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Global Warming


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I say the bottom line is... You need to do your research and not just listen to what the lib's tell you. And if ANY of you send money to buy carbon credits please come forward. That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. People think, I'll drive my gas powered car and pay some money to make up for it.

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does anybody realize that the point of preserving the world is so that we may live comfortably? We are all members of 2 country affiliations if you will, your own flag, and the world. You poison the world, and you're poisoning yourself. Like {censored}, I'm not pro environment because i like trees or animals, its because I'm a greedy guy that wants to live long in a world that's easy to live in. And its the irresponsibility of others that is going to interfere with that.


Lies, all. The ambient temperature around weather stations has increased dramatically because development has occurred in places that used to be rural. A station that used to be surrounded by dirt is now surrounded by heat-absorbing asphalt. There's your {censored}ing global warming.

And ocean temperatures are extremely fluid. I wouldn't worry about frying the poor plankton. Just look at El Nino and La Nina, there is a trend of warming and cooling currents right there. All natural.

And to the morons that apparently believe that carbon dioxide is a poison (
:facepalm:): all trees and plants and the process of photosynthesis disagree with you. Reducing carbon dioxide means less crop yield and reduced oxygen supply.

Sorry, I don't buy into the climate change religion.


but clearly you buy into being naive, and drawing your own incomplete conclusions on what people tell you instead of research. Oops, you're a dumbass.

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I don't believe in global warming..



See, there is plenty of room for debate in terms of global warming on issues like how/why it is happening, how it will affect us, when it will affect us, whether or not we could do anything to prevent it, etc.


In my honest opinion, mankind is not responsible for global warming. I'm sure we havn't helped, however, Hummers and overpopulating cattle are not substantial enough, in my opinion, to push things one way or the other in terms of planetary conditions. Global warming is a natural cycle that has been happening forever.


However, this mentality I just don't understand. How could one say planetary conditions are NOT changing? Earth's environment has been ever changing since the birth of life itself. All evidence supports the fact that climate has drastically swayed between extremely hot periods and extremely cold periods back and forth. To say that it doesn't happen and isn't currently happening just seems ignorant to me.

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See, there is plenty of room for debate in terms of global warming on issues like how/why it is happening, how it will affect us, when it will affect us, whether or not we could do anything to prevent it, etc.

In my honest opinion, mankind is not responsible for global warming. I'm sure we havn't helped, however, Hummers and overpopulating cattle are not substantial enough, in my opinion, to push things one way or the other in terms of planetary conditions. Global warming is a natural cycle that has been happening forever.

However, this mentality I just don't understand. How could one say planetary conditions are NOT changing? Earth's environment has been ever changing since the birth of life itself. All evidence supports the fact that climate has drastically swayed between extremely hot periods and extremely cold periods back and forth. To say that it doesn't happen and isn't currently happening just seems ignorant to me.



See, you're kinda missing the point, but its not your fault, its because everybody is arguing over the wrong thing. Yes global warming is a natural process. The problem is that those processes we observed in the past were natural, and stayed balanced out by the feedback systems in the natural processes. But we're basically throwing a wildcard into the equation with our own emissions, and it is having three effects.

1) the air is dirtier, it {censored}ing sucks, and people are getting sick from it. Huge increases in allergies, lung related diseases, etc, all that can be attributed to pollution.

2) they are greenhouse gasses, and yes, they are having an effect, however minute that effect is.

3) we don't understand the possibilities because we have not observed what our gas release holds for the future, other than dirty air and a lot of sick people. We thrown off the natural balance, and cannot expect the natural feedback systems just to fix everything for us and adapt to our constant damages.


To reiterate: We don't have an idea of the extent of possibilities, therefore, better safe than sorry.

And i'm sorry, but arguing this last point is just stupid.

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God you're stupid.

