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Global Warming


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look mommy! Stupid people!


Everybody is missing the point. Our world operates on the assumption that all the {censored} we spew into the air will have no effect. But the problem is that the {censored} we release tends to all be greenhouse gasses. Its essentially like adding layers onto your bed very very slowly. It may not have a dramatic effect now, but it will later. Arguing about the effects its having in present time is downright stupid. The {censored} will hit the fan in the future, but to prevent that from happening, we must act now. And the problem with dumb{censored}s like antipownt is that they want to see instant reason to act, and are too stupid to foresee future consequences. You can argue "well how do we know that will be the result" but my answer to that is better safe than sorry.


What you cannot argue against is that the temperature of the oceans are rising. When they get too hot, all of the phytoplankton die. The phytoplankton are plants, and absorb multiple gigatons of carbon dioxide per year. We kill them, we lose that carbon sink. Moreover, they are the very concrete of the ocean food chain, when they start to die, everything else will die too. How {censored}ed will the world be when the oceans yield drastically less biomass every year? Just take into consideration all of the people who live off of seafood. Furthermore, warm oceans mean water expansion (happens when water is warm), and melting ice, which feeds into rising sea levels. And to add onto that, there are pockets of methane in the ocean floor that are held there by the cold temperature. When it warms up too much, the methane will expand, rise to the surface, and eventually take on a gas form. For those who dont know it, methane is the second most powerful greenhouse gas after water vapour. Warming the oceans is a positive feedback system which will only warm everything else quicker.

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You can argue "well how do we know that will be the result" but my answer to that is better safe than sorry.



While I don't believe in global warming, I can respect this mentality.


The thing that bugs be about global warming is the dogma that surrounds it. If you disagree you're hated by society, most of which have never read anything about global warming and have probably just watched the news (which let's face it, isn't really a very reliable place to learn about a serious issue, it's just a bunch of companies trying to make money) or the movie an inconvenient truth (once again, not the most accurate of sources).


The people who try to speak out against the popular beliefs are shunned and the media chooses to ignore their existence most of the time. It's almost like a fascist religion or something.

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I used to strongly believe in (human-caused) global warming and get pretty angry when people questioned it because they were "questioning science".


The more I looked into it the more I found that the theory was usually on the losing/minority side of scientific debates. Global warming is undoubtably real, but the idea that humans directly cause it is a sinking ship and more based on friend-of-a-friend and marketing gimmicks relaying "what scientists think" than anything the majority of scientists are publishing in journals. Too many people are reluctant to admit they were wrong just for the sake of ego.


That said -- the entire fear mongering thing is stupid. We should cut down on the things we believe may cause global warming regardless. The rising frequencies of lung conditions in polluted cities is well documented for example, but never brought up anymore in the environmental debate; it's become obsessed with the apocalyptic global warming dead horse.

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Oh. my. god. so much untrue stuff packed in one thread.
if you want to inform yourself:

- Earth temperatures are warming since the end of little ice age.
- a good part of that warming is related to natural cycles such as solar insulation and earth axis tilting
- temperature development over the past 1000y:


- 1000y is nothing when you want to depict an anthropogenic trend
- data were compared up to age of 650.000y from ice cores
- findings show:
- past times were cooler and warmer as today. but all of those variability can be attributed to larger patterns such as solar patterns, long-time carbon cycle, and earth axis tiltings
- also Co2 levels were higher in the past, esp the cretaceous period. Due to natural cycles

- The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2005 (379 ppm) exceeds by far the natural range of the last 650,000 years (180 to 300 ppm)
- due to certain footprints this rise in concentration can be attributed to human action
- until ~1975 can be explained by a combination of anthropogenic and human factors.
- the warming since 1975 CAN NOT BE explained by natural forcings

What does it mean?
- in short:
- CO2 concentrations are further rising.
- warming has started and the human induced trend has just begun to seperate from the natural variability.
- climate is reacting slowly to these changes, so its very obviously just the beginning of global warming, that we see today.

Forcing Agents that tend to cool/warm earths atmosphere:

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Lies, all. The ambient temperature around weather stations has increased dramatically because development has occurred in places that used to be rural. A station that used to be surrounded by dirt is now surrounded by heat-absorbing asphalt. There's your {censored}ing global warming.:cop:

And ocean temperatures are extremely fluid. I wouldn't worry about frying the poor plankton. Just look at El Nino and La Nina, there is a trend of warming and cooling currents right there. All natural.

And to the morons that apparently believe that carbon dioxide is a poison (:facepalm::facepalm:): all trees and plants and the process of photosynthesis disagree with you. Reducing carbon dioxide means less crop yield and reduced oxygen supply.

