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One more reason to hate hippies besides bad acoustic indie rock

Tommy Horrible

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I've known some hippies who actually get {censored} done. Back in college, the clubs and socs were run primarily by hippyish types, most of them were in 4th year. When they graduated, many of the more interesting clubs and socs collapsed. Because the MATURE NORMAL PEOPLE just wanted to eejit around getting drunk, you didn't have people there who were upheld specific interest groups, or people who were willing to put themselves out there.

Hippies are often the ones you see off doing charity work too, working in charity shops, fundraising, etc. The idea that "Hippies" just sit around all day smoking weed is a horrible stereotype. In reality they're probably less intoxicated on average in many cases since they don't subscribe to the mainstream pub culture we have here in Ireland quite as readily(not that they're all teetotallers, just they seem to recognise life outside smelly student pubs a bit more readily).

This guy is doing something fantastic. Would I like to like in a tiny house? No way. I'm already stuck in tiny apartments, I have too much stuff and this guy is obviously a neat freak. But he's managed to set up a cool new business doing something original. Now the bad times have hit, we could do with more of this sort of thing.

I have much rarer known anyone like Tommy Horrible to get anything done. In my experience, people like that who seem to only exist to bring others down are a waste of human flesh.

I really don't know how to say this, Sandvich, but ... I just agreed with you! :o

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He had nothing, he has no plans to get laid, and he didn't want to pay bills anymore. If you see it as anything more than this, then... I feel sorry for you.

45 years old, living by himself in a box. Glad he can still force a smile and tell people it's awesome, because I'm sure inside his brain is either fried, or he wants to shoot himself in the face.




This, Thank you.

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Dave, you know we're cool, so take this in the warmest possible regards, but shut your {censored}ing mouth.



Like I said, it's not hard to go from bagging groceries to living in an 89sq ft hovel. I don't hate the guy, because frankly, I don't know him or care that much.



Either way, he was not part of any rat race, and it seems he's socially inept and decided to cash in on it. If he was already not getting laid, then why not go ahead and go all the way? Throw away all but 1 place setting, get a futon, and live with nothing. Cool beans.


However, to say anyone that disagrees with him is living the "supersize" lifestyle is a bit absurd. I simply pointed out that he will continue to live alone, and his lifestyle is not one that I care to emulate.


Really, he could go ahead and live in the forest, crap in the ground, bathe in lakes, and use a tent for shelter. It seems as though he's half assing his own basic living standards. Fixed roof? Wheels? Running water? (even though he doesn't mention it, he has to be paying for sewage somehow) I don't see how this is different from a studio apartment, except it's smaller, and no shower.


Sure, if every bachelor that has given up trying to mate decides to adopt this lifestyle, then the rest of us will have far more resources to squander. On things like raising families, having sexual relations, separating our kitchen from our bedroom from our living room, and in general moving beyond being lonely shut ins.


Does this guy have friends? Does he ever invite them over? Or does he just go waste his friend's resources when he wants to hang out? In that case, he's really just being extremely selfish.


Either way, {censored} em. I don't want to know the guy. He probably stinks.

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cant...trying to dig out of the American dream....once I do tho man... you can bet your ass my wife and I are downsizing.



Convince her you're going to go bag groceries, sell off all of your guitar {censored}, build an 89 sq foot "home" and then finally convince your wife to adopt this life style.


Good luck!



You're not exactly living the basic lifestyle that you're wishing for or talking about. Just from your sig, it's obvious you live a life of comfort and ease.

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Convince her you're going to go bag groceries, sell off all of your guitar {censored}, build an 89 sq foot "home" and then finally convince your wife to adopt this life style.

Good luck!

You're not exactly living the basic lifestyle that you're wishing for or talking about. Just from your sig, it's obvious you live a life of comfort and ease.



You're right... my life sure dosent suck. I do think I could / need to simplify my situation. You missed my point. My point is this. I feel like I would rather spend my time doing my thing rather than my boss' thing. I need to do my boss' thing because I need the paycheck to make my ends meet. SO that's 50hrs a week of my life I traded for whatever nifty doo-dad I put on credit be it the house or whatever.


