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Anyone try Chrome yet on their puter?


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I just tried it, I think its ok. Seems quite fast. I dont really like how it looks a lot but its not awful.


I really {censored}ing hate the awesomebar things though, I wish they'd just have a check box to allow you to turn it on and off, I just find it annoying and useless which is why I'm still in Firefox 2.

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This happens with the search engine too. Every search you submit gets saved and tied to your IP address...which can be used against you if necessary.



thats pretty useless, how could they prove it was you looking for illegal torrents, bomb or poison receipes ? anybody can use anyones computer

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thats pretty useless, how could they prove it was you looking for illegal torrents, bomb or poison receipes ? anybody can use anyones computer



Actually, it's how Google organizes it's search results. People do a search, Google keeps track of which links they go too and then using that information it finds which pages people go to most for the search keywords. The pages that are hit most with those keywords are at the top of the results.

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I like the speed, and like the clean look. Gaining back memory from closing sites is great, as I open + close quite a few in one session.

Most visited is alright, as I tend to hit up a couple of sites a lot. Quite similar to speed dial. The ability to search only sites in your history is nifty. The other nice thing is that one site crash doesn't crash the browser. I've had the issue where I have literally 10 or more internet tabs, and one of them crashes. I restart the browser...only to have it crash in a few seconds again. I now have to restart the browser and pray I can guess which X to hit or I have to start from a clean slate losing all my tabs.

As to the people claiming it isn't good for privacy...icognito mode? :facepalm:

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I like the speed, and like the clean look. Gaining back memory from closing sites is great, as I open + close quite a few in one session.

Most visited is alright, as I tend to hit up a couple of sites a lot. Quite similar to speed dial. The ability to search only sites in your history is nifty. The other nice thing is that one site crash doesn't crash the browser. I've had the issue where I have literally 10 or more internet tabs, and one of them crashes. I restart the browser...only to have it crash in a few seconds again. I now have to restart the browser and pray I can guess which X to hit or I have to start from a clean slate losing all my tabs.

As to the people claiming it isn't good for privacy...icognito mode?

You mean pRon mode?

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I'm interested in trying it. But I imagine any advantages it might have over firefox will be nullified soon because Firefox is constantly improving. It'll be good to have the two competing though; it'll make both better,



Not really, the architecture is completely different than any other browser, that's something that FF won't just "get", they'd have to rewrite it from scratch.


Use whatever works with how you use a browser. For me, having a separate process per tab is huge. I run lots of applications in my browser and prefer to work in tabs.

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Not really, the architecture is completely different than any other browser, that's something that FF won't just "get", they'd have to rewrite it from scratch.

Use whatever works with how you use a browser. For me, having a separate process per tab is huge. I run lots of applications in my browser and prefer to work in tabs.



They're both opensource. Competition is great. All the browsers will improve and they'll constantly take ideas from eachother to get better, the consumer wins (take opera's speed dial implementation in chrome, or chrome's ability to utilize add-ons like FF). The new IE has a separate process per tab too. Did google steal from MS? They'll all have this soon (next year or so).



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So, can someone tell me what other browsers are out there, and why they are better than Explorer?

I'm more than willing to try something new.



Don't forget about Flock....Netscape's new browser. It's a little....I dunno....social-ist...myspace-ish for my taste. Like a soccer-mom browser?

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