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Holy poopsticks!!! Boss MT-2


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All you guys who dog on this pedal like it's the bastien of 12 year old angst; you're wrong! It's official!


I used to run this MT-2 through my Laney VH100r's clean channel; I know that's sacrilage around these parts, but watching an old band video with it in, it sounded pretty damn good to my ears. Thick, punchy, lots of low-end. Even through a {censored}ty camcorder mic!


Anyways, I brought it along to rehersal yesterday to put through the Peavey 6505+ largely as a gag. But, {censored}ing hell! The tone off this thing is instant White Zombie in a can! I kept zipping back between the 6505+ distortion and the MZ. Of course the 6505+ sounded better, but that MZ was damn good too.


But, even better is knocking the distortion all the way out and using the parametric EQ on the crunch channel of the 6505+


It's official; bestest ever pedal I ever owned - and still kept around.


I don't think you can find better value, er, anywhere.



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I think some have a habit of dogging stuff either because it happens to be common or because they're comparing to something else in a total different price bracket. Not always, because sometimes there really is a much better option in the same bracket, just stating an observation I've made.

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On my 2nd one. Use to have an older Big Muff which while it was good, I didn't care for it as much as the MZ because I liked the fact that you can customize the tone a bit more.


It's not a bad peda for what it is (got my second one used for $40) and, I've heard good things about the mods available for it.

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Ive said for years they are not as bad as people make them out to be. They are great boosters, and OK to good distortion. They work fine as long as you stay off the bee in a can setting.


I have one I modded a few years ago. I basically took out the squawk and cleaned up the signal a bit without too much dramatic change. Its a good useful pedal to have around...

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I stopped listening to alot of the bull{censored} product pandering that there is around here a while ago. I've since not gotten any GAS, and learned to feel out different products for myself. End result? ended up selling alot of the now defunct {censored} that I thought was so important and such a key to my tone.


MT-2 was and is an awesome pedal, I like the DS-1 too just to add a little bit of nastyness to something in conjunction with it's natural gain structure.

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I always dug them. Great, tweakable pedal.


I think the hate comes from the fact that alot of people use them and ultra-scoop them with the gain on 10 (not that I'm against mid-scooping either. It just needs to be done judiciously, and in certain amounts....same with a lot of amps.


I still got my old one kicking around, though the volume pot needs replacing (anybody know where I can get one of those for an MT-2?).


I use a model of one in one of my GSP1101's patches, based off Kirk Windstein

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I stopped listening to alot of the bull{censored} product pandering that there is around here a while ago. I've since not gotten any GAS, and learned to feel out different products for myself. End result? ended up selling alot of the now defunct {censored} that I thought was so important and such a key to my tone.

MT-2 was and is an awesome pedal, I like the DS-1 too just to add a little bit of nastyness to something in conjunction with it's natural gain structure.



This. At least 75% of the gear opinions on this board are complete horse {censored}. And you should never trust the opinion of someone with GAS. It clouds their judgment to the point nonsensicalness.

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i use mine as a boost constantly and havent put it through a clean channel in years, maybe during practice this afternoon ill try. i think i liked the gain at about 2 oclock, both eq knobs on the left at about 2 oclock and the mid freq knobs at about 11 oclock.

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I'm no bandwagon hater. I came to hate the pedal after the second time owning one after hearing some killer boosted Rectifier clips using the pedal when all it did was make my amps sound like tinny, plasticy poo. :p Regardless of some of those very good clips I've heard, I could never dial out that sound through a number of amps. Otherwise I'd join the bandwagon likers of it. :D Maybe I just haven't had the right amps or maybe it's user error, but I have no problem making a ts10 work great with most amps I've tried it through.

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I stopped listening to alot of the bull{censored} product pandering that there is around here a while ago. I've since not gotten any GAS, and learned to feel out different products for myself. End result? ended up selling alot of the now defunct {censored} that I thought was so important and such a key to my tone.




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