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What are your political leanings?


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conservative. Over the past ten years, I've decided that republicans are no better than democrats. No longer associated with a party. Very right-leaning economically, centrist to conservative socially. Depending on the issue.



I pretty much share this view but lean more towards the republican side of things. I am however in the Air Force and the Republican Party in general has always been a bit more proactive as far as supporting the military; trying to get us better benefits, pay, etc...

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At the risk of starting a serious {censored}storm (but hey...in this thread, can the blame really be placed solely on me? :lol:), I have a serious question to ask.

I've been reading up on libertarianism a bit, since I've never really looked into it and I have a few friends who identify themselves as supporters of it.

Is is just me, or does this party have some of the worst ideas ever? They basically want to abandon government intervention to the BARE minimums, and abide to a philosophy that "everyone can do as they please, and because of this, they will treat each other well and always make good decisions".

I'm sorry, but although that's a wonderful idea in theory, we don't live in a {censored}ing fairy tale. This philosophy seems to assume that everyone possesses boatloads of determination and motivation, good mental health and adequate rationality, an acute sense of judgement, a complete lack of prejudice and bias, etc.

Unfortunately, there are tons of people out there who are ignorant, selfish, unintelligent, unmotivated, and lack any empathy at all. Some people don't give a damn about themselves, why are they going to give a damn about others? "Freedom" is very relative. Do they really assume that by giving the "freedom" to initiatively treat others well, always be cooperative, and make the world a better place...everyone will actually do that, and always do that?

Some people just simply do not care. Some people are not just. Some people do not seem to be interested in improving the well-being of their self and/or others, even when it is within their reach to easily do so.

Giving such a close approximation of total freedom does not assure that people will use it for good interest. In fact, the opposite is much closer to being true.

Isn't the "blindly optimistic" party a better name for these guys? Am I completely alone in thinking this? :confused:

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At the risk of starting a serious {censored}storm (but hey...in this thread, can the blame really be placed solely on me?
), I have a serious question to ask.

I've been reading up on libertarianism a bit, since I've never really looked into it and I have a few friends who identify themselves as supporters of it.

Is is just me, or does this party have some of the worst ideas ever? They basically want to abandon government intervention to the BARE minimums, and abide to a philosophy that "everyone can do as they please, and because of this, they will treat each other well and always make good decisions".

I'm sorry, but although that's a wonderful idea in theory, we don't live in a {censored}ing fairy tale. This philosophy seems to assume that everyone possesses boatloads of determination and motivation, good mental health and adequate rationality, an acute sense of judgement, a complete lack of prejudice and bias, etc.

Unfortunately, there are tons of people out there who are ignorant, selfish, unintelligent, unmotivated, and lack any empathy at all. Some people don't give a damn about themselves, why are they going to give a damn about others? "Freedom" is very relative. Do they really assume that by giving the "freedom" to initiatively treat others well, always be cooperative, and make the world a better place...people are always going to do that?

Some people just simply do not care. Some people are not just. Some people do not seem to be interested in improving the well-being of their self and/or others, even when it is within their reach to easily do so.

Giving such a close approximation of total freedom does not assure that people will use it for good interest. In fact, the opposite is much closer to being true.

Isn't the "blindly optimistic" party a better name for these guys? Am I completely alone in thinking this?

That OR maybe they've just taken a good long look around them at the hope-killing, utterly corrupt lobbyist-orgy sesspool/two-party mafia that is Washington, then also took a good long look at the pork-laden JOKE they make out of every single project they lay their hands on and figure maybe, what the {censored}, let's try something different, something that more closely resembles what got the United States to the top of the food chain in the first place and stop the Washington powermongers from further choking the life out of this country with their insane spending sprees and unbridled lust for control and power at the expense of the very people who elected them.

Yeah, on second thought, you're right, I'm sure if we all just keep lining up and blindly pulling the lever for either a "D" or an "R", completely ignoring their previous track records, they'll suddenly come to their senses all by themselves and magically transform into a cohesive consortium of hard-working altruists devoted solely to the welfare of their constituents.

'Scuse me, I'm so optimistic about that plan that I think I'll go outside and hold my breath waiting for it to happen! :rolleyes:

For the record, while I like a lot of what the Libertarians stand for and believe that they're the best hope (at least short-term) for challenging the two-party mafia and shaking up the status quo, they're far from perfect themselves, and I still think that swearing blind fealty to any one party is suicidally stupid. :thu:

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I'm curious cause so many people in this forum seem to come from the right, but not all. I consider myself a libertarian Republican. I use to be a conservative, but once W. took office I saw the light and moved more to the left on social issues, but stayed right economically. So what are your political leanings and what party do you belong to?



I feel much like you do. I would describe myself as a moderate.

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That OR maybe they've just taken a good long look around them at the hope-killing, utterly corrupt lobbyist-orgy sesspool/two-party mafia that is Washington, then also took a good long look at the pork-laden JOKE they make out of every single project they lay their hands on and figure maybe, what the {censored}, let's try something different, something that more closely resembles what got the United States to the top of the food chain in the first place and stop the Washington powermongers from further choking the life out of this country with their insane spending sprees and unbridled lust for control and power at the expense of the very people who elected them.