I don't want to live in a mini house....maybe 200-250 sqft...if it were just my wife and I. In fact we talked about doing this when its just us. Our house is not extravagant by any means but its big enough but lately it seems like we have a bad case of Americanitis....more {censored} than we need. Thats what have been addressing over the past 2 years...its a lot to unlearn.

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But weren't you listening to Dave? You'll never get laid again if you do.








Are you telling me that the guy in question from the story is the life you want to emulate? Go for it, report back, and then tell me how wrong I am.



Big difference between cutting back to bare essentials, and going from bagging groceries to 89 sq foot mobile home. Again, he started with nothing, and now has nothing. Nixer... well... he's going from family with a permanent dwelling with lots of luxury items, to claiming he wants to live like this.





Very few people with the means to live normally opt to live with nothing. Conversely, almost everyone with nothing can come up with excuses about why they're ok with their lifestyle.

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You're right... my life sure dosent suck. I do think I could / need to simplify my situation. You missed my point. My point is this. I feel like I would rather spend my time doing my thing rather than my boss' thing. I need to do my boss' thing because I need the paycheck to make my ends meet. SO that's 50hrs a week of my life I traded for whatever nifty doo-dad I put on credit be it the house or whatever.

I don't want to live in a mini house....maybe 200-250 sqft...if it were just my wife and I. In fact we talked about doing this when its just us. Our house is not extravagant by any means but its big enough but lately it seems like we have a bad case of Americanitis....more {censored} than we need. Thats what have been addressing over the past 2 years...its a lot to unlearn.

I'll take your Splawn Quickrod if you don't want it anymore :lol:

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You're right... my life sure dosent suck. I do think I could / need to simplify my situation. You missed my point.
My point is this. I feel like I would rather spend my time doing my thing rather than my boss' thing.
I need to do my boss' thing because I need the paycheck to make my ends meet. SO that's 50hrs a week of my life I traded for whatever nifty doo-dad I put on credit be it the house or whatever.

I don't want to live in a mini house....maybe 200-250 sqft...if it were just my wife and I. In fact we talked about doing this when its just us. Our house is not extravagant by any means but its big enough but lately it seems like we have a bad case of Americanitis....more {censored} than we need. Thats what have been addressing over the past 2 years...its a lot to unlearn.



I've been doing the same thing, mang, and trust me I understand where you're coming from. No ill intent meant toward you or the decisions you want to make.



The bolded part here is the issue. No one wants to do their boss' thing. We just make tradeoffs about what we're willing to do to live the life we are ok with.


And since we're discussing the guy in the story, I'm willing to bet that most people that aren't socially inept, would have a big problem living that guy's life. Not because of lack of "stuff" but more because 89sq ft is extremely constricting and a lack of social life would eat away at most. At some point the guy will either become a burden on his friends or people will refuse to associate with him, because he's a hassle to deal with.


You can disagree with me, but really put yourself in his shoes. Now start asking friends to give you rides to the store, start dating a girl, have some medical issues and need immediate care, etc... His cut back lifestyle is really just a burden on everyone else, even if it's indirect. Can you really expect to be self reliant with no job, money, or car?


Reminds me of a drummer I used to play with. Guy rode a Vespa, and told us we were wasting resources by driving SUV's. Until he needed his drums hauled around, or a ride to band practice because it was raining, or a trip to the store to buy groceries, etc... Sure... he saved money. Because some chumps were always around to pick up the slack for him. I don't know what happened to him, because we stopped putting up with it. Why should I waste my fuel so he can save money?

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Are you telling me that the guy in question from the story is the life you want to emulate? Go for it, report back, and then tell me how wrong I am.

Big difference between cutting back to bare essentials, and going from bagging groceries to 89 sq foot mobile home. Again, he started with nothing, and now has nothing. Nixer... well... he's going from family with a permanent dwelling with lots of luxury items, to
he wants to live like this.

