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earplugs... turns out they work


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so i admit, i was in the camp that thought i was too cool for school when it came to earplugs, its rock and roll right?!? well, my mom actually came to one of our shows and then sent me a pair of Etymotic plugs. i kept them in the package for a while and finally used them last night. they actually are really good, you can still hear what you need to play but when you are standing next to a drummer who plays insanely loud or right in front of a couple 4x12s or both you don't get that piercing {censored} my face that hurts noise level that really doesn't make anything better or more rock and roll.


my grandma was basically deaf by the time she was 70 and lived to 93, thats a long time of not hearing anything. i guess when you are kid you think you are invincible and i really hope i haven't permanently damaged anything. after practice i clipped the ear plugs in their case to my key chain and am not going to be afraid to bust them out at shows or practices.

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I didn't wear mine Saturday night (and I still have ringing :facepalm:) b/c I had a few too many cocktails but I usually always wear them. We play loud enough to wear I can still hear everything just fine. Plus I'm used to wearing in-ears so it's an easy transition.

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I've used very good ones that let the sound through clearly, but at lower volumes. Here's my thing though...I like my music loud. I know it's stupid, but I get way more into it when it's so loud that I get lost in it. Putting earplugs in is like turning down the stereo at the party.

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I've used very good ones that let the sound through clearly, but at lower volumes. Here's my thing though...I like my music loud. I know it's stupid, but I get way more into it when it's so loud that I get lost in it. Putting earplugs in is like turning down the stereo at the party.



you know what, i would have said the same thing until last night. used to think they were dorky and would effect how i played. you still hear everything you need but good plugs will just block out the super over the top annoying stuff. we play loud, trust me, i am 28 and have been in bands for 10 years now and seen many many shows. you owe it to yourself to at least try it, i know that personally i still want to have a sensitive ear when i am 50. the drummer i am playing with right now is amazing but heavy hands is the understatement of the century, dude just beats the {censored} out of his kit. my amp is not exactly a bedroom rocker either, we play loud.


here are what i am using, not that expensive but better than others i have tried. they come with a cool, small case that you can put right on your key chain so you always have them.



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I always feel disconnected from the music with ear plugs in. maybe I need to try better ones?

I tried the Hearo plugs after hearing great reviews. They felt like the cheap ass ear plugs I use when running my gas powered trimmer. ie everything is muffled, and I end up tossing them mid practice. something about hearing and feeling the amp.

but yeah, I don't even care about that anymore. for the last 6 months or more, I've had this awful tearing sound in my left ear when things get loud. I don't know how to describe it, but even when a loud phone call happens, my ear just kinda shuts down. all I hear is the tearing/staticy noise. that {censored} is scary man, and even if I give it a few weeks to heal, it still rings badly the whole time.

I'm going to the doctor soon if it doesn't get any better.

what really really sucks, and more proof that I'm a dumbass... I'll start drinking when we have fun jams, and get back in to the "turn that {censored} up" mentality. So 3 beers in, I'm turned up far too loud, meaning my drummer has to hit the {censored} out of his cymbals, and...

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I always feel disconnected from the music with ear plugs in. maybe I need to try better ones?

I tried the Hearo plugs after hearing great reviews. They felt like the cheap ass ear plugs I use when running my gas powered trimmer. ie everything is muffled, and I end up tossing them mid practice. something about hearing and feeling the amp.

but yeah, I don't even care about that anymore. for the last 6 months or more, I've had this awful tearing sound in my left ear when things get loud. I don't know how to describe it, but even when a loud phone call happens, my ear just kinda shuts down. all I hear is the tearing/staticy noise. that {censored} is scary man, and even if I give it a few weeks to heal, it still rings badly the whole time.

I'm going to the doctor soon if it doesn't get any better.

what really really sucks, and more proof that I'm a dumbass... I'll start drinking when we have fun jams, and get back in to the "turn that {censored} up" mentality. So 3 beers in, I'm turned up far too loud, meaning my drummer has to hit the {censored} out of his cymbals, and...


This is usually when I forget/don't wear mine, if we're at the 11/12 slot and we get there at 8 and have been drinking since... :lol:


The foam/cushy things block too much for me and I can't use 'em. I have my own custom molded Westones which are great, and also the higher-priced Hearos which let plenty through. I can hear a ton more guitar than bass with them in, actually.

