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Man...I want to HATE Dragonforce SO BAD....


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Originally posted by WarriorJames

so is it true that DRAGONFORCE sucks balls live? I watched that video that someone posted and they sounded horrible. SOunded like one of the guitarist was out of tune and off time.



At ozzfest they sounded bad because they had no soundcheck (at least the one i was dragged to), ozzfest has become a bad joke anyway. I saw them at their own show and they sounded fine, their fun to listen to and even if they took themselves completly seriously their show is still entertaining and epic. Disturbed had a better show because the sound people or whoever it was in charge actually gave them a proper soundcheck, and they had more fans at ozzfest, no suprise to me.

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That band got old really fast. Obnoxious vocals to boot.

Being that i play in a death metal band, what i am about to say is a bit preverse, however: I HATE PEOPLE THAT THINK THE GUITAR IS A SPORT.

Its not athletics, it's art. What people like Vai, Petrucci, and Malmsteen do to the instrument only dilutes it. That's why people make parodies of them on youtube. It is impressive that they can play fast and clean, but its an instrument which is meant for use in creating SONGS, not running fretboard marathons.

There are fast players and skilled players who still manage to be artistic about playing guitar and make listenable songs: IE Eric Johnson, Satriani, and even guys like Danny Gatton could be thrown in there because he was just as fast and clean as any of the above.

Scale studies shouldnt be the focal point of a song. Who the {censored} is with me?

...commence ibanez owners hate thread.....NOW

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Originally posted by adiohead

argh, you need to stop listening to the technical aspects and start listening to the songs.

songs about lightning and mountains are gay


I would have thought that they were cheesy 20 years ago. It's just completely ridiculous now.

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I still think of the word shred as a bad thing :mad:

Hate shred music unless it's original. Yngwie's first album was great, all of Steve Vai's albums i like (cause they're musical), all of Dream Theater's albums i like (cause they're musical), but i could never listen to albums or artists that advertise themselves as the fastest in the world, or the fastest this or that... It just means they have to replace music with skill, and if i want that, i'll play some exercises.

Some things i DO consider good are musically advance and technically advanced would be:

Guthrie Govan (t3h rular)
Allan Holdsworth
Shawn Lane

Those 3 guys some people would consider shred, but if you listened to a Guthrie Govan song, and then a Chris Impellitteri song or something...

Well, one of them is a song, the other is an exercise workout.

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Originally posted by Sins_&_Shadows

well, i hope i'm wrong, because i {censored}ing hate dragonforce. but even you must admit that most of the newer players couldn't touch people like malmsteen, petrucci, satch, and vai.



Most of those "newer players" are in bands, not shred albums.

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I just think there comes a point where people are trying to shove too many notes, fast drums, and medivel lyrics into a song. I tried listening to Dragonforce the other day in the Borders store and I just couldn't get anything out of it.

I like old thrash and faster stuff but the newer stuff is almost too polished and perfect.

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Originally posted by AMSnell

Dragonforce are {censored}ing awesome for what they are, a not serious power metal (joke) band

Theyre always drunk, but still play better than you (and me) live

And They put on an awesome show as well.

actually, i would have to disagree, i can easily go as fast, and i can pull of stuff they cant make sound good at all.

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Originally posted by Chudanez

I dunno about you, but David Lee Roth was pretty big.

I'm sure Deep Purple weren't too bad.



I didn't say big, I said good. Lots of {censored}ty bands gety huge. And Ritche Blackmore isn't usually included in people's "shred gods" lists.

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Originally posted by AMSnell

Dragonforce are {censored}ing awesome for what they are, a not serious power metal (joke) band

Theyre always drunk, but still play better than you (and me) live

And They put on an awesome show as well.

Exactly!:thu: Everything sounded fine to me live. perhaps not note for note but close enough to the point where i say who cares this show is {censored}ing cool regardless, if it sounds good, its allright in DFs case. But certainly not for other bands.

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Originally posted by ThrashmetalErik

Everything sounded fine to me live. perhaps not note for note but close enough to the point where i say who cares this show is {censored}ing cool regardless, if it sounds good, its allright in DFs case. But certainly not for other bands.

what makes them so special?

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