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Official Austin Ampfest 3.0 signup thread! 11/1/08

Ron Burgandy

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We need to start a pool on what you
have come Nov 1st.

For sure.... XTC, Herbert and Beer. :love:

I actually found a pretty good beer that is stealth brewed for a grocery chain by Goose Island - one of my favorite craft brewers. I did a blind comparison to that brewer's trademark beer (Honkers Ale). It's pretty much the same beer, but I thought the private lable version was better. Plus I can get it cheap ($5.99 a six pack). I'm going to buy a case to bring to ampfest. :thu:

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Very nice

What's the name? I've been drinking Victory lately, but due to school/work it's been cut waaaaaaay back.

It's called Lamar Street Pale Ale - brewed by Goose Island Brewing for Whole Foods Market. Lamar St. is the name of the street Goose Island is on in Chicago I believe. It is basically Goose Island's Honkers Ale relabled. A decent pale ale, but not quite as hoppy as Hop Devil. Goose Island's IPA is one of my favorites (you may have had one last Nov. since I brought a few then). Normally, the Lamar Street is $7.99 a six, but its on sale right now for $5.99 and an additional 10% off if you buy a case or more. You can't beat the price.

Also try Breckenridge Brewing - Small Batch 471 IPA and Victory Brewing - Hop Wallop. :love:

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Dave, you're the one keeping tabs on who is bringing what so you should be able to better judge how much space we'll need. At some point we all should discuss donations/fees to cover the cost of the rooms. I'm not yet sure if I'll bring the Royal again but either way, I'm gonna donate towards the studios.

Damn, I have a lot to do before then. I still haven't changed out the electronics in my guitar and I keep adding to my projects list. One of my projects is to build a "special" guitar slide.

Then there's the issue of needing to ask a {censored}load of questions about my amp itself - that biasing thing, changing out the caps, etc.

This time I also am planning on bringing an extra cooler for the people who bring beer but not a cooler.

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Dave, you're the one keeping tabs on who is bringing what so you should be able to better judge how much space we'll need. At some point we all should discuss donations/fees to cover the cost of the rooms. I'm not yet sure if I'll bring the Royal again but either way, I'm gonna donate towards the studios.

Damn, I have a lot to do before then. I still haven't changed out the electronics in my guitar and I keep adding to my projects list. One of my projects is to build a "special" guitar slide.

Then there's the issue of needing to ask a {censored}load of questions about my amp itself - that biasing thing, changing out the caps, etc.

This time I also am planning on bringing an extra cooler for the people who bring beer but not a cooler.



I've got a pretty good idea about what kind of space we're going to need. I've just set a $5 cover to offset some of the cost. In the past people have been pretty generous about kickin' in monies so it's never been a problem.


Extra cooler = extra awesome!

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I believe I am actually bringing "2,000 lbs of {censored}ing awesome."

It's a technical term.

See? This kinda {censored} is even more why I wanna have a beer with you. Damn. Better have a sit-around with you, mhenson and Mesa or I'm gonna be one drunk ass bitch. I can't get too blitzed; I feel it's my duty to heckle you guys at the after show.

Boris, at Ampfest 2, Windsen's (hope I spelled that right) girlfriend was along for the trip and I'm pretty sure he'll be there again, so she might come along too. Or I'll keep her company for you :evil:

(I hope you know I'm just joking)

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on a random note, i think my gf wants to tag along with me. anyone else bringing their gf? i dont want her to feel alone

Yeah, I'm bringing her. Her name is Gibson SG. What a knockout too! :love:
Seriously though, I doubt my wife would come. She likes music and likes to see me play but I think there would be enough random sounds going on she probably wouldn't dig it.

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Yeah, I'm bringing her. Her name is Gibson SG. What a knockout too!
Seriously though, I doubt my wife would come. She likes music and likes to see me play but I think there would be enough random sounds going on she probably wouldn't dig it.


Exactly what I was going to say, including the SG part. :thu:

FWIW my wife stayed for part of the first one and there's no way she'd sit through another one. She just showed up at the end of the 2nd one to pick my drunk ass up.

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