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So I'm seriously thinking about switching to rack gear....


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The MP1 isn't really geared towards metal at all.

It's a really versatile amp that can do great rock tones and 80's metal tones.

It's not a super high gain / modern voiced preamp.

VHT power amps are the mother of all amps, this isn't even arguable.


Do you know if the VHT has a universal power supply i would i need a step down transformer. Thinkin it's gonna be cheaper buying from the States.

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Buy a decent used power amp and then get yourself a Peters preamp :D Call James up and see what he can do for you. I have every sound I could ever want out of my Hydra and I own a VH100R as well. I guarantee that you'll like it. A lot more compressed and refined sounding compared to the Laney, but it is a hi-fi sound you will not dislike... quite a bit darker too, but not unpleasantly so, just very balanced.


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I can get pretty heavy tones out of the MP1. Granted, I don't play brutal death metal, more like the gain on Down or BLS. BUT I have my OD1 set to 3.4 and my OD 2 set to 7.0 (out of 10.0/10.0 available) and that's enough gain for what I do and there is still plenty more gain to be used. Last practice we jammed on a Slayer song (seasons in the abyss) and those settings sounded fine on it.

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I can get pretty heavy tones out of the MP1. Granted, I don't play brutal death metal, more like the gain on Down or BLS. BUT I have my OD1 set to 3.4 and my OD 2 set to 7.0 (out of 10.0/10.0 available) and that's enough gain for what I do and there is still plenty more gain to be used. Last practice we jammed on a Slayer song (seasons in the abyss) and those settings sounded fine on it.

Cool :thu:.
Do you know what the diff between the MP1 and MP2? ( is there a MP2 ? ).

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ADA MP1 + VHT 2150 Sounds like it might fit my budget ( $AUD:mad:).

Whats the major diff between the VHT and a Peavey 50/50.

And isn't the MP1 more geared towards metal , I'm not really after high gain . Just good Rock sounds.

the Mesa 20/20 had me intrigued as well.

I used to use the Mesa 20/20 with my Digitech GSP 2101 Artist tube pre. I *loved* what the 20/20 did for my sound ... it really seemed to bring out the best of the 21010. I had previously used an old Tube Works Mosfet power amp, and the 20/20 somehow seemed both warmer *and* clearer (which at the time struck me as contradictory :idk: ) than the Mosfet. The Mesa was plenty loud, too, driving a pair of closed-back 1x12s loaded w/ V30s.

I've been away from the rack stuff for a while now, but part of me's always been tempted to try out the Voodoo Lab 3 channel pre. But I've never heard it first hand, so I can't offer any useful advice on that point.

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Do you know what the diff between the MP1 and MP2? ( is there a MP2 ? ).

There is an MP2; I used that for a while, too, after my 2101, before I got away from rack setups. I never got to compare it directly with the MP1; I bought used, and I went for the MP2 because it had a stereo fx loop. I found the MP2 to be much less versatile than the MP1 seems to be based on reviews and comments on Harmony Central. :idk: Very, very tweakable, but it seemed to me to excell at metal but to have a bit of trouble with less gainy rock & blues. Ymmv, of course. I'm sure someone here can give you a direct comparison of the 1 & 2...

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A mate of mine bought to my attention on NYE that I'm constantly turning pedals on and off while i'm playing . Just so you know , I sing and play in a three piece bluesy rock cover band and as well as singing i try to have a good sound like the rest of us , so i'm constantly switching my pedals thru each song as if you would if you were the lead player .Problem is it's starting to affect my singing, You should perform to a crowd right instead of shoegazing all nite, right . So after our chat it got me thinking about switching to rack gear to simplify things for me . Not a huge rack but enough to get me started. I already own the GSP 1101 which i was going to buy a Power amp to use with( it sounds great by the way ) , then i thought i may as well add a preamp like the JMP1 or something similar and a rack tuner and away i go . The JMP could run thru the GSP and i could use the GC2 to do the switching . Sounds simple but i've never gone down this road before. Give me some advice on what gear i i should get and suggestions you may have 4 me , or tell me what you like / dislike about your ventures into rack gear.. I would have to sell my pedal board to fund most of it and maybe even my VH100R ( don't really want to do that ...).

1: a good tube power amp Not to pricey

2: preamp

3: rack tuner

4 : anything else you may suggest

Tips and advice would be cool too .

You may already be aware, but just in case... If you find you're just needing to turn a number of pedals on during certain parts, such as chorus & 'verb for cleans, wah and overdrive for certain gain sounds, etc., you can save a lot of money by just getting a looper with however many loops you need.

You can hook up a single pedal or a chain of pedals per loop for just one button click to turn on or off each chain. Also, if you have any pedals you like to use but that suck tone when they're off, a true bypass looper helps with that.

A 2-loop one:

A 10-loop one:

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Please esplain to me how a rack system is going to be more efficient than a few pedals for a bluesy rock band.

What do you need for bluesy rock but a couple gain pedals, your volume knob and possibly a delay?

I know what your saying but 1 pedal switch to go from say clean/chorus to dirty/eq/delay would be a lot simpler than turning off the chorus, switching amp channels switching on delay and switching on EQ then switching back again. Just an example .

And Bluesy rock was just an example there is more to it than that.

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You may already be aware, but just in case... If you find you're just needing to turn a number of pedals on during certain parts, such as chorus & 'verb for cleans, wah and overdrive for certain gain sounds, etc., you can save a lot of money by just getting a looper with however many loops you need.

You can hook up a single pedal or a chain of pedals per loop for just one button click to turn on or off each chain. Also, if you have any pedals you like to use but that suck tone when they're off, a true bypass looper helps with that.

A 2-loop one:


A 10-loop one:


Yeah .
I've looked at the Carl Martin Octa switch ( seems pretty cool ).
That may still be an option as i don't really want to sell my Laney if i can afford not too.

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I know what your saying but 1 pedal switch to go from say clean/chorus to dirty/eq/delay would be a lot simpler than turning off the chorus, switching amp channels switching on delay and switching on EQ then switching back again. Just an example .

And Bluesy rock was just an example there is more to it than that.

Cool. Just get a small looper then. Cheap, smart fix.:cool:

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Yeah .

I've looked at the Carl Martin Octa switch ( seems pretty cool ).

That may still be an option as i don't really want to sell my Laney if i can afford not too.

I hear ya'. I've actually got a small rack setup with a Peavey Rockamster pre and Classic 120 power amp but am broke and already have most pedals I'd use, so I'm going with a looper, though if I had the $ I can't say I wouldn't also be looking into multi-fx processors that have a reputation for nice 'verbs and modulation without sucking tone. :cool:

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Engl e530 is great for rock tones, the clean channel is a little lacking though.


If you can find a carvin quad x its one of those few preamps with a good clean channel and great lead channels.


The ADA has already been mentioned like in every rack thread :lol:


The Mako preamp is coming out soon and it will be under 1000. This will be your most versatile and well built preamp out there in your price range (4 channels from clean to mean).


I've had good luck with my TS100, but I am planning on upgrading it in the future. The VHT 2/90 does sound awesome but I seem to think that the tube type matters more than the tube power amp.


If you are getting a rack instead of a head be prepared. It takes more work than a head but has some benefits.

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