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OT: So Why Don't Most American Men Have Foreskins?

Megadeth Man

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Originally posted by rawhedrex

thats hilarious - the viruses evolve just fine, and will continue to do so. Yet i assure you in 30000 years we will still be born with foreskins - and earlobes should we decide to start cutting them off also.



Don't be bitter that most women like the cut look. Move on. Also if people thought they looked better with cut ear lobes you'd see it.

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I think most people in this country get their kids circumcised because it's just what everyone does. It's not really something they think about, it's just what you do when you have a son. When my son was born two years ago, I just assumed that we would have it done to him as well. I didn't even think about not doing it. Then a friend of mine suggested that I research it a little bit before going through with it. It didn't take much research on my part to decide it was a bad idea. The cons outweigh the pros by a long shot. Read up on the history and the origins of circumcision, that's pretty interesting.

Before my son was born, I talked with his doctor to see what his take was on the subject. He wouldn't tell me his personal views, but he gave me some papers to read and told me about the actual procedure. After I told him that we were not having it done, he let me know that he was pretty much against circumcision. That seems to be getting more common and I think that if there was more readily available education about the subject, less parents would have it done.

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How many of you are {censored}ing strange girls bareback??

Are you morons?

If not, then the "foreskin increase STD chances" stuff is bull{censored}. Wear a rubber, keep your dong. It's that easy.

If you could get you dick sliced tomorrow, would you do it? I bet not.

It's mutilation.

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Originally posted by Loghead

I am quite happy without my foreskin, thank you. My younger brother, who was born in England, has the unfortunate obligation of washing out his every day. Besides, an uncircumcised penis looks like a banana that has gone rotten.



Hmmm, shouldn't you be washing all your bits everyday anyways?

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Originally posted by Loghead

I am quite happy without my foreskin, thank you. My younger brother, who was born in England, has the unfortunate obligation of washing out his every day. Besides, an uncircumcised penis looks like a banana that has gone rotten.

HAHA, you got a small penis.

Women LOVE :love: my rotten banana. :wave:

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Originally posted by Ballfuzz

Hmmm, shouldn't you be washing all your bits everyday anyways?

Read his post again. He "might" wash his ass (every now and again). But he def is mad :mad: that we have bigger dicks.

"Your dick needs to be washed"
"Your dick looks like a banana"

Why don't you just say:
"Big dicks are bad luck"
"Your dick is Bigger, because it looks more impressive when it's hard"
"All you guys with hugh rods, STAY away from my girl"

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Originally posted by Locky

Don't be bitter that most women like the cut look. Move on. Also if people thought they looked better with cut ear lobes you'd see it.



foot binding - lip disks - circumcision these are all things done in the name of "looking good" - and all quite stupid.


I've never been with a woman who cared - not once.

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Originally posted by rawhedrex

who knows - maybe the foreskin will grow into another brain with time - i see his point and it's about as valid as saying sick babies are weak and should be left to die.



thats absurd, with that statement one would be forced to infer that all man kind would die with out assistance from medical advancements... we got here didnt we?


get a clue, seriously.

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Originally posted by nvcreations

what lying bitch told you that? I havent met a girl who said she didnt "mind" it. and its not like they had all grown accustomed to normal ones, there quite a few who saw a non circy as their first one.

its EASIER to clean (dont say it isnt, because it is)

looks better (be honest even you non circys dont like the look of a snake eating a snake)

and plus its aero dynamic




This is retarded. Every woman Ive been with has loved it.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

I dont know about facts or statistics but Id rather be cut than look like a ball point or an ant eater ANYDAY!!!!

Im not talking about looks. Im talking about what it feels like for a woman when an uncircumsized cock is banging away. :D

Something you guys will never understand.

And only one of the women Ive been with, had ever been with a guy that was circumsized, and she already dug it. The others had never but after breakin it down for them (metaphorically speaking) they all seemed to love it.

Then again Im a {censored}ing Champion in bed so maybe its the superior skills! :idea::p

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Originally posted by telephant

LOL you're rolling your eyes at some {censored} you not only dont understand, but also cant prove.

You sound jealous that your parents were dumb enough to have some {censored} cut off your cock in the first place.

care to explain what I "dont understand?" I havent stated anything aside from a vast majority of girls that I have met say they think it looks gross, sorry that hurt your little feelers so bad.

I sound jealous? um how so? by saying that I love mine the way it is? yeah that sounds real jealous. Man you non-circys sure get bent out of shape easily.

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Originally posted by telephant

Im not talking about looks. Im talking about what it feels like for a woman when an uncircumsized cock is banging away.

Something you guys will never understand.

And only one of the women Ive been with, had ever been with a guy that was circumsized, and she already dug it. The others had never but after breakin it down for them (metaphorically speaking) they all seemed to love it.

Then again Im a {censored}ing Champion in bed so maybe its the superior skills!

Are you telling me that you youre a ballpoint? BTW little Bro, When you graduate from little girls who dont know any better, then let me know. Till then, youre a legend in your own mind:D :p

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Originally posted by telephant

Im not talking about looks. Im talking about what it feels like for a woman when an uncircumsized cock is banging away.

Something you guys will never understand.

Are you telling us that you know what it feels like to be banged with an uncircumsized cock?:freak:

Honestly, that is something that I don't want to understand, ever.

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