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OT: Standup Comedians, who is funny?


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The late Victor Borga was also hilarious. I almost want to call him a prop comedian (i.e. the page turner bit, and lot of the stuff around, not on, the piano he does), but he was just a flat out funny dude. Inflationary Language, Phonetic Punctuation...all great stuff.


And goddammit, people, DANE COOK IS NOT FUNNY.

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Dane Cook the single least funny comedian working. Period.

That said:

Bill Hicks

Lewis Black

Brian Regan

Billy Conolley ({censored}ing hell that man is funny. "Get in the water ya big Jessie!"

Richard Pryor

Louis CK

Patton Oswalt

Ed Byrne (recently saw his "Pedantic and Whimsical" DVD...pretty good)

George Carlin (earlier. Recently, he seems to just go on rants, and not do much actual comedy stuff)

David Cross

Eddie Izzard

Steve Martin (Not a lot of people seem to remember just how good his standup was)

Mitch Hedburg



I have to agree with most of these.



Billy Conolly

Louis CK

George Carlin

Eddie Izzard


And yes, Dane Cook is terrible.

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Nice to see Louis CK and Patton Oswalt getting their well deserved props. I watched Louis CKs HBO special a few weeks ago and nearly pissed myself. absolutely no politics, religion, or social issues.........just a guy rambling about observations and life. And he's actually funny......not to rip on Dane Cook, but........you know what? {censored} him. I've seen a lot of standups over the years, and each of them have at least ONE good routine. But not that {censored}stick...


Patton Oswalt? What isn't funny about him? I'm also convinced that he used to be the lead singer in Accept........:)

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Dane Cook...{censored} him...hes a joke stealer and an unfunny asshat.


Martin Laurence

Chris Rock


Eddie Murphy

Margaret Cho-{censored} u guys she is funny as hell

Bill Cosby "himself" is one of the funniest things i have ever seen

Patton Oswalt is funny and yes he does look like Udo Dirkschneider!


dice clay when he first hit the scene was funny

Rodney Dangerfield-All time great

Sam Kinison

Dennis Leary-he has been linked to joke stealing but his early 90's stuff is hysterical.

Bob Nelson

Robert Schimmel

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Dane Cook the single least funny comedian working. Period.

Absolute truf.


My favorites are all O&A regulars: Jim Norton, Patrice Oneal, Colin Quinn, Jay Mohr, Bob Kelly, Otto & George... Hell, even Vos is funny on accident from time to time. And then there are the bigger names like Chappelle, Carlin, Rock, etc... :blah:

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2 pages and no mention of doug stanhope?


-1 on mitch headburg.

some of his material was good, but there really wasn't a whole lot of it.

his live shows, in the later years were {censored}ing awful.

i saw him twice, and i would have walked out if i'd been by myself, both times.

especially the last time.

he was {censored}ed out of his mind on stage, fell over a few times, dropped the mic, his drink, etc.

not to mention both times, he was just reading his same old material out of a {censored}ing notebook.

stoned/retarded college kids ate it up.


stanhope gets drunk on stage, but he is still a damn good, quick witted, performer who knows how to totally horrify and enrage a crowd, and then get them right back on his side again.



George carlin is my comedic hero as well.

he's got my vote for the best of all time.

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PLUS 1 to whoever said Jeff Dunham - that guy kills me.

And leary was funny as hell on No Cure For Cancer and Lock n Load too.


Billy Connolly FTW

Bill Hicks - RIP

Ppl keep saying Eddir Murphy - Raw - i thought Delerious was funnier - but both are great.

Henry Rollins - while he's not a comedian - some of stories are funny as hell!

Kevin Smith - again - not a comedian - but the way he tells a dirty story is GOLD!

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patton oswalt. get 'feeling kinda patton' and piss yourself for fun. 'werewolves and lollipops' is good too.


chris rock, eddie murphy delerious era, old richard pryor and old carlin, are all {censored}ing genius.


i also have a soft spot for dice, he was just so {censored}ing raw


im tired of dane cook's schtick (e.g. 'sangwitch', and repeating everything he just said over and over while annunciating each repetition more and more :freak:)


david cross stopped being funny when he stopped doing comedy with bob odenkirk. everything dave has done stand-up-wise after mr. show consists of close-minded bitching. love him in arrested development though

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