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XBOX360 owners,what games do you guys prefer?


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wife just bought me a new xbox360 and i got the live gold subscription.i use to love playing ghost recon and crimson skies on the original xbox on live.what games do you guys suggest for me to play on live with the new 360?


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IF you play Halo ... GoW will frustrate you. It's an INCREDIBLE game ... but I wasn't all that into the multiplayer.

Go with Madden & Halo III.

I played halo 1 and 2 like it was going out of style. few hardcore hours with gears of war and all is fine :) Just takes more skill to use the sniper rifle.

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Some of these I played on PC but are probably good on 360 too.



The Orange Box (5 awesome games for the price of one!)

Mass Effect

Call of Duty 2 and 4

Halo 3 (only played it online so far)

Gears of War

The Darkness (very underrated)

Forza 2 (if you like racing sims)

Rainbow 6 Vegas


I thought Oblivion and Dead Rising were utter dog{censored} but lots of people liked them.


(oh, you want online games? COD4, GoW, Vegas, and Halo 3 are fun)

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I don't own a 360, but my friend does, and I watch him play it a lot and sometimes play it.


The game that I enjoyed the most was probably Lost Planet. It was the only one that interested me enough to sit down and see it through to the end.


It had a cool multiplayer mode, but unfortunately, it didn't turn into the next Halo, so I doubt that's really worth bothering with anymore. Hopefully they'll make a newer one with a bigger multiplayer emphasis, because it had a lot of potential.


It'd make a good rental for the one player game, at least. For as long as it lasts, there's not much that's more fun in video games than hopping around and shooting hordes of giant, killer, alien bug thingers with huge guns and robots. It was the first game I have played in a LOOOOOONGCAT time that actually felt like a video game to me. Totally fantasy and just fun.

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I haven't touched COD4 since i got Mass Effect, COD4 is great thought and i have to start it up again. I like ME soo much i keep replaying it but it's not a multiplayer game. For online games go with Halo3 and COD4. I don't like GOW mulitplayer, too slow paced for me.

And Bioshock kicks ass.

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now that sucks,are they going to fix it?

at that point I'd softmod the xbox and burn all my games since it thinks they are dvd's anyways. That or reformat the thing and make it run on linux. I'd like to get an xbox just to do mods to. Maybe I can pick up a basic used one cheap one of these days and mod it until I am blue in the face.

if anyone here plays gears ad me. dude hammer 666 i'll be shure to give you a whooping ;) haha

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