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Need a ruling on this one

The Anomaly

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I don't do {censored} on Father's Day. My son already knows what's up. I sit in my backyard with a cooler full of beers and chill the {censored} out all day long. I am a single parent and already do a lot on every other day of the year. So on Father's Day, I don't do {censored}. I MAY order a pizza but the kid has to pick it up at the door when it arrives and give the man the money. Because I ain't doing that either.

This is why you rule :lol:

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I don't do {censored} on Father's Day. My son already knows what's up. I sit in my backyard with a cooler full of beers and chill the {censored} out all day long. I am a single parent and already do a lot on every other day of the year. So on Father's Day, I don't do {censored}. I MAY order a pizza but the kid has to pick it up at the door when it arrives and give the man the money. Because I ain't doing that either.

{censored}ing :lol:

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I love cooking for my family, I don't care what day it is, father's day, birthday ... whatever. My wife and I are renewing our vows next year and I'm cooking (doing a BBQ, steelhead, ribeyes and lamb); can't wait.

Im with my brother Issy on this one but thats because my passion for cooking is equal to my passion for music; Im a serious foodie who actually did a summer session at The French Culinary Institute here in NYC..


To the OP, you havent mentioned your side of the Family. Are they still around?

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On a serious note, since my last reply was tongue in cheek...


Father's day isn't about being pampered. It's a day set aside where you get to spend time with your family.


This difference became abundantly clear to me after my divorce. It's a day where spending time with dad supercedes all plans. Cherish it. Who cares who's serving?

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Mother's day I'll take her out, make her feel special. On father's day I feel special enough just being with family, I don't need pampering and {censored} like she does because I haz the nads. Maybe it's a ciultural thing but I don't even understand why this is a thread.

Hitting the nail on the head again...


I do like being with my son and my Dad on fathers day though and it really doesnt matter if Im being catered to or doing the catering; Its all about La Famiglia...

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Im with my brother Issy on this one but thats because my passion for cooking is equal to my passion for music; Im a serious foodie who actually did a summer session at The French Culinary Institute here in NYC..

To the OP, you havent mentioned your side of the Family. Are they still around?



I should go back and edit the OP.


My Dad died when I was 4, and my little one goes to her bio-dad's that day, so, really, there's not much for me to celebrate that day, other than to facilitate my missus being with her Dad, which, is fine by me. I guess there may be some feelings deep down about that going on.

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My Dad died when I was 4, and my little one goes to her bio-dad's that day, so, really, there's not much for me to celebrate that day, other than to facilitate my missus being with her Dad, which, is fine by me. I guess there may be some feelings deep down about that going on.



That's a huge bummer, and I'm real sorry to hear that. But I gotta say ... Rewrite that script so it's a day you can enjoy and look forward to my friend, life's way too {censored}ing short!! PS: My dad committed suicide, so I know a thing or two about "script" writing.

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For my stepdad father's day was all about the grilling. Dude loves to grill and simply saw it as another excuse to bust out his 2k grilling whatchamahoozit.

I think it's a little petty, the only day that's YOUR day is your birthday.

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That's a huge bummer, and I'm real sorry to hear that. But I gotta say ... Rewrite that script so it's a day you can enjoy and look forward to my friend, life's way too {censored}ing short!! PS: My dad committed suicide, so I know a thing or two about "script" writing.

I gotta say that for both of you dudes, Fathers day has got to be a little tough. I cant imagine as my dad is still with me and doing well but It has definitely changed since I became a dad. With all the joy that my son has given me, Fathers day is more about him than it is about me if that makes any sense..



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First, good on you for being a good Dad to your step daughter.


Second, Father's Day for me is another bs greeting card day or a day for dept stores to push lawn equipment.


Family gets together but we dont really do much for gifts besides a card for which I say, spend that $5 on something else. Can of fast fret, pack of strings or something.


We have family over and grill out (I cook and prepare it all and most often do the clean up as well). Been that way since kid #1.