Sorry, I don't buy into the climate change religion.:blah:

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Ill try again.. :wave:




Does anyone recall seeing this on Page 1 of ANY major newspapers? Network TV? Hello? -- I gaurantee if it was the OTHER WAY around (31,00 scientists saying global warming is REAL!!) it sure would have been on Page 1 and led the evening news! - BET THE HOUSE ON IT! :wave:

But that requires a honest-non partison, non agenda driven media which shows 2 sides to every story! sadly we dont have anymore.. :cry:


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I wish you would give everyone your take on the subject then.

I have before in the past and you know what happens? Someone throws up some bad science or uses bad science to attempt to tarnish my words. I disprove the bad science and demonstrate good science. They stick up more bad science. I disprove that bad science. They spit their dummy out and call me a dick or just say that my science is bull{censored} without anything to back it up and then they dissapear. Simply put you people dont want to debate and you are incapable of changing your mind because, y'know, how could you be wrong? Honestly it ranks up their with abortion and religion. You have made up your minds.

If its in a blog, or on the news its probably wrong or blown out of all proportion. This goes for both sides of the debate. If you really want to educate yourself on the subject then read journals and make up your own damn mind. The ipcc is an ok read. Its very dry and tends to be modelling orientated though. There arent that many places that try and wrap the collective understanding for public consumption because its difficult to do so and as soon as you do you make it easy for the detractors to set in.

The biggest irk of all is that when people start slating the scientists. They're just doing it for the money!!! Do people honestly think that? I have a degree, two masters and a PhD. (pending ;)) and do you know how much I get paid? Not a lot. If I got a job doing anything else I'd earn at least 50% more and it I got a job missusing my knowledge of cloud formation I could probably tripple my current salary. So no, we're not in it for money.

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They say we are going to have one of the coldest winters we've had in a while. Somehow that gets blammed on global warming. When it's to hot... global warming. Send al gore money to make up for your carbon usage. I don't buy it. I think it's a natural thing that happens with our planet. I don't think we're in as much trouble as they say. I saw where the polar ice caps naturally have been doing that for 100's of years. It's a scare tactic. A lot of people recycle because they think it does good for the planet. I knew a guy who worked at a recycling place for plastic. He said it did much more damage to the environment with the chemicals they use to recycle. The batteries that are in hybrid cars eventually do more damage to our planet than regular cars. Everyone is going "green" now. I'm all for saving the planet even though it might not sound like it. I just think people buy into all of this stuff that isn't true. And you shouldn't feel bad about buying paper cups.

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To the scientist comment... I listen to a local radio show who are on my side with this and they have scientist on very regular who say global warming is not man made. Just throw your plastic away instead of recycling and damaging the environment.

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Ill try again..




Does anyone recall seeing this on Page 1 of ANY major newspapers? Network TV? Hello? -- I gaurantee if it was the OTHER WAY around (31,00 scientists saying global warming is REAL!!) it sure would have been on Page 1 and led the evening news! - BET THE HOUSE ON IT!

But that requires a honest-non partison, non agenda driven media which shows 2 sides to every story! sadly we dont have anymore..


I saw Larry Flynt lamenting the lack of truth in reporting, saying "...they only tell you what they want you to know..." I was shocked to find myself agreeing with him... then he named Fox news, and showed a Bill O'Reilly clip. I was waiting to hear about CNN,MSNBC,NYTimes etc. First off, Fox is the only place that will give you both sides of the story, granted with a right leaning slant, all of the others I named always seem to leave out key facts to almost every hot button issue, second O'Reilly is not a true "news show", it's an editorial page on the tube.

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While I don't believe in global warming, I can respect this mentality.

The thing that bugs be about global warming is the dogma that surrounds it. If you disagree you're hated by society, most of which have never read anything about global warming and have probably just watched the news (which let's face it, isn't really a very reliable place to learn about a serious issue, it's just a bunch of companies trying to make money) or the movie an inconvenient truth (once again, not the most accurate of sources).

The people who try to speak out against the popular beliefs are shunned and the media chooses to ignore their existence most of the time. It's almost like a fascist religion or something.



I agree with you. Also the world was hotter than it is today in the 1930's. I think we are okay. Like you said... People in society will hate ya for saying this. But people in America especially believe everything they see on tv. I've learned that quite a bit. Especially during election time. But I heard one story where if we all had hybrid cars we would actually be dumping the batteries and damaging the environment. And a lot of people really do think that spending all that money on a hybrid is saving the world.

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I like fox news. But I'm a conservative. Liberals tend to jump on a bandwagon very quick. They are so open minded that they are blind to what really goes on. Although I realize most people on here are liberal and I shall be bashed for living in the south and being conservative. I don't believe in global warming.. I'm not for gay marriage.. I'm not for abortion. Beat me up. haha

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