Very few people with the means to live normally opt to live with nothing. Conversely, almost everyone with nothing can come up with excuses about why they're ok with their lifestyle.

hm. well-- i have a 'normal'ish life now--but i lived in pretty small places when i was farming. you just pare back all the junk and pack light. i mean-- the US is one of the only places on earth that people have SO much {censored}.

i'm not saying this guy in particular won the lotto of career choices or anything- but by the same token-- i fully support doing as little as possible in the commercial realm to support yourself adequately. {censored}.. i'd much rather be doing things that were in some way meaningful and NOT income producing in a lightweight way than hauling ass working all the time and having no time to enjoy life until i'm broken and too old to. if along the way you can split the difference with a small house (mebbe a little bigger than 90 sq.ft... :D).. i'd do that in a second and put my money into the land that bitch sat on. and a shower.

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Dan - I see what you're saying. I'm all for least amount of time spent laboring/working to support myself.

However... I think this guy just took it farther than most of the US would be willing to accept. In addition, he wasn't exactly coming from a strong background. It's not like he was a corporate monkey, putting in 70 hours a week with tons of stress. He bagged groceries and claims he was in the rat race.

Really, he just sounds lazy to me after hearing the whole story.

Doesn't explain how he has running water, how he eats, how he interacts with others. It's simply a guy saying he got tired of bagging groceries and instead of trying harder, he just gave up and removed himself from the grid... kind of. More like he removed his personal bills, and now somehow he's squatting on some land. He's still using resources... he's just either clearing savings to pay utilities, or he's on welfare. Both options involve more than just building an 89 sq foot mobile home and being self reliant. If he saved money along the way, then really he's just retiring early at the expense of having nothing. If not... well... welfare.

Also... something I forgot. Sure... if he's in his 20's, and farming/playing music or some other bohemian lifestyle, it might be more tolerable. However, can you imagine if once you were done with farming, you actually downgraded in favor of not having to bag groceries? I'm guessing you actually took your career the opposite way?

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i'm not saying this guy in particular won the lotto of career choices or anything- but by the same token-- i fully support doing as little as possible in the commercial realm to support yourself adequately. {censored}.. i'd much rather be doing things that were in some way meaningful and NOT income producing in a lightweight way than hauling ass working all the time and having no time to enjoy life until i'm broken and too old to. if along the way you can split the difference with a small house (mebbe a little bigger than 90 sq.ft...
).. i'd do that in a second and put my money into the land that bitch sat on. and a shower.

A well designed 200, 250 foot space can easily feel like 5-600 square feet. So many homes and domiciles are simply slapped together, with no thoughts in terms of efficiency and multi-purposing, or spatial organization.

I've been a huge fan of small-space living for years. Used to keep up with it on the blogs and everything. I'd personally rather have 200 square feet of well designed space than the 600ish square feet they try and shovel on most apartments and condos (well, studio and 1/1s).

Guess I'm just some brain-fried shut-in who's rationalizing his failures as a person, though.

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Dan - I see what you're saying. I'm all for least amount of time spent laboring/working to support myself.

However... I think this guy just took it farther than most of the US would be willing to accept. In addition, he wasn't exactly coming from a strong background. It's not like he was a corporate monkey, putting in 70 hours a week with tons of stress. He bagged groceries and claims he was in the rat race.

Really, he just sounds lazy to me after hearing the whole story.

Doesn't explain how he has running water, how he eats, how he interacts with others. It's simply a guy saying he got tired of bagging groceries and instead of trying harder, he just gave up and removed himself from the grid... kind of. More like he removed his personal bills, and now somehow he's squatting on some land. He's still using resources... he's just either clearing savings to pay utilities, or he's on welfare. Both options involve more than just building an 89 sq foot mobile home and being self reliant. If he saved money along the way, then really he's just retiring early at the expense of having nothing. If not... well... welfare.