Mother's Day I do the same thing except I get my wife and mother a card and flowers or I never hear the end of it :lol:

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With all the joy that my son has given me, Fathers day is more about him than it is about me if that makes any sense.



Makes perfect sense. Great is the moment when one realizes there is greater joy to be ensuring others find theirs. Not suggesting I'm some kinda altruist, I'm not, just sayin'.

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I gotta say that for both of you dudes, Fathers day has got to be a little tough. I cant imagine as my dad is still with me and doing well but It has definitely changed since I became a dad. With all the joy that my son has given me, Fathers day is more about him than it is about me if that makes any sense..




That makes total sense, and like I said, that may creep into my mind, not having my little one around, and not having a Dad either, the day really becomes about the missus. I guess I need to realize, that's what it is.

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the more time you spend in front of a grill the less time you have to hear the women talk about absolute NONSENSE and drag you into gossip and heresay. The grill is the mans great escape from minutia.

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That makes total sense, and like I said, that may creep into my mind, not having my little one around, and not having a Dad either, the day really becomes about the missus. I guess I need to realize, that's what it is.

When you are able to control and change your perception of things, EVERYTHING becomes easier and awesome. I dont really have a perception on fathers day, yet...thisll be my first and it doesnt really count since James is still a fetus :lol:, but I know that for me, itd be about doing it up billy style...whatever the {censored} I wanna do. And I know that Leah will be behind that 100%.

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the more time you spend in front of a grill the less time you have to hear the women talk about absolute NONSENSE and drag you into gossip and heresay. The grill is the mans great escape from minutia.

This is 100% true, and I really should relish this fact, because they do talk about a BUNCH of {censored} that I care nothing about, and my MIL's voice could cut through concrete at times, so . . . :lol:

On the flip side, I have learned to mentally tune that stuff out, so, it doesn't bother me, but yeah, I'll chill on my deck with some beers for some "me" time.

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You are a dude. The privilege of having a pair and a member is balanced by also bearing the responsibility for everything. It's just the way it works. If anything, maybe you can compromise by running the grill (it's a societal norm that's expected of you) and letting somebody else do the serving/cleaning. Though honestly, most of the time grilling out shouldn't require serving anybody. Here's a pile of meat and a pair of tongs, help yourself. Easy, right?


Also, I've gotta admit, the whole Mother's Day counterargument seems kind of off-base to me. Maybe it's different in other families, but with me/my wife, everybody pitches in, nobody really gets the day "off".

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That makes total sense, and like I said, that may creep into my mind, not having my little one around, and not having a Dad either, the day really becomes about the missus. I guess I need to realize, that's what it is.

On the other hand, If you really are like to her daughter, the you definitely deserve a fair share of respect and attention, especially when she isnt really your own kid. I do think its cool that you are acknowledged by the mother in law..


For me, Past fathers days were always great but If it werent for my son, I wouldnt be a father and being a dad is hands down, the best thing to ever happen to me so the day has taken on a whole new meaning.

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So basically the only father figure you've had in your life has been your gf's dad...for 11yrs

With that said, cook that man some bbq and quit yer whining. At this point it's more about him than yourself imo. Kinda like the 'respect your elders' kinda thing, ya know?

Make the best of it. Sometimes catering to others can be quite rewarding if your heart and attitude is right ;)

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So basically the only father figure you've had in your life has been your gf's dad...for 11yrs

With that said, cook that man some bbq and quit yer whining. At this point it's more about him than yourself imo. Kinda like the 'respect your elders' kinda thing, ya know?

Make the best of it. Sometimes catering to others can be quite rewarding if your heart and attitude is right


Yeah, and I was already 30 when he came along, so, I didn't really need one or think of him like that, at that point. No worries though, I turned out really well, for the most part, because of me mum.

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Yeah, and I was already 30 when he came along, so, I didn't really need one or think of him like that, at that point. No worries though, I turned out really well, for the most part, because of me mum.

Yeah I can see where youre coming from. I was just bustin' your balls a little bro ;)

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