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Why does Call of Duty 4 rape Halo 3 so hard?

Say Ocean

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COD4 bends Halo3 over, A2M's it then pinches one out on its face.


Hehehehe...I agree with that assessment.:cool:

I actually liked Halo 3 for singleplayer, though. First Halo I actually liked. I lost teh disc though so I can't finish it.....:lol:

For multi though, COD series is the most solid. Infinty Ward are badass programmers. :cool:

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HAS anyone noticed.. A good game is not defined by who likes it now as much as who still plays it 5+ years from the time it was released


I have played COD2 and the UP expansion: Run and gun.. not my thing


CounterStrike 1.6.. Cant stand the CS community.. looserville IMO


AvP II.. Descent community, even though Im not an active participant of that community.. I just play.. I always seem to go back to that game for some reason... Ill stop for a few months then get in my Alien phase, and eat and breath the game.. Just me.. bottle of tequila.. some weed i hope... Its great when I can get on a server and no 1 is trying to hack..everyone talks {censored}.. and no 1 is being a Ass hole or child


UT GOTY or UT 2003.. Fun but gets boring after awhile.. Capture the flag is pretty kool BUT I really hate TDM on any game


Halo was really great.. Used to play it with a room mate of mine on the X-Box..Had a good time with that game , but Im a PC gamin whore...


Red Orchestra... Looks REALLY kool, but I need to score a legitimate copy to play online...Very lifelike IMO.. against bots is OK but they are very stupid.. Very kool graphics though


COD 4.... Great game but again,.. need to get a legitimate game to play online. Single player was kick ass.. Great gun physics,.... Rag doll effects were incredible and the AI was acceptable


F.E.A.R. and ther expansion pack.. It was a great game on singleplayer.. AI was "smart" and funny... GREAT plot and some of the messages on the phone were great.. Like the dude talking about the assf*ck of the century ( i.e. {censored}s gunna hit the fan and splatter).. That made me laugh my ass off the first time I heard that


Quake 4.. Ok single player game.. MP is also OK, but just isnt my thing


Wolfenstein: enemy Territory.. Great game IMO.. Graphics are somewhat dated BUT like AvP.. Gameplay is its strongpont.. A very team oriented and object based gameplay.. A pretty descent WWII FPS IMO.. COD might look prettier but W:ET is a better game


Only FPS that I really have experience with.. There are a few more, but the ones I listed are the ones I have played in MP or want to play in MP

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RSV2 is going to be awesome. I still play the original RSV. It's still fun. But one of the funnest games to play (when you only have your friends in the game) is Gears of War. We played a chainsaw only match, I have not laughed so hard. That is totally fun. We also have a blast on RSV.

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gears of war is probably the most boring game i've ever played. seriously...how can emptying an entire clip of your assault rifle into your opponent's head, and NOT taking him down be fun?

that, and 4v4 is for teh n00b. 12v12 ftw.

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HAS anyone noticed.. A good game is not defined by who likes it now as much as who still plays it 5+ years from the time it was released

I have played COD2 and the UP expansion: Run and gun.. not my thing

CounterStrike 1.6.. Cant stand the CS community.. looserville IMO

AvP II.. Descent community, even though Im not an active participant of that community.. I just play.. I always seem to go back to that game for some reason... Ill stop for a few months then get in my Alien phase, and eat and breath the game.. Just me.. bottle of tequila.. some weed i hope... Its great when I can get on a server and no 1 is trying to hack..everyone talks {censored}.. and no 1 is being a Ass hole or child

UT GOTY or UT 2003.. Fun but gets boring after awhile.. Capture the flag is pretty kool BUT I really hate TDM on any game

Halo was really great.. Used to play it with a room mate of mine on the X-Box..Had a good time with that game , but Im a PC gamin whore...

Red Orchestra... Looks REALLY kool, but I need to score a legitimate copy to play online...Very lifelike IMO.. against bots is OK but they are very stupid.. Very kool graphics though

COD 4.... Great game but again,.. need to get a legitimate game to play online. Single player was kick ass.. Great gun physics,.... Rag doll effects were incredible and the AI was acceptable

F.E.A.R. and ther expansion pack.. It was a great game on singleplayer.. AI was "smart" and funny... GREAT plot and some of the messages on the phone were great.. Like the dude talking about the assf*ck of the century ( i.e. {censored}s gunna hit the fan and splatter).. That made me laugh my ass off the first time I heard that

Quake 4.. Ok single player game.. MP is also OK, but just isnt my thing

Wolfenstein: enemy Territory.. Great game IMO.. Graphics are somewhat dated BUT like AvP.. Gameplay is its strongpont.. A very team oriented and object based gameplay.. A pretty descent WWII FPS IMO.. COD might look prettier but W:ET is a better game

Only FPS that I really have experience with.. There are a few more, but the ones I listed are the ones I have played in MP or want to play in MP

When ever I read one fo your posts, I dont, I look at teh avatar :love:

Quality choice in woman mang, i can dig it.:thu:

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gears of war is probably the most boring game i've ever played. seriously...how can emptying an entire clip of your assault rifle into your opponent's head, and NOT taking him down be fun?

that, and 4v4 is for teh n00b. 12v12 ftw.




Oh I agree on that point. The damage on the game is ridiculous, but when you are playing with people you know, it has a lot of fun stuff you can do. But I guess that goes for any game. We play shotguns only on RSV and have played pistols only and other stuff. It makes the game a lot more fun when you mix it up and don't play conventional games.

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When ever I read one fo your posts, I dont, I look at teh avatar

Quality choice in woman mang, i can dig it.


send me a PM with your email and Ill send you the whole set of her...Just trying to share the wealth... Hope your ok with women in various stages of undress LMAO:thu:

I have like 102 pics of her.. and possible around 5 to 7000 pics of the same quality/style of others black women... which is a little bit less than 1/4 of all the black women pics on my PC LOL

I just love black women... such as



or my children's momma/x-wife.. such a bitch, but I still love her to some degree

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ahh.. the deadly pistol.....remember using it. online my faverate combo was the pistol/rocket launcher.. mainly to take out the banshee whores.... have a pistol showing and when the banshe is in his attack run and committed to the attack.. switch to the rocket launcher.. he has no chance lol...a little deceptive but effective

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@ blargh

U are lookin at an older game through todays eyes,, Try putting things in context next time... I remember playing it 4 or 5 years ago.. I thought and still think it was a good game.. Opinion hasn't really changed about the game...Hell. My faverate game is AvP and it came out 6 or 7 years ago.. Most new games might look better but the gameplay ain't there.. COD among a few choice others are the exception IMO


as for being insane.. yep I'm certifiable .. Games like music is a matter of opinion and personal taste.. I still remember playing games on the Atari 2600... and liking it.. HELL. I still play missile command or pacman ever so often


I actually prefer games produced by these companies to the flashy and graphic intensive games that are out now,.. WHY.. Because they are quality and the gameplay is intense in its own way...







When I want to expand my mind Ill choose the above companies.. I Just use FPS for the stress relief and anger management.. or to sharpen the twitch factor

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heheh..I thought halo 3's campaign was great...big blockbuster kinda story..I like it alot better than COD4s single player..which I haven't even finished..

at first I was addicted to halo 3 MP..then I got more and more frustrated as time went on...COD4s MP is killer!! the ranking system rules and you don't get penalized in your rank if you have a {censored}ty game..the points system and custom classes is great...

only thing..the party system {censored}ing sucks..they should take a page outta bungie's book for that..when the team host leaves the lobby everyone with them should leave as well!!!

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heheh..I thought halo 3's campaign was great...big blockbuster kinda story..I like it alot better than COD4s single player..which I haven't even finished..



and that's the one thing that COD fanboys don't get. COD's single player plot line is {censored}. oh look, a conflict in the middle east. oh look, the former soviet union is at it again. its been done a million times before, by a million different things. halo's story line has substance. it has originality. it makes the player give a {censored} about the characters.

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@ blargh

U are lookin at an older game through todays eyes,, Try putting things in context next time... I remember playing it 4 or 5 years ago.. I thought and still think it was a good game.. Opinion hasn't really changed about the game...Hell. My faverate game is AvP and it came out 6 or 7 years ago.. Most new games might look better but the gameplay ain't there.. COD among a few choice others are the exception IMO


I disagree... I didn't like it when it came out either, and gave up after a few levels because I was getting excruciatingly bored. I only recently beat it. It had some features that were pretty neat for the time, but overall the single player gameplay was ridiculously repetitive and tedious, and the level design is some of the worst I've ever seen. And I can't stand playing multiplayer FPS'es on a gamepad.


2 and 3 improved on the single player a lot, but I still get bored with the multiplayer after a few rounds.... It's just too slow.

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I have to disagree with you on that warplanegrey...

I think the plot was descent in COD 4.. just because it had been done before doesnt mean it still cant be good...

I liked the plot and story of HALO but its a totally different genre.. One is improbable and sci-fi and 1 is extremely probable and real life.. I thought the graphics and real life physics were the best in any game I have ever played/.. When I plugged a MF terrorist in the heart and knocked him on his ass.. Thats just bad ass.............. just my take on it...

I also love FEAR.. To me the story line really grabbed me

HALO has a good plot too but you cant really compare the two. Just because somethiung is different or unique doesnt always equate to being better

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I have to disagree with you on that warplanegrey...

I think the plot was descent in COD 4.. just because it had been done before doesnt mean it still cant be good...

I liked the plot and story of HALO but its a totally different genre.. One is improbable and sci-fi and 1 is extremely probable and real life.. I thought the graphics and real life physics were the best in any game I have ever played/.. When I plugged a MF terrorist in the heart and knocked him on his ass.. Thats just bad ass.............. just my take on it...

I also love FEAR.. To me the story line really grabbed me

HALO has a good plot too but you cant really compare the two. Just because somethiung is different or unique doesnt always equate to being better

*looks at the title of the thread*


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I disagree... I didn't like it when it came out either, and gave up after a few levels because I was getting excruciatingly bored. I only recently beat it. It had some features that were pretty neat for the time, but overall the single player gameplay was ridiculously repetitive and tedious, and the level design is some of the worst I've ever seen. And I can't stand playing multiplayer FPS'es on a gamepad.

2 and 3 improved on the single player a lot, but I still get bored with the multiplayer after a few rounds.... It's just too slow.



Sorry for being presumptuous in regard to you not liking Halo 1


Never played Halo 2 or 3 so I cant comment on the improvents but I remember liking Halo 1.. Its wasn't spectacular but I still enjoyed the gameplay,. played online with a PC version.. It was ok... still nothing special but better than alot of stuff released at the time


OK i agree with you on the whole gamepad issue.. Only way to play a FPS is custom mapped keys( OOO default keys suk ass.. IMO) and a mouse.. preferably a laser mouse but not a wireless which I don't have at the moment. On my to get list.I actually gave my saitek gamepad to my boy.. He loves to use it to play all the N64 roms I have managed to aquire for him (490) or to play schrek the third.. bee movie.. spiderman 1,2, or 3,fantastic 4 or a few others I have gotten for him


NOW.. I do use a Saitek ST 290 pro joystick.. I LOVE IT .. I love playing IL 2 stormovick or Wings over Vietnam with it..

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