Do people not realize that one or two data points don't make much of a difference when we're talking about a trend over decades and centuries? The overall trend is that the earth is warming. Ask any scientist not on a big oil payroll. These past couple of years are a minor blip in an overall trend, and won't make any difference 30 years from now unless there is actually a turn-around starting now, which is highly unlikely.

The Earth IS warming, the debate is about why. Though, I don't understand how if our {censored}ing planet is possibly in any way in danger people wouldn't at least try a little bit to reverse it, even if they don't know 100% if they are the reason. I mean, it's the {censored}ing planet

This is such bull{censored}. The dangers of global warming have nothing to do with our planet surviving. Coming in like Captain Planet doesn't make you cool, it makes you look like a douche. Global warming (if a trend continues) will have a serious effect on people in coastal towns and weather but the planet doesn't have cancer and is not going to wither away and die.

Also, if you could please explain to me why global warming happened then we can do something to stop it. What are you doing to save our dear planet? Buying greener guitars? You know there hasn't been a proven reason why global warming is happening. I'm sure all the scientists would like to know why it's happening. I guess all they have to do is come to HCAF and ask you.

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Ill try again..




Does anyone recall seeing this on Page 1 of ANY major newspapers? Network TV? Hello? -- I gaurantee if it was the OTHER WAY around (31,00 scientists saying global warming is REAL!!) it sure would have been on Page 1 and led the evening news! - BET THE HOUSE ON IT!

But that requires a honest-non partison, non agenda driven media which shows 2 sides to every story! sadly we dont have anymore..



The current list of 31,072 petition signers includes 9,021 PhD; 6,961 MS; 2,240 MD and DVM; and 12,850 BS or equivalent academic degrees.


The following outline gives a more detailed analysis of the signers' educations.

Atmosphere, Earth, & Environment (3,697)


1. Atmosphere (578)


I) Atmospheric Science (114)

II) Climatology (40)

III) Meteorology (341 )

IV) Astronomy (58)

V) Astrophysics (25)


2. Earth (2,148)


I) Earth Science (107)

II) Geochemistry (62)

III) Geology (1,601)

IV) Geophysics (334)

V) Geoscience (23)

VI) Hydrology (21)


3. Environment (971)


I) Environmental Engineering (473)

II) Environmental Science (256)

III) Forestry (156)

IV) Oceanography (86)


Computers & Math (903)


1. Computer Science (217)


2. Math (686)


I) Mathematics (575)

II) Statistics (111)


Physics & Aerospace (5,691)


1. Physics (5,106)


I) Physics (2,310)

II) Nuclear Engineering (215)

III) Mechanical Engineering (2,581)


2. Aerospace (585)


I) Aerospace Engineering (585)


Chemistry (4,796)


1. Chemistry ( 3,156)

2. Chemical Engineering (1,640)


Biochemistry, Biology, & Agriculture (2,924)


1. Biochemistry (768)


I) Biochemistry (703)

II) Biophysics (65)


2. Biology (1,365)


I) Biology (985)

II) Ecology (72)

III) Entomology (57)

IV) Zoology (145)

V) Animal Science (106)


3. Agriculture (791)


I) Agricultural Science (314)

II) Agricultural Engineering (111)

III) Plant Science (292)

IV) Food Science (74)


Medicine (3,069)


1. Medical Science (726)


2. Medicine (2,343)


General Engineering & General Science (9,992)


1. General Engineering (9,751)


I) Engineering (7,289)

II) Electrical Engineering (2,075)

III) Metallurgy (387)


2. General Science (241)


So, about 1/3 of the signers have Phd's, and only ~ 3500 signers have a background related to the Earth, the Atmosphere, or the Environment.


Hey, but there are 241 "general scientists" on the list. :rolleyes:

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PHD, huh?

Well, they are fairly dubious. His research is virtually always limited to right wing sources. Not that science is political by nature, but to ignore the politicization of science is ignoring the people who profit from it. Crichton's reputation has been, in so many words, to ask just enough right wing sources to make a plot stick together and sound scientific, ???, profit.