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you know what, i would have said the same thing until last night. used to think they were dorky and would effect how i played. you still hear everything you need but good plugs will just block out the super over the top annoying stuff. we play loud, trust me, i am 28 and have been in bands for 10 years now and seen many many shows. you owe it to yourself to at least try it, i know that personally i still want to have a sensitive ear when i am 50. the drummer i am playing with right now is amazing but many heavy hands is an understatement of the century, dude just beats the {censored} out of his kit. my amp is not exactly a bedroom rocker either, we play loud.

here are what i am using, not that expensive but better than others i have tried. they come with a cool, small case that you can put right on your key chain so you always have them.



I've tried those as well as the Hearos plugs and one other brand. I just can't get into it, man. I wish I could.

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This is usually when I forget/don't wear mine, if we're at the 11/12 slot and we get there at 8 and have been drinking since...

The foam/cushy things block too much for me and I can't use 'em. I have my own custom molded Westones which are great, and also the higher-priced Hearos which let plenty through. I can hear a ton more guitar than bass with them in, actually.

I'll give em a shot! Thanks, breaux!!

I'm tired of this shiz. it's not cool anymore.

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Did you end up getting your Whitebox? How is that thing?



Not yet. Someone on here said that they waited 4 weeks. So that's my plan. If I go 4 weeks and still haven't even heard back from them I am just going to call and cancel.

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I use the etymotic ones linked above as well.

Ive also noticed (by accident cuz I took an ex to a gig once and she wanted to use my plugs) that a lot of gigs sound better with earplugs too. I think a lot of times the sound guy is wearing plugs, so it cancels out some high end in his ears...So, if you dont have them in, everything is ice picky as {censored}...put em in, and its {censored}ing sonic gold.

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in my last band, i wore earplugs every time. i could hear myself sing backups more easily with them in, and on the way home afterwards, my ears weren't all ringing. i kept extra pairs in my gig bags and i always keep 2 pair in my wallet and put them at concerts, etc..

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I bought several pairs of Alpine Music safe plugs for my band and no one wants to wear them:facepalm: Our stage volume isnt stupid loud so most of the time its not bad. some shows are crazy though and we all should wear them. I like the price of the ones posted on here, the MusicSafe ones are alot more than that. They work work good though:thu:

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the new group of guys I'm playing with are in this tiny little room so it's obscenely loud. I'm running My JCA100 into my avatar and whitebox 2x12's with the amp volume at noon. Our drummer is freakishly loud so everyone turns up to match him :facepalm:


the hearos work pretty well but I wouldn't mind trying these.




The hearo high fi plugs do a good job of making it not sound like you've got your head underwater like the cheap foam plugs but it seems that with the high fi plugs or even with nice inner ear monitors I lose a certain degree of sonic "awareness" for lack of a better description where I can hear what's going on but it's harder for me to interpret what I hear.. makes no sense :cry:

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I've been meaning to invest in a decent set of earplugs. We have a jar full of the Hearos ear plugs in our rehearsal room, but those things do absolute {censored}. They just attenuate the highs a bit and leave everything else too loud loud. I want a set with balanced attenuation that covers all the necessary frequencies.

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Due to surgeries and so on, I see a specialist for my ears, part of which involves a hearing test. I started seeing him before I got back into playing drums again, which was before I started playing in bands again...and my hearing isn't getting any worse.


Kind of interesting, but, true. I see him about every 6mo. I've thought about getting hearing protection (fitted earplugs) from the ear doc, at a cost of nearly $200 for the set, but, I also know that when I play with ear plugs (or in-ear monitors), I have a tendency to play a LOT louder...I mean full bore, I'm having to tape up my hands loud, because I can't seem to get that balance. Ear doc says the fitted plus would do the trick, but, that's a $200 experiment, and I'm not seeing hearing loss yet on my audiology tests.


Probably too late once I start seeing loss...but it's one of those things that just gets put on the back burner...

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I've been meaning to invest in a decent set of earplugs. We have a jar full of the Hearos ear plugs in our rehearsal room, but those things do absolute {censored}. They just attenuate the highs a bit and leave everything else too loud loud. I want a set with balanced attenuation that covers all the necessary frequencies.



Yep those foamy things are the worst IME.

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I've been meaning to invest in a decent set of earplugs. We have a jar full of the Hearos ear plugs in our rehearsal room, but those things do absolute {censored}. They just attenuate the highs a bit and leave everything else too loud loud. I want a set with balanced attenuation that covers all the necessary frequencies.



the high fidelity hearos (rebranded etymotics) do a pretty good job at keeping the high's. It's really just like turning the volume of all frequencies down evenly. There's a bit extra top end roll off but nothing NEAR as bad as the cheap foam ones. Those are the worst.

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