :confused: ), but so what? Just ignore them and go on with your life. I do it, and I find that I have more times to do stuff more...important and useful. Don't brand all of the Christian faith as some horrible thing, just because you saw a video and read a bunch of internet posts about it.

(Sorry, this whole "I HATE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THAT THEY'RE RIGHT IN THEIR BELIEFS" is just bothering me--we all fundamentally believe that we're right in our belief, no matter what side you take--hence the word 'belief' ):idea:

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