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This is such bull{censored}. The dangers of global warming have nothing to do with our planet surviving. Coming in like Captain Planet doesn't make you cool, it makes you look like a douche. Global warming (if a trend continues) will have a serious effect on people in coastal towns and weather but the planet doesn't have cancer and is not going to wither away and die.

Also, if you could please explain to me why global warming happened then we can do something to stop it. What are you doing to save our dear planet? Buying greener guitars? You know there hasn't been a proven reason why global warming is happening. I'm sure all the scientists would like to know why it's happening. I guess all they have to do is come to HCAF and ask you.



Actually, IF global warming is in part due to the deleterious effects of emissions eating away at the ozone layer, there will be much more harm experienced than by weather patterns in coastal areas, and we've seen what impact even one coastal area being effected can be with Katrina. While numerous such events wouldn't end the world, if they came crashing down intermittently it would definitely screw up the economy badly, and if the economy was already bad it could result in a major economic catastrophe.


Further, the emissions have to go somewhere; I've read where a good amount of it eventually makes it way into the oceans and eats away at coral reefs and any shelled organisms. If the coral reefs all end up eaten away as well as the little crustations that are a vital part of the cycle of sea food, then we're starting to look at huge amounts of distinctions of various species, which can lead to likely more things we don't even have an idea of currently.


In any case, I'm not personally declaring that global warming wouldn't occur without the help of manmade gases, but it is fact that we are putting up emissions that are having an impact. Here's some info on the infamous Asian brown cloud, though it doesn't cover the deaths attributed to its poisonous effects that I once did a short research paper over:



The Asian brown cloud is a layer of air pollution that covers parts of the northern Indian Ocean, India, Pakistan, and parts of South Asia, Southwest Asia, and China.[1] [2] Viewed from satellite photos, the Cloud appears as a giant brown stain hanging in the air over much of Asia and the Indian Ocean.

[edit] Causes

In some humidity conditions, it forms haze. It is created by a range of airborne particles and pollutants (e.g. woodfires, cars, and factories), characteristic of biomass burning and industrial emissions due to incomplete burning.[3] The cloud is associated with winter monsoon (December to April) during which there is no rain to wash pollution from the air.

This pollution layer was observed during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INODEX) intensive field observation in 1999. Subsequently the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been supporting a project called ABC (still ongoing in 2007).The brown clouds are also thought to be a cause for the depleation of crops in some areas.

Although aerosol particles are generally associated with a global cooling effect, recent studies have shown that they can actually have a global warming effect in certain regions such as the Himalayas.[4] The warming effect of the Asian Brown Cloud may be an important factor in the retreat of the Himalayan glaciers. The United Nations Environment Program is worried that Asian glacial melting could lead to water shortages and floods for the hundreds of millions of people who live downstream.

A recent CSIRO study found that the Asian Brown Cloud is also affecting rainfall in Australia.[5]




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global warming is in part due to the deleterious effects of emissions eating away at the ozone layer, there will be much more harm experienced than by weather patterns in coastal areas, and we've seen what impact even one coastal area being effected can be with Katrina. While numerous such events wouldn't end the world, if they came crashing down intermittently it would definitely screw up the economy badly, and if the economy was already bad it could result in a major economic catastrophe.

Further, the emissions have to go somewhere; I've read where a good amount of it eventually makes it way into the oceans and eats away at coral reefs and any shelled organisms. If the coral reefs all end up eaten away as well as the little crustations that are a vital part of the cycle of sea food, then we're starting to look at huge amounts of distinctions of various species, which can lead to likely more things we don't even have an idea of currently.

In any case, I'm not personally saying that global warming wouldn't occur without the help of manmade gases, but it is fact that we are putting up emissions that are having an impact. Here's some info on the infamous Asian brown cloud:


I appologize for not making mineself clear enough nor posting mine reply sooners, but this remain:


Your avatar looks like the Boy George.


And your personality is beginning to show the same.

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