Yeah, on second thought, you're right, I'm sure if we all just keep lining up and blindly pulling the lever for either a "D" or an "R", completely ignoring their previous track records, they'll suddenly come to their senses all by themselves and magically transform into a cohesive consortium of hard-working altruists devoted solely to the welfare of their constituents.

'Scuse me, I'm so optimistic about that plan that I think I'll go outside and hold my breath waiting for it to happen!

For the record, while I like a lot of what the Libertarians stand for and believe that they're the best hope (at least short-term) for challenging the two-party mafia and shaking up the status quo, they're far from perfect themselves, and I still think that swearing blind fealty to any one party is suicidally stupid.

I'm definitely not advocating a two-party system. I think it's a major drawback, too. I just think that the "get rid of 90% of our laws and expect people to do what is right" approach is just an awful idea. :cop:

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I'm definitely not advocating a two-party system. I think it's a major drawback, too. I just think that the "get rid of 90% of our laws and expect people to do what is right" approach is just an awful idea.

And I think you're GROSSLY over-generalizing and nowhere even remotely near as informed as you think you are as to the Libertarian platform, but it's all good, for now, at least, it's still a free country! :thu:

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And I think you're GROSSLY over-generalizing and nowhere even remotely near as informed as you think you are as to the Libertarian platform, but it's all good, for now, at least, it's still a free country!

I fully admit that I am. That's why I admitted I had just started reading up on it, asked "Is it just me...", and asked "am I completely alone in thinking this?"? I don't think I'm adequately informed, which is why I'm asking if I'm getting the wrong impression based on the amount of knowledge I have so far.

I was a bit more harsh than I should have been, and unnecessarily condescending. I apologize. The ideas just don't sit with me well, but once again, I'll be the first to admit that I haven't researched it thoroughly at all. I just don't have the best first impression. :p

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I'm curious cause so many people in this forum seem to come from the right, but not all. I consider myself a libertarian Republican. I use to be a conservative, but once W. took office I saw the light and moved more to the left on social issues, but stayed right economically. So what are your political leanings and what party do you belong to?



Im pretty much there with you.. I believe in a reduced federal govt and more state govt. Socially Im pretty much on the liberal side.. because its the only one that offers more universal freedom.

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That OR maybe they've just taken a good long look around them at the hope-killing, utterly corrupt lobbyist-orgy sesspool/two-party mafia that is Washington, then also took a good long look at the pork-laden JOKE they make out of every single project they lay their hands on and figure maybe, what the {censored}, let's try something different, something that more closely resembles what got the United States to the top of the food chain in the first place and stop the Washington powermongers from further choking the life out of this country with their insane spending sprees and unbridled lust for control and power at the expense of the very people who elected them.

Yeah, on second thought, you're right, I'm sure if we all just keep lining up and blindly pulling the lever for either a "D" or an "R", completely ignoring their previous track records, they'll suddenly come to their senses all by themselves and magically transform into a cohesive consortium of hard-working altruists devoted solely to the welfare of their constituents.

'Scuse me, I'm so optimistic about that plan that I think I'll go outside and hold my breath waiting for it to happen!

For the record, while I like a lot of what the Libertarians stand for and believe that they're the best hope (at least short-term) for challenging the two-party mafia and shaking up the status quo, they're far from perfect themselves, and I still think that swearing blind fealty to any one party is suicidally stupid.

What he said ^^^

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Party? Who in the {censored} belongs to a party? Wait...don't answer that. I'm a free thinker and I try to find the candidate who best represents my views, but let's be honest, the idea of belonging to a party is pretty shallow. I don't have a great deal of respect for people who buy into a party wholesale.

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In terms of economics probably somewhat liberal, but I also believe "conservative" policies would work better for a lot of people. I am a big supporter of small business who makes great products/service and big business who still gives a {censored} about what they produce/service. I'm just interested in things of quality, with fair and representative pricing. I also think that some laws have to be enacted upon business and some forms of industry really shouldn't have any support.

It is all a mess, but honestly it seems to me that democracy/capitalism has its problems, however it shows and works with humans for what we are...complex and rational but still animals.

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I'm as staunchly left as you come, to the point where I won't even debate with people at all. I realize my weakness is my conviction and that true progress comes from compromise, but I just can't do it myself.

I believe religion is for the uneducated and those too stupid to discern otherwise
I'm pro choice
I'm pro gay marriage
I'm for aggressively spending our wealth to improve the lives of those who need it most, even if it makes our lives difficult.
I'm completely vegetarian and I consider those who eat meat total douchebags
I'm anti-hunting and for the outlaw of any weaponry
I believe in a welfare state and socialized programs
I'm anti assimilation and pro cultural mosaic (kind of a contradiction here considering my anti-religious views, but I'll tolerate it if its not in my face)

I sound like kind of an asshole, but I'm not really, as long as you agree with me.

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