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i should have stayed home!


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a friend of mine asked me to help him out last night. he asked if i would fill in for him playing in his band tonight, he couldn't make it because his wife just had a baby and he's staying home with her. they allready had the gig scheduled and the band didn't want to cancel at the last minute. i play with the guys alot on the weekends and know most of the covers and originals well enough to play out with them.


the band loaded all the gear up and said all i had to do was show up and play. i got off work early to help with unloading the gear and getting everything set up. the singer is allready drinking when i get there and acting like a prick to me, he's a good guy when he's sober but he can be a real ass when he starts to drink. he's telling me how i better not make him look bad and how he's got some girl there and how he wants everything to go smooth. i ignored him and helped everybody else get set up.


by the time we started the singer was good and drunk and acting even more beligerant. we do the set and everything goes pretty smooth except the singer forgot some of the words to stricken but other than that it was good. we get done with the set and get everything up so we can pack it all back in the van. we start loading everything up and the bass player was in the van while me and the other guitar player slid the gear in to him. the bass player comes out to take a smoke break and the singer comes up telling us to hurry up and get the {censored} loaded so he can leave. he jumps in the back of the van and ends up knocking my buddy's eclipse out the van, all he has for it is an old gibson gig bag for the thing. me and the other guitar player almost {censored} ourselves and run over and pull it out the bag and find a big as gash by the edge and top of the guitar. it cracked up some of the abelone binding.


the other guitar player starts screaming at the singer and they almost get into a fistfight behind the club. we get everybody calmed down and the rest of the stuff loaded. i called my buddy to tell him what happened and he starts freaking out and telling me i shouldn't have let him near the gear when he's drunk and how i should have made sure his {censored} was loaded in right. after all the {censored} i had been through putting up with a drunk asshole all night and breaking up a near fight i was at the end of my rope. i told my friend if he was that concerned about his guitar he should have had a better case for it, i also explained to him that none of his other bandmates had a problem with their drunk ass singer moving their {censored} around. my friend tells me he wants me to replace or get his guitar fixed and that since he was kind enough to let me use his rig that it was my responsibility:facepalm:. i told him to {censored} himself that if anyone should pay for the thing it should be his singer.


have i lost my mind or is this complete bull{censored}? im done with all of them and have no intention of paying for the damage to the guitar.


sorry for the long post but i needed to vent/rant:facepalm:

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Man....what a bunch of bull{censored}. I agree with you. The singer should replace/fix your friend's guitar.

As far as your friend goes, if he just had a kid, then I'd bet he's probably feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. He probably resents the fact that you were able to go to the gig while he wasn't because of his family obligations.

I'd probably just talk to your friend in a couple of days after he's calmed down about it. If he's any kind of real friend, he'll thank you for being honest about what happened and shouldn't hold you responsible for it. It's pretty evident that the douchebag singer would have done that had it been you or your friend present.

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...and suddenly it came to him that all his friends were douchebags.

and why were you playing your friend's gear anyways?



i was playing his gear because he called me last night and told me he wanted me to fill in for him. i told him i had to work and that i couldn't get there on time if i had to get home and grab my stuff. he told me not to worry about it, that he would tell the guys to bring his stuff from their practice space. he told me just show up and play. he didn't want the band to cancel at the last minute because they've just started playing out and didn't want to get on any of the bar/club owners badsides.


i've never had anything bad to say about the other guys in the band except for the singer and thats only when he's been drinking. i'm done with all of them regardless now. thats just too much {censored} to swallow.

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so here's what you do...get the singer to park the guy's car, then you push it off a cliff and tell the guy it's the singer's fault because he should have parked it better.


same {censored}ing argument.


at least you had the stones to call the guy up and tell him about his guitar. that's a hell of a lot better than finding out way after the fact.

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Band drama - and it's not even your band!!


That's like having to deal with some other dudes wife. I'd have laughed in the guy's face if he told me to pay for his gear. In fact if you didn't bring the gear you shouldn't even have stayed to help load out.

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my friend tells me he wants me to replace or get his guitar fixed and that since he was kind enough to let me use his rig that it was my responsibility:facepalm:. i told him to {censored} himself that if anyone should pay for the thing it should be his singer.

have i lost my mind or is this complete bull{censored}? im done with all of them and have no intention of paying for the damage to the guitar.

sorry for the long post but i needed to vent/rant:facepalm:



Damn, unless you're leaving something major out, that guy has some nerve, and he also sounds like he doesn't have the sack to stand up to the dumb@ss singer.


If the guy can't understand that, #1, you were doing him and the rest of the band a big favor by taking his spot, #2, you had to deal with the singer being an @ss towards you even though you were there to help, #3, that the singer is the one who messed up the guitar and the other guy was a witness to the fact, and #4, that the singer should be fully responsible for paying for the guitar he messed up, I'd tell him to go f#$k himself, too, and never to call or bother me again.


