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Anybody have any experiences with DUI's? Advice?

mike moriarty

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BTW, any rational person reading your OP would immediately assume you had been drinking, so I can only imagine how convincing you were to the officers.



I'm not convinced he isn't drunk now. Seriously, his posts read like everything you shouldn't do.

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Yo Shiek!

Yep! There he goes, the one and only, self-proclaimed "goodwill2u" spreading "good will", self-righteous sanctimony and a nice, thick slab of good ol' steamy hypocrisy on top of a yummy sammich of pompous, pretentious irony.

That might be the funniest thing I've read in quite some time! In fact, I cannot stop laughing!

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I got a DUI once but I wasn't drunk...

...I was {censored}ing {censored} faced. I tried raping the officer's gun holster for like 30 minutes until animal control came and tranquilized me.

The funniest thing about this to me is this implies there was no gun in the holster, which means that you were most likely attempting to rape the officer at gun point. :lol:

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Yo Shiek!

Yep! There he goes, the one and only, self-proclaimed "goodwill2u" spreading "good will", self-righteous sanctimony and a nice, thick slab of good ol' steamy hypocrisy on top of a yummy sammich of pompous, pretentious irony.

That might be the funniest thing I've read in quite some time! In fact, I cannot stop laughing!



I have yet to see GoodWill2U spread good will. He's either talking about amps or {censored}ting on someone.



You drink, you drive, you lose.

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Because those tests are not 100% reliable and I wanted nothing at all that could possibly jeopardize my job.

Science is the only thing that could have saved your ass.

Sorry. But refiusing the breathalyzer is idiocy. I was pulled over and failed a field sobriety, not because I was drunk, but because I'm a fat, out-of-shape middle aged guy. I told the guy "if you think I'm drunk, why don't you just bring me in to ____ [state Police Barracks]?" Not druck, didn't even have a drink, but belligerent because this guy was a certified asshole.

He didn't because, he too, knew I wasn't drunk, and didn't want to look like a dip{censored} in front of the state cops. He was just bored and wanted a trained monkey to do callesthenics in the middle of the road. :mad:

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Well, I just got into work an hour ago. Quite tired given I only had about 5 hours sleep, but I still managed to make the whole drive without looking like a drunkard.


I also made it down three flights of stairs in steel-capped boots. :eek: I've been at work an hour, and no one has questioned my sobriety yet, despite my tiredness and boots.



I still think Mike was wearing steel-capped whore boots. While drunk. Went out for a big tranny party did you, Mikey? :poke:

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Well, I just got into work an hour ago. Quite tired given I only had about 5 hours sleep, but I still managed to make the whole drive without looking like a drunkard.

I also made it down three flights of stairs in
steel-capped boots
I've been at work an hour, and no one has questioned my sobriety yet, despite my tiredness and boots.

I still think Mike was wearing steel-capped whore boots. While drunk.
Went out for a big tranny party did you, Mikey?

Hey hey hey.... *uncomfortable silence* Let's not judge, mmm-kay? :o


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Typically the police just don't pull someone over or give a sobriety test at a check point for no reason. Either you were swerving or smelled alcohol at a checkpoint. Walking a straight line, reciting the alphabet and counting backwards from 100 is something that any 5th grader can accomplish. Driving tired has been proven to be as deadly as driving drunk, but as appearantly juiced as you were at the police I would imagine that there was enough adrenaline flowing in you to not be tired to fail a 2nd field test. Even if you failed the breathelizer a good lawyer can discredit the results usually by arguing the validity of the calibration.

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