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Todays Lesson: Karma...she's watching


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So IMMEDIATELY after I sucked it up and paid that guy for the busted up amp the following happened:


1. Felt better

2. Less Stressed

3. Project that wasn't working now is

4. UPS approved my claim in full

5. A freing messaged me on FB said hes looking for a 6505 combo for cheap :eek:



So Karma folks karma.

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holy {censored}, are you joking??

Congrats, dude!!! I was hoping you'd speak with the right person at UPS. each person doing claims up there has the ability to approve it, and it's all in how willing they are to not be a dick. I won't lie, even working for UPS, I still ran across a bunch of people that were just dicks. I'm sure they hated their jobs, and they were extremely unreasonable. enough to make rational people pissed and give up hope on getting their claim paid. UPS loves that {censored}.

either way, good on ya!

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