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jcm 800 Vs DSL Vs JVM


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lmao, yeah, im the jackass.

Wait! Of course the JVM distortion is all tube, how could I be so stupid. No transistor capping there, right?



Tansistor capping?? :confused:


Nothing personal, but you really don't know what you are talking about here. The JVM gets 100% of its clipping from the tubes. The power section also happens to be the same as the 800 power section. Thats straight form the designer of the amp, who is a pretty active forum member over at Rig Talk.

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Transistor capping or no transistor capping, the JVM doesnt have the growl of an original 2203, im sorry. There are so many different components etc. Same power stage with a different transformer wont sound the same etc.

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Transistor capping or no transistor capping, the JVM doesnt have the growl of an original 2203, im sorry. There are so many different components etc. Same power stage with a different transformer wont sound the same etc.


You're opinion has been shown to be worthless.:wave: What a fuckin' wanker.:bor:

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i love the 800s, but i swear some people have never played a properly biased DSL. Mine was set to half what it should be and totally came alive. For the addition of a nice clean channel and some other options, id say DSL.


The DSL gets a damn sight closer to an 800 than a lot of people seem to care to admit


Never played a JVM but im sure theyre very good



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Where is the silver jubilee in the poll?


As to the question, its hard to answer without knowing more, each amp has its strengths and weaknesses. I am sure even the JVM does even though I haven't played one, it depends on what you are going for. If you want a simple amp, then obviously the JVM is not a good choice. If you want max versatility than the JVM is your amp....

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If you really think its a JCM800 design, you know less than a {censored} covered rock in the desert, really.

Look inside a JCM800 and then a JVM, its VERY different, different circuit design, different gain structure, the JVM uses more clipping than tube's for the gain, whilst the JCM800 gain is all tube.

The original drake transformers in the 800 also give more thump and attidude.

I've played 800's loads, and my next door neighbor just gotta JVM last week so I been playing on that a bit too. I know the difference, and there IS one. You will get the basic gainy tone of an 800, but you wont get ANYWHERE near the straight up attitude, thump or crunch that an 800 has. Sorry. I know you'd like to believe it can get it, and will stick up for that hope, but it cant.



the JVM is 100% tube except the resonace and the reverb which don't add any distortion. I haven;t played it yet, maybe marshalls did lose some thump and attitude, maybe not, but there is no clipping that occurs in the tone path according to what designers claim which i belive is true.

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Shown worthless by what? A second-rate troll?


Another wanker who thinks he knows what he's talking about. :bor: You're a bigger loser than Snell who thinks he knows what he's talking about but really has been proven to be talking out of his ass when it comes to JVM.:wave: Carl may be a dick sometimes but he's right when it comes to guys like you having no fucking clue.

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Another wanker who thinks he knows what he's talking about.
You're a bigger loser than Snell who thinks he knows what he's talking about but really has been proven to be talking out of his ass when it comes to JVM.
Carl may be a dick sometimes but he's right when it comes to guys like you having no fucking clue.


Back fowl beast! Under the bridge!!!!!

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Holy sh!t.
That was great.


Don't even get me started on you. Do you even play an instrument? Skin Flute is my guess. ROFL! You have no angle here. You don't even play an instrument and I get my balls busted from you shitheads who don't even own a JVM. You and guys like chud who think they know everything are just little kids playing in an adult playground. :wave: :wave: :wave:

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Don't even get me started on you. Do you even play an instrument? Skin Flute is my guess. ROFL! You have no angle here. You don't even play an instrument and I get my balls busted from you shitheads who don't even own a JVM. You and guys like chud who think they know everything are just little kids playing in an adult playground.


Sure pal. Here's a link to 3 of MY songs I wrote.


I'm playing bass & guitar on ALL 3 songs.




Listen to Colbert's guitar solo first. Then shut up. And then listen to the other two, you fucking Jackass!


Let me know if the link doesn't work. :p


I'll be waiting for your clips. :rolleyes:

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Dumb thread... How many have A/B/C'd all three amps?

I doubt if many / any have.



i won't say it dumb but its not specific enought, it should ask how close are the jcm800 imitations on the DSL and JVMs.


I think comparing the JCM800, DSL, and JVM is just a bad comparison, its like comparing an SUV to a sports car


theb JVM, DSL, and jcm800 are completely different classes of amps, as similar as they are


the JVM should be comapred to the 6100, TSL and other marshalls aimed for flexible versatility

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ROFL... you don't get it and never will. You think you know it all after playing for 2 years. You're a wanker plain and simple.


im a wanker too, as my user name suggests, but i agree that 5minutes isn;t enought to discover the tone of an amp, unless its a single channel, esspecially weith the JVM,with 12 modes and 28 knobs it will take a long time to test each one

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