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Thought the speech was great . Truly agree with most of his ideas and if Washington wasnt so {censored}ed , a lot of would have gotten done. Im willing to give him another 4 years. He needs to stop being a {censored} though and forget about political ramifications for a bit. I think he would have a lot more of the American public behind him if he stopped trying to straddle the line and just did what was right no matter who it pissed off

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Here's the thing. Great speech. He's a fantastic speaker.


He had a TON of great ideas last night...the problem is just that...they've always just been ideas. He's never offered a proposed solution as to how he will implement those ideas.


Hell we all have great ideas on how to fix various things. Until you lay out a solution, they're just pipe dreams.

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being slightly better than the worst president in history does not grant a pass in my book.

being a great speaker means {censored} in terms of being a great president. dude had majority in congress for 2 years and turned out a piece of {censored} healthcare bill, awesome.

all his speeches and promises are just that: pipe dreams. and were about to lap that {censored} up again.

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Here's the thing. Great speech. He's a fantastic speaker.

He had a TON of great ideas last night...the problem is just that...they've always just been ideas. He's never offered a proposed solution as to how he will implement those ideas.

Hell we all have great ideas on how to fix various things. Until you lay out a solution, they're just pipe dreams.



Pretty sure that's a lot of congress' fault too.


I like Obama. I wish he had done a bit more to be proactive. He kind of disappeared after he got elected, which is a shame.


I'll vote for him because he followed through on the one campaign promise that I actually thought was in reach: removing troops from Iraq.


Apart from that, he is kind of handcuffed by his {censored}ty "let's make SOPA/PIPA into law!" congress.

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Sad but true. I cannot stand Obama's ideas, but there are 0 contenders. I will still vote to get him out of office, but don't really see anyhting that is better. Just hoping maybe they can stall some of his insane ideas from getting implemented, until a real alternative becomes available. I also think he will get re-elcted unfortunately.

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Pretty sure that's a lot of congress' fault too.

I like Obama. I wish he had done a bit more to be proactive. He kind of disappeared after he got elected, which is a shame.

I'll vote for him because he followed through on the one campaign promise that I actually thought was in reach: removing troops from Iraq.

Apart from that, he is kind of handcuffed by his {censored}ty "let's make SOPA/PIPA into law!" congress.



Oh I agree. I've said for the past 4 years we just need to start over...Get all the lifers out of their, and get people in there who are ACTUALLY in touch with American citizens. Not the rich millionaires and billionaires that plague Washington DC.


There should also be laws against lobbyists and campaign funding. It's out of control. When you have corporations who are just funneling money left and right at "their guy" because they know by doing that, "their guy" will end up being their yes man for laws/regulations.


Everyone in DC is a crook, which is why we need a fresh start. I'm tired of them all. Both sides. It's a constant fight against each other in order to save political face...Enough with the partisanship, we need people who are willing to cross party lines and start getting things done that should have been done ages ago.

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being slightly better than the worst president in history does not grant a pass in my book.

Agreed, but the reality is that the clowns we have to choose from to replace him are even worse.

Gingrich? Please, he's a racist, sub-human neanderthal, which won him a ton of votes in SC, but won't play well anywhere people are actually educated. You also can't underestimate the level of hypocrisy that he's engaged in, claiming to support the "sanctity of marriage" while being divorced twice and known to have cheated on both of those wives. But in his defense, his did wait until his first wife was diagnosed with cancer to divorce her, because he has integrity and values ;)

Santorum? Yeah, just what we need, another delusional, evangelical meathead that thinks he speaks for God.

Romney? He's both sane and educated, which apparently offends a large percentage of the rank and file Republicans who prefer their candidates to be both bat {censored} crazy AND dumber than a bag of hammers. But seriously, he claims to have experience "creating jobs", but his fortune was actually made by dismantling companies and selling off the assets, typically leaving the employees jobless, and often robbing them of their pension in the process as well. Mmmm.....classy!

Ron Paul? He has a lot of very good points, but sadly has just as many points that he makes that are beyond stupid. He wants to eliminate the EPA, in essence creating a business climate where corporations would be free to pollute to their hearts content, which would help profit margins in the short term, but would put us on a fast road to irreversible environmental disaster. He also wants to eliminate all Federal funding for education, which wins him points with the inbred, illiterate crowd that makes up the Tea Party, but makes him look downright insane to people who are actually educated enough to understand the consequences of such actions.

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Eh, mixed bag.

Would've considered Huntsman had he not gone bye-bye.



I would have voted for him in a second, but he made the mistake of running for the nomination from a party that puts a premium on ignorance and stupidity. He is intelligent and loves his country first and his party second, which basically amounted to Kryptonite with fellow Republicans. The fact that he is an American first and a Republican second put him squarely at odds with the rest of the party, who are blindly loyal to their party rather than their country. These are the same ignorant pieces of human filth who claim forwards and backwards to be fiscal conservatives, yet they've openly supported a party that hasn't come within a hundred miles of being fiscally conservative in our lifetime. The Republican presidential administrations in our lifetime have ranged from fiscally reckless to fiscally criminal. The Bush administration inherited the largest budget surplus in the history of our country, and in one year turned it into a record deficit. Anyone who was actually a fiscal conservative AND really loved their country took great offense to this, but I don't know a single Republican who was angry about this at all. Their loyalty to their party far outweighed any love they have for their country, so they openly supported their party even though it's actions were clearly not in the best interest of this country. Then, as if that weren't bad enough, they have the nerve to pretend that they had nothing to do with the enormous federal debt that we have accumulated, even though the vast majority of it came courtesy of the Reagan and Bush (Sr and Jr) administrations that they all openly supported. Behavior like that is nothing short of sub-human, but that's the name of the game with the Republican party. Partisan opportunists masquerading as patriots. They aren't fooling anyone with the god given sense to wipe after they crap, but they'll continue to lie because it's the Republican way. Having no decency or conscience is apparently a prerequisite to joining the party. Huntsman failed that test big time.

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And they're even giving themselves a round of applause for doing exactly that. As difficult as it is to unseat an incumbent, you'd think the GOP would have thrown up some better options. Oh well. It's all okay by me.

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The Republicans are already eating themselves alive. Nobody really likes Romney, for a multitude of reasons. The most prominent being, in my opinion, that he has no ability to empathize with regular people. Because he never was one.


Santorum is a clown.


Newt will, at some point, implode. Which I can't wait for as it will be very entertaining.


Ron Paul, being the only candidate that has been consistent all along, is already marginalized. If you were paying attention last night during the interview with David Plouffe, he only mentioned the other three candidates as potential nominees. Not because they think Paul is already done, which is how they want you to percieve it. But because they are fearful of him gaining more support. They know his message is very popular and for the most part, wholly endorsed by the average shmoe.


OH, Tubes>>>>>>SS

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The Republicans are already eating themselves alive. Nobody really likes Romney, for a multitude of reasons. The most prominent being, in my opinion, that he has no ability to empathize with regular people. Because he never was one.

Santorum is a clown.

Newt will, at some point, implode. Which I can't wait for as it will be very entertaining.

Ron Paul, being the only candidate that has been consistent all along, is already marginalized. If you were paying attention last night during the interview with David Plouffe, he only mentioned the other three candidates as potential nominees. Not because they think Paul is already done, which is how they want you to percieve it. But because they are fearful of him gaining more support. They know his message is very popular and for the most part, wholly endorsed by the average shmoe.

OH, Tubes>>>>>>SS



If Ron Paul Runs next term I will consider him over all other Repulitwats. BUT I would imagine "his" party would block him just as much as they do Obama.

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