Also... something I forgot. Sure... if he's in his 20's, and farming/playing music or some other bohemian lifestyle, it might be more tolerable. However, can you imagine if once you were done with farming, you actually downgraded in favor of not having to bag groceries? I'm guessing you actually took your career the opposite way?

yeah.. to some extent. but at the same time-- even though he DID take it farther than most americans would tolerate-- the cool part is, that a lot of people are realizing that the whole 70 hour a week thing just BLOWS. laziness aside.. if he realized that a long time back.. kudos to him!

i can't speak for the guy myself, clearly, not knowing him. and with wheels underneath.. his chances of having plumbing or sewage, electricity, or any other utility for that matter is pretty limited. i didn't see solar panels or whatever.. but all that stuff requires space.. so to some extent-- hes' just living free and easy and ISN'T much connected-- so i see your point of him 'just leeching'.. yeah-- it's $100 per year for you, and how much for everyone else? to the same extent.. like i was saying.. how do you survive with no tools or capacities to BUILD infrastructure and maintain it around you.. that i have no comprehension of.

but i guess his whole proposition is really opening peoples eyes as to how LITTLE they actually need to SURVIVE. not to have friends over and kick back, watch your 40" tv and drink a case of beer from the second fridge in the basement while grilling a whole pig on your gigantic gas grill on the deck. :lol:

that {censored} IS NOT self reliance UNLESS that lil box is on farmland and his job is manufacturing his power, water, heating,fertility, and food needs any way you cut it. it's token green-dom for the sake of doing it. self reliance wouldn't involve a van and a cart to tow your house on highways with fossil fuel, i don't care WHO thinks it would. that's just gypsydom.

in re: leaving farming-- i actually LEFT farming to pay my unnecessary college degree off. if given the choice, i WOULDN'TVE left farming ever... but the economic rat race... well.. lets just say sallie mae had more influence than my own desires...

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A well designed 200, 250 foot space can easily feel like 5-600 square feet. So many homes and domiciles are simply slapped together, with no thoughts in terms of efficiency and multi-purposing, or spatial organization.

I've been a huge fan of small-space living for years. Used to keep up with it on the blogs and everything. I'd personally rather have 200 square feet of well designed space than the 600ish square feet they try and shovel on most apartments and condos (well, studio and 1/1s).

Guess I'm just some brain-fried shut-in who's rationalizing his failures as a person, though.



Living minimally in a small space, and quitting your job to live in 89 sq ft are two different things. What's with the butthurt today?


250 Sq Ft with a funtioning bathroom, running water, and electricity is fully doable as a single guy.


89 Sq Ft barely leaves you space to turn around. Where would your bed go?


However really... just go for it. Widdle your way down to 89 sq ft and don't listen to me. I obviously don't know what I'm talking about.

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Living minimally in a small space, and quitting your job to live in 89 sq ft are two different things. What's with the butthurt today?

250 Sq Ft with a funtioning bathroom, running water, and electricity is fully doable as a single guy.

89 Sq Ft barely leaves you space to turn around. Where would your bed go?

However really... just go for it. Widdle your way down to 89 sq ft and don't listen to me. I obviously don't know what I'm talking about.

i think his bed was the entire second floor up in the rafters.. thing was pretty big by the looks of it... aaawwwwyeahhh..

good luck getting the ladies to climb the ladder.. 'aw yeah babaaay. you wanna see my SLEEPING LOFT?'

who knows.. mebbe he goes for the chicks who dug treehouses? {censored}.. I go for the chicks who dug treehouses... :facepalm: mebbe i'd better get me one of these things.... :D

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i think his bed was the entire second floor up in the rafters.. thing was pretty big by the looks of it... aaawwwwyeahhh..

good luck getting the ladies to climb the ladder.. 'aw yeah babaaay. you wanna see my SLEEPING LOFT?'

who knows.. mebbe he goes for the chicks who dug treehouses? {censored}.. I go for the chicks who dug treehouses...
mebbe i'd better get me one of these things....

With the loft, it's closer to 120-150 sq ft. Plus, that's the smallest model. He has plans for ones with a separate bedroom, lofts, and full bathroom.

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