It sucks if you get along with some others from the band, but since they're not actually your band, it doesn't sound like a band situation you'd want to be a part of, and the singer and guitarist you filled in for don't sound like friends worth having, you'd probably be better off playing through a modeler and headphones anyway than wasting your time with them.

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the lead guitarist just called me and told me that when they got back to the house that the singer and bass player got into a fight and that they just kicked the singer out the band. he also apologized for how the singer acted and said he doesn't want me to stop coming over and jamming with them. he also told me that he talked to my friend and explained to him that it was the singers fault. he said my friend or so-called friend said that he'd never get the singer to pay for the guitar now that he'sw been kicked out the band and that the band should have waited for him to be there before firing him.

i try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt but damn! even if you're sleep deprived from a new kid stressed out taking care of your wife and getting adjusted to a baby in the house doesn't exuse this kind of dickhead behavior.

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my friend tells me he wants me to replace or get his guitar fixed and that since he was kind enough to let me use his rig that it was my responsibility:facepalm:.


You did him a favour by filling in at the last minute and he's pulling this {censored}? What would have happened if it'd been damaged while they were loading it in at the practice space, before you were involved? Would that have been your fault too, seeing as it was you borrowing his gear?

You're perfectly right to have told him to {censored} himself. His dumb{censored} drunk singer busted the guitar up, and he should be the one paying for it.

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i was playing his gear because he called me last night and told me he wanted me to fill in for him. i told him i had to work and that i couldn't get there on time if i had to get home and grab my stuff. he told me not to worry about it, that he would tell the guys to bring his stuff from their practice space. he told me just show up and play. he didn't want the band to cancel at the last minute because they've just started playing out and didn't want to get on any of the bar/club owners badsides.

i've never had anything bad to say about the other guys in the band except for the singer and thats only when he's been drinking. i'm done with all of them regardless now. thats just too much {censored} to swallow.




First of all the singer would have been on his back if that was me unless he said right off he'd fix it. The look I'd be giving would say it all. For your friend to blame you means he is sucking the singer off when you guys aren't around cause if I were him I would put the singer on his back a second time for not offering to fix it. Yelling and screaming are for drama queens.


You my friend are not at fault.

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the lead guitarist just called me and told me that when they got back to the house that the singer and bass player got into a fight and that they just kicked the singer out the band. he also apologized for how the singer acted and said he doesn't want me to stop coming over and jamming with them. he also told me that he talked to my friend and explained to him that it was the singers fault. he said my friend or so-called friend said that he'd never get the singer to pay for the guitar now that he'sw been kicked out the band and that the band should have waited for him to be there before firing him.

i try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt but damn! even if you're sleep deprived from a new kid stressed out taking care of your wife and getting adjusted to a baby in the house doesn't exuse this kind of dickhead behavior.



It's good that he made things right.


Now that he has apologized, let bygone be bygones and move on

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i filled in for them, because i enjoy playing with them and haven't played out since i got stuck working 3-11 for the last 2 years. i thought this was gonna be a simple fun thing to do for the hell of it, plus help the guys out.

i'm done with them untill i get an apology and then maybe i'll jam with them...maybe. damn.

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Now that he has apologized, let bygone be bygones and move on



Actually it was what the lead guitarist said his friend said. The so-called-friend needs to talk to the OP himself.


Personally if i bailed out a friend and he acted like this id have one less "friend".

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It's good that he made things right.

Now that he has apologized, let bygone be bygones and move on



i filled in for the rhythm guitarist, i played out with the lead guitarist tonight. i still haven't gotten an apology from the asshole who wants me to pay for his guitar. i also brought up the point he bought a heavy duty case for the schecter loomis that i played on tonight but he can't spend $150 for a decent case for his main guitar that he's willing to travel/play out with:facepalm:.

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i filled in for the rhythm guitarist, i played out with the lead guitarist tonight. i still haven't gotten an apology from the asshole who wants me to pay for his guitar. i also brought up the point he bought a heavy duty case for the schecter loomis that i played on tonight but he can't spend $150 for a decent case for his main guitar that he's willing to travel/play out with.



So you filled in for them again? Or your using your friends guitar?? Kinda confused here.


Also hardshell cases should be standard for any gigging guitar IMHO.

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i filled in for the rhythm guitarist, i played out with the lead guitarist tonight. i still haven't gotten an apology from the asshole who wants me to pay for his guitar. i also brought up the point he bought a heavy duty case for the schecter loomis that i played on tonight but he can't spend $150 for a decent case for his main guitar that he's willing to travel/play out with:facepalm:.



See post above yours

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