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Which Would You Rather: VHT D60, Budda SD or Splawn QR

Junk Yard Dog

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I'm able to finance something different than my Voodoo Deluxe DSL.


I'm mainly a hard rock guy who likes high gain capability, but wants a good clean for my pedals. My style is Slash meets Schon meets Gilmour. I play a lot of Kravitz, Crowes, GNR, Foo, COC, and anything hair metal. I don't do anything that's ubermetal or hyper saturated.


I use the following pedals: Barber Trifecta, Boss DD-3 delay (in the loop), DOD chorus, Keeley SD-1, Boss Tuner, MXR 10-Band (in the loop), Budda Bud-wah and a Marshall 4x12 with G12T-75's and WGS Vet30's.


I was hell bent on the QR for a long time, but heard more and more people selling or not liking something about it in several ways (bright, loud), so I began looking at others.


The Budda Superdrive and VHT D60 were in my price range and I liked the clips I've heard. I should also mention that on my DSL I NEVER channel switch. I always just roll off the volume of my guitar and get the clean I need. I've only recently used the Green Channel on it with my Keeley SD-1, and it's great, but I'm just ready for a change.


I should also mention that I like using delay in my effects loop, but if the amp is good enough, I'm not worried about an effect like that in front. I don't use chorus much.


My budget is around $1800.


If anyone has experience playing one or all three, chime in. Would love some feedback, before I get out to demo the Budda and VHT.



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I like the loop aspect of the Budda, but I like the "tone" features of the Deliverance as well...Tough choice.

No one's mentioned the QR on my post on another board either.



dude, don't rule out ANY amp just cause people have bought them and turned them around..look at where you are...revolving gear to find the next best thing is the order of the day!


in any event..I've played all three....

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Budda. Definitely something different than your Marshall and definitely pretty cool



Well said... It can do the Marshall thing, but it's got it's own flavor.


The Joe Bonnamassa (sp?) album he used them on sounds killer!


But man...talk about an ugly looking amp.

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Well, I haven't ruled out the QR, but overall, I've read more consistantly positive things about people's experiences with the Budda and VHT compared to the QR lately...

Believe me, I've been GASing for the QR since it came out!



Be careful who you listen to, consistency of opinion on HC doesn't really reflect whether or not you will personally like the amp.


The kind of responses you get when post a thread like this will reflect the strong bias of the owners of each of the amps you listed, "buy what I have or prefer".


Not necessarily what would be the best choice for you.

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the fact that you want an amp that works well with pedals is the biggest reason for the VHT recommendation from me. i've never owned that amp, but i've played it and you can get anyting from clean to blues grit to metal tones from it. and it was DESIGNED to be used with pedals out front. it's not an overly saturated amp, either.


i don't know much about the buddha. i know i've never liked one, and i've played a few. none of the ones i played would do hair metal, but maybe with a boost they could.


about the QR...it's just a hot rodded marshall, really...and you already have one of those.


by elimination, you're left with the D60.


really, the only way you can ensure your happiness is to play one. everything else is just wasted bandwidth.:thu:

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Budda. Blues to heavy metal with no pedals, no EQ. Very expressive, unique tone.


VHT... no idea.


Quickrod... very tight. Great for heavy metal and modern stuff. Not so great for blues/classic rock.


Clean tones : Budda>Quickrod IMO


I hope this helps.

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This difficult b/c no one here in Dallas carries any of the three. So without trying them, here are my concerns, understanding that they are all a big step up from my Voodoo DSL, which I would more than likely sell.


I like using pedals, so that already puts the D60 at a disadvantage for my time pedals w/ no loop. But I like the clips I've heard.


I know Budda's are great, but my concern there are the volume disparities between clean and dirty which I'd have to mod AND the LOUDNESS of the SD45. I like that you can switch b/t SS and tube rectifier on the SD45. I'm afraid a 30 wont' be loud enough on some of the smaller clubs we play (175-250 people) b/c some of those don't mic. But I don't play out every weekend either, so do I need the power of an SD45? Also, I like to use a fuzz once in a while, and some say the Budda can be fickle with certain pedals, while the D60 was made to take pedals.


The Quickrod: spent a lot of time last night listening to clips. Still think it sounds really good, and I'm a Marshall guy. I'm aware of the high gain stuff it can do, and it also sounds like it can do Kravitz (think Mama Says and Are You Gonna Go My Way) and Crowes on Gear 1 OD1/OD2 and some blues. Also, this is another beast that gets loud and I hear needs to be boosted to be more "fluid" as it's very tight. I don't like to hear that it's bright, mid heavy amp. I want CONTROL over my treble and mids, especially while playing through T-75's. I like that there's a 1/2 power switch, but I'm sure it still has to be played loud.


I live in an apartment. I use an old Crate w/ 10" speaker (I think) with build in reverb, chorus, and slam it with my MXR 10-Band to get a real nasty and tastey sound. So whatever amp I get will NOT be played at home in my apartment.


This will be my gigging amp, and I'll be gigging roughly 1-2 times a month.


So right now, it's basically between the Budda and the Quickrod.

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Man it's your call... Both are great amps. Both are Marshally... Budda has great Voxy cleans, Quickrod has good cleans. I personally doubt Quickrod can do Kravitz and Crowes, but I'm sure you can get something close.


And again, SD30 will be MORE than enough for a 250 people club, go and check it out yourself. Some people reported volume problems with Budda, I didn't experience it myself, maybe it's because I have the 2nd version.


Budda is a booming amp, Quickrod is a tighter amp. You can't go wrong with either of these amps and they both have excellent support. It's a matter of preference, Quickrod was in my short list when I was looking for amplifiers but I went for a Budda instead.

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