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Why does Call of Duty 4 rape Halo 3 so hard?

Say Ocean

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I used to play that mod since it's beta a few years back. Look into COD:WAR {censored}ing bad ass. Been playing the beta.




i've been playing Dod with my brother, and dad since hl1 beta 2.0 - when it started to look cool. they've both been playing before that. {censored}'s awesome.

i blew the {censored} outta my video card a month or so ago, so i'm out on games for a while. i get hooked on DoD like {censored}ing heavy crack, no lie. {censored}'s awesome.

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Some things I prefer on consoles. Things like 3rd person platformers. Some things I prefer on PC's. When tehy start releasing Final Fantasy on PC I'll ignore that part of consoles. But its really hard to set up a good wheel/pedals setup in front of the TV, but you can do it with a PC, and PC sims are geared more towards that kind of audience. PC has a big disadvantage right now when it comes to modern game pads. The USB format can only handle 3 different analog axes (I may be a little off on the exact number), so having a game pad with 2 joysticks and a dozen analog buttons would never work. Playing something like Metal Gear Solid 3 on a PC would be next to impossible unless you use combos/alternate buttons instead of trying to make a gamepad work in some sort of remotely analog fashion. Im sure they will catch up with this eventually, but it needs a bit of a controller revolution to work. Even if you could make that work properly, there's no standardized gamepad for PC's, so it's hard to come up with a good input system that will work for everyone. Think abck to a game like Metal Gear Solid 3, Metroid Prime, Banjo Kazooie, etc, any game that involves analog inputs or any sort of combo sets is going to be tricky to impossible to properly implement on PC's

Racing Sims
Flight Sims
Micromanagement games (Sim City, Command and Conquer, etc)

Platformer/Adventure games
arcadey racers

They both have their merits. I'd never bother with consoles except for the fact taht keeping your computer up to date is hard to do, and in those lulls I usualyl spend a couple of years on consoles, then revert back to PC's and catch up on a few years worth of games. But on the whole I'd say the PC gaming experience is much more satisfying. How I longed for the days I could Gran Turismo on a PC with decent physics, but even with a racing wheel, it's nowhere near realistic enough to satisfy a PC sim racer.

By the same token, with the way modern consoles are going (Tehy're getting more and more complicated and expensive) combined with computers getting cheaper, there's going to be a point where there's really not that much of a difference, and my main concern is that due to piracy concerns, developers will start jumping to consoles instead of releasing games on PC's, but if consoles keep going the direction they're going (more expensive, more powerful, hard drives, online/network connectivity, higher and higher resolutions with higher definition screens) then I can see consoles replacing PC's for gaming systems, but not because consoles are better, but because they'll become nearly the same thing.

Bring GoldenEyes graphics up to todays standards and it IMO would crush any FPS made since....the single player had gameplay out the ying and the multiplayer was out the yang....PD was awesome too but GE was better I thought....all MO of course....

It's been done. It's one of those advantages of PC gaming:




And for those that preferred Perfect Dark (Me):


This is the Facility (Felicity) from Goldeneye, played in Perfect Dark Source. It's HEAVILY modded visually, but the layout